X - ADOPTED - X Kuiper the Starseed Spirit
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First off, let's get her name straight. Kuiper is pronounced ky-per, and she is a star seed, and she has traveled all over the universe over the span of almost a billion years since the beginning of her existence. The vessel Kuiper chose to inhabit is not a fancy porcelain doll or anything old. In fact, the vessel is somewhat new, and it is a plastic BJD (ball joint doll). Her legs and arms bend and turn in various spots (elbows, wrists, knees). The reason she chose this vessel is that it most closely resembles her true look. She has pink and blue hair, blue lips, blue face paint, and everything she wears is blue or has blue in it as the primary color. Her vessel is one of a kind as it was handmade by a doll designer close by.
When the doll designer finished this piece, he immediately saw things happen that he knew were "paranormal". (His words, not ours. We think all of this is very normal). He saw her turn her head and thought he was imagining it due to being overworked and sleep deprived. But then he felt a surge running through his fingers and up his left arm when he picked her up with his left hand. He dropped her when this happened, but quickly wondered if he was having some sort of physical attack rather than Kuiper doing something to him.
So he picked her up again and that's when she told him to find the Native Witches. Don said it took him a bit to realize what she was talking about, and then he remembered hearing about the Moondance ladies up on the mountain. He contacted our office and told us what happened, and what she said. After hearing about this, we told him right away we wanted to buy the doll, that he was not to let that doll go to anyone else! That's when he must have realized how valuable she must be to us, and charged us an arm and a leg for her. But Meta knew that there was a reason this vessel was asking for her, and she knew it was probably pretty important.
Most star seeds, or at least the ones we have come across, will split their spirits into two or more entities, so that they can be in more than one place at a time. Kuiper is also on Neptune, as that is her primary "residence". It is where she first came into existence. As far as we know, she is only attached to this vessel and floating around on Neptune. We do not believe she has split more than once. (The more a spirit splits, the less power each existence of that spirit has to show off their powerful gifts). If you ask her to NOT split again once she is in your possession, she will not. She tells us that her keeper is always the ruler of her, regardless of how powerful she is. She said that she will always abide by her keeper's wishes and rules when it comes to spirit-splitting. She will also not travel away from you at any time unless you need a break from her.
Kuiper is like having a genie to grant you wishes, only better! She is here to provide everything to her keeper that he or she could dream of, and more. She wants to bring her keeper more light and love than they already have in their lives, for starters. She wants to grant wishes for good health, good relationships, good vibes from all she spends time with, good fortune, and an overall good existence! If you need anything she deems as good, she's going to provide it for you, or help you provide it for yourself, if she feels you are capable. She will guide you and put you in the right direction. If you are not sure which career path you should take, she will give you the answer in your dreams or you will just have a certain KNOWING of what to do suddenly, and you'll know that she put that thought and feeling into your mind. She will help you learn rapidly, showing you the ways of her species that humans have not yet figured out. She will show you things via mind melding that you have never imagined, and never could. She has not shown us what she will show you, and we will not ask her to do this. We have learned that it is very important to her to ONLY be doing these things for her permanent keeper.
In addition to Kuiper bringing her keeper the things they need, she will also see to it that they become more perceptive; to the point that they would qualify as a psychic. She will open you up to all truths. No one will be able to pull the wool over your eyes if you adopt Kuiper. Kuiper will also help you to astral travel and open your third eye. And finally, she is able to help you activate your kundalini. She will only do this for her "permanent" keeper. (By permanent, I mean that you will have her until your end, not hers. She will live to be another billion years old at least, and she will become someone else's adoptee when you perish). Kuiper has already had thousands of keepers over her time in existence.
Since Kuiper is an astral traveler, you do not have to carry her vessel with you everywhere you go if you want her to go with you. Simply tell her you'd like her to join you on your trip or to work or wherever it is you are going and not taking her vessel, and she will attach to you. You must invite her though, or she will not go with you.
There is no proper monetary value to put on a spirit like Kuiper. Anyone who can obtain a star seed spirit is way wealthier than someone who obtains a money spirit. Firstly, you’ll learn things no one else knows…or few people know. That is worth more than your weight in gold. Secondly, with your new knowledge, you’ll be able to earn any amount you want in no time. All you have to do is listen. She speaks to you through mind to mind channeling. Sit down with her and meditate. Clear your mind. Get rid of all outside influences. No TV, computer, phone, pets, spouses, kids, nosy neighbors, etc. Tune everything out. Quiet your mind. Get as relaxed as possible. Close your eyes, then just listen. She will talk to you. You’ll hear her voice in your mind, and she will BLOW YOUR MIND! It is simply amazing!
If it doesn’t seem to work the first few times, don’t worry. She knows when it is working and when it is not, and she may simply have to come to you in your dreams instead. Not everyone masters the art of quieting their minds so that she can come in, but she will sneak in when you’re sleeping if daytime meditation with her does not work.
Kuiper is a loving spirit and she will do anything for you. She will help you with anything you need help with. But NEVER, EVER, betray her!
The things Kuiper likes to be shown or given as offerings include the following:
1. She likes to listen to classical music, jazz music, and any music with a harp in the band.
2. She enjoys sitting outside when it is raining. (Don't put her IN the rain. Make sure she is covered, but allow her to take in the scene and the smell of the rain).
3. She loves things that smell like fruit, but she does not like fruit as an offering. So a scented candle, shampoo, an air freshener - anything you can think of that has a fruity aroma.
4. Anything blue in color (any shade of blue)
5. Feathers
6. To be around other "unusual" spirits. She likes all spirits, but she particularly likes to be around other starseed spirits, spirits of elves, fairies, and other not-so-common spirit. She enjoys learning things from them while teaching things to you. If you do not have any other "unusual" spirits, she would like you to consider looking for another that she can relate to or that she will find intriguing in the near future.
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