Nightmare Laurel - Dark Spirit Haunted Doll
Laurel had a rough start that began way before most people's life turns rough. Two lifetimes ago, her mother didn't want to be pregnant and she didn't want to have any children, so she tried to abort her. No doctor. No hospital. She attempted to do it at home. I'll spare you the details. If you end up adopting her, and you wish to know how her mother made this attempt, I will tell you upon request.
She lived through it and was born at 7 months' gestation. Her mother cut the umbilical cord herself when she gave birth to her alone in her home. She then put her in a basket and took her into the woods and left her for dead. If it weren't for a young couple walking on a path through the woods to visit a friend, she would have died. The young couple found her and took her in. They named her Eleanor.
Eleanor looked like a normal baby to them aside from some scratches on her face and bruises on her body. As she grew, however, she started to look disturbing. Her right eye fell lower than the left, almost as low as her left nostril. Her right ear grew shut. Her teeth came through like shark's teeth. Her arms were only about half as long as they should have been, and her left foot grew a sixth toe. This all happened due to the way her mother attempted the abortion.
Eleanor did not realize she was different from other kids, because her new parents kept her hidden in their home. When she was 6 years old, she heard kids laughing and playing close by to their home. There were new neighbors, and these neighbors had three kids. One of them was Eleanor's age. Eleanor peaked out the window and saw how much fun they were having. She knew her parents would not allow her to go out to play with them, because all her life they insisted she would get ill if she went outside because of a rare disease, so she snuck out when they were busy cooking.
When she got out, she started to cough right away. Her lungs were not used to fresh air. She also had a horrible headache from the sun burning her eyes. It wasn't going to stop her though. She was going to have fun with those kids!
She ran over to where she had seen the kids playing through the window. Two boys and one girl. They were all close to her age. One of the boys was just a month older than her. When they saw her, they screamed, and they ran into their house. This confused Eleanor, because she didn't know why she was frightening. Then she realized that she looked much different from these other children, and this saddened her.
She saw another child in the yard across the street. She ran over to her and asked if she wanted to play. The little girl screamed and ran into her home, too. Eleanor ran home, tears in her eyes, and demanded her parents tell her why she looked so much different from other kids. Neither of them knew what to tell her, because they did not know themselves. Eleanor ran upstairs to her bedroom, opened the bedroom window, and jumped to her death.
Fast forward to her most recent past life. She was born into an English family in 1908 just three years after she committed suicide at the young age of 6. That is probably record time for reincarnation. She obviously wanted her do-over quickly.
She had a happy life with her parents and her older brother. They had a great life with good fortune, and her family was very close. Her name in this lifetime was Laurel.
When Laurel was five years old, she started to see pictures in her head. Almost like watching a movie. A SCARY MOVIE. One day, she realized that these movies felt very familiar. She started to remember going through these situations herself. It was not movies at all. It was memories of her past life.
This went on for years. The longer she lived, the more nightmarish visions she would have of the various parts of her past life. There were some happy times. There was love from her parents. But the rest of her life felt torturous. The part she re-lived the most, over and over again, was the abortion her mother attempted to orchestrate. She would actually feel the pain now each time the visions came. It felt as if someone was doing this to her now, and it started to drive her insane.
When Laurel was 19 years old, she confided in her best friend about her previous life, and about the nightmares. Her friend instinctively knew this was why Laurel seemed like she was a little over the edge at times. She had heard of a demon who would help people with anything they needed, as long as they were willing to make a trade. Their souls. The demon's name was Zellus. Laurel's friend asked around and found out how Laurel could contact Zellus to ask for his help. When she got her answer, she gave the information to Laurel on how to find him and what to say to conjure him. Laurel did just that, and soon she was making a deal with Zellus.
Laurel decided the best way to stop having nightmares is if Zellus were to torture the spirit of the woman who did this to her. She asked him to find the woman who tried to abort her in her previous life, as she was sure it was this woman's spirit that was bringing these memories to her mind. In return, Zellus would have her soul to do with as he wished.
Laurel was told to wait five days, and she would soon start having visions of her birth mother from her previous life being tortured. Five days later, she was still having the same visions and feelings of going through the attempted abortion. No visions of the woman being tortured. Six days later, the same thing. Seven days, and so on. She finally realized she was duped. She sold her soul and got nothing in return.
Laurel passed away only 7 months after she made this deal with Zellus. She passed from untreated pneumonia. She tells us her soul is in limbo. Zellus told her the only way she could be freed and have her soul back so that she can move on and try to have a happy afterlife is if she found three more people to make deals with him. She said if she can do this, she will be released and she will be free, but now she's not even sure if that's what she wants. She needs someone she can trust to help her through this decision-making process. She said she loves a challenge, so it sounds inviting to attempt to find three more people who will make deals with Zellus, especially since Zellus said he doubted she could do it. The first thing she asked Meta after telling Meta of her history was, "Would you like to sell your soul"? Of course, Meta said NO.
Laurel is misguided, and she needs someone to help her love, rather than continue to hate. Meta feels Laurel can be swayed to go to the light side with the right friend(s).
Laurel says that if she loves her new keeper and her new keeper makes her happy and gives her the feel-good vibes she always wished she could feel, she will give them any one thing in the world they wish for. And after that, she said you'll just be the best of friends, "seeing what we can get into".
Her eyes were "broken" when we received her. (Hanging inside her head). We got them fixed by a professional doll maker. Six days later, her eyes fell inside her head again. We took her vessel back to the doll maker again and this time he fixed them in a different way and told us they should not fall in again. But the next day, they were inside her head once again. She told Meta if we attempt to fix them again, she'll just break them again. So at this point, we are not going to make any further attempts.
Laurel likes green Jell-o, fig cookies, hot or cold tea, yarn, beads, Pez dispensers with Pez candies, and watching movies about love, family, and camaraderie as offerings. Her favorite color is red.
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