Justice Spell Cast - Bring Justice to Someone
Update: You must now contact us before ordering a justice spell. Email us with the situation. We will need to know things such as what it is you wish to accomplish and why, among other things, in order for us to decide if we are willing to cast this spell for you. Give us as many details as you can in your initial email so we don't have to go back and forth asking more.
There have been way too many people ordering this spell for petty retaliation and for hateful reasons. We are not about that. We do not hate, and we do not try to spread hatred. If you or a loved one have truthfully been physically harmed in some way or repeatedly verbally abused by a spouse or significant other to the point it caused you chronic emotional trauma or PTSD and the perpetrator did not receive his or her justice by the court system, a Dark Magick Spell or a Justice Spell can be cast if Stormy agrees to take on your case.
We are trying to create a better world of love and light and we will not help people make a bigger mess of this world than it already is. Thank you for your understanding.
p.s. You can't even imagine how much better you will feel if you try to love more and hate less! It also has scientifically proven health benefits! It is no secret that people who seem to hate everyone around them everywhere they go are actually not happy with themselves. Let's work on that, instead. We can help! :)
Warning: Stormy is EXTREMELY busy with work as well as family life. At the time of this update, I am currently looking at her schedule to see that she is booked for the next 20 days. It is not unusual for her to be booked out for two to three weeks at any given time. If you do order a custom spell or any other spell, please expect some wait time. The ONLY matters that are considered as urgent are if you have a curse to be removed, you have demons in your home, or you are under psychic attack. All other orders will be scheduled at the end of the line.
The Justice Spell
This spell is for bringing justice to someone for something they have done to harm you or someone you love. Karma will eventually bring justice to them as well, but sometimes Karma is a little slow. Stormy is not. She will make things happen much more quickly. They will get what they deserve.
Stormy will only cast this spell for legit reasons. Someone "stealing" your boyfriend or girlfriend is not considered as a legit reason. (No one can steal anyone from you. We all have free will to do as we wish).
If someone talks behind your back, that is also not a good enough reason for Stormy to spend her time and energy casting this spell.
A few examples of legitimate reasons for the gods and goddesses to see to it that Stormy's request is seen through:
- Someone framed you or someone you love and you or they are doing time for a crime you/they did not commit.
- You or someone you care about was physically harmed for no legitimate reason (you did not pick a fight or harm them first)
- You or someone you care about receives a death threat or a threat of severe bodily harm
- Someone you care about was killed
Things that are NOT considered legitimate reasons:
- You just don't like the person
- The person "stole", or is trying to steal your significant other
- The person is not nice to you or doesn't do what you want them to do
- The person is after the same job or promotion as you
- And other petty reasons like the ones listed above this line!
None of these above reasons will be seen by the gods and goddesses as good reasons to punish someone. Stormy may agree to cast the spell, but if the gods and goddesses just feel that you are the problem instead of them, or that your reasons for wanting them to suffer are not sufficient, the spell is not likely to work.
Not liking the way someone looks, how they are cranky or act like dicks or bitches, or how they look at you are not reasons for the gods and goddesses to decide the person should lose a limb, lose their jobs, lose their spouse, or become severely ill or injured.
Email us before purchasing if you are unsure if your reason for asking for a justice spell is legit.
After you purchase the spell, email us with the following:
- YOUR full name as it is now (your real name)
- The full legal name of the person for whom you are seeking justice
- A face photo of the person above (no filters of any kind, eyes open)
- A face photo of YOU (same way)
- The person in line 2's birthday
- The address, minus the street name and number, of the person in line 2. (City, State, & Zip if in USA. Province, Territory, and any other important information aside from street name & number for International clients)
- The reason for the justice spell (what has this person done to you or to someone you care about). Give as many details as possible please if you wish to be considered for a candidate to order this spell.
If you would like to see the instructions before purchasing so that you'll know in advance what will be required of you to keep the spell charged, please send us an email.
Why there is a shipping fee for spells cast:
In most cases, depending upon the type of spell, Stormy creates a mojo bag with powerful ingredients that she uses specifically for YOU and for YOUR SPELL. She uses it in her spell-casting ritual and she will give it to us once she is finished with it. We will ship it to you with instructions on how to keep your spell charged using this mojo bag. Every package that leaves here is shipped via UPS or another Expedited Delivery Service so that your package arrives quickly. It will also be insured and include a tracking number, which will be sent to you once we ship your mojo kit.
The mojo "kit" consists of the mojo bag, of course, instructions on how to keep the spell charged using the mojo bag, and any other necessary items for keeping your spell charged which could include a candle, crystals and/or other items, depending upon the spell. If a candle is needed, ONE starter chime candle is sent with your kit. You may need to purchase more candles, depending upon how many times you will need to charge your spell before results are seen.
A nice compliment to this spell is our WICKED RETALIATION POTION!
As with all of our products and services, it is a requirement for you to read our TOS before making each and every purchase, as you are dealing with extremely powerful energy when you order spells, potions, or even readings. We have disclaimers and warning so we can't be held liable for anything that happens when you order our products and services, but most importantly, the information is there as a safeguard for you so that you will know exactly what you are getting into when you purchase from us. By purchasing this product or service, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to our TOS.
(A separate window will pop up so you won't lose your place here).
If you have any questions regarding our products, please contact us.
Blessed be!
April B.
Operations Manager
(You must be a verified customer to be able to join our private group). You will be able to discuss your results and experiences with our other customers and clients!
my sister was raped and justice wasn't served through the legal system so i hired stormy to take care of the bastard and she did. i use to keep tabs on everything this monster did because i wasn't going to rest until he paid. my sis was only 14 when it happened so he took her innocence and left her with scars. my coworkers wife is a cop and she told him that the rapist was found in an alleyway bleeding and screaming last night because he was stabbed in both legs and castrated. he lived though and that's what i wanted. i wanted him to live but suffer the rest of his life and so it will be. i'm going to visit usa someday and stormy you'll be the first one i visit so i can give you a big hug. spell was cast beginning of july , balls gone august 14. not bad at all.
Stormy cast a karma spell on my step-father who abused me when I was living under his roof and two days later he was in the hospital having his leg amputated because gangrene set in. You could say it's a coincidence but there was nothing wrong with him for this to happen. no infection. no injury. no issues at all. She will be my go-to for all spell work from now on!
It took about 4 weeks, but then the person who wronged my wife got the same exact thing back. I saw it with my own eyes or I wouldn't believe it and April even contacted me the day before it happened. and said Stormy had a vision of it happening within a day or too. She said she does not always get premonitions right before something will come to fruit but with this she did so she had April tell me to get ready and she was right. I wouldn't of scene it if April didn't contact me because I wouldn't of gone to a certain place to see what I saw without this premonition. I won't hesitate to use Stormy again for more services and I hihgly reccommend!
That bastard won’t hurt little girls again. Thank you!
my sister was raped and justice wasn't served through the legal system so i hired stormy to take care of the bastard and she did. i use to keep tabs on everything this monster did because i wasn't going to rest until he paid. my sis was only 14 when it happened so he took her innocence and left her with scars. my coworkers wife is a cop and she told him that the rapist was found in an alleyway bleeding and screaming last night because he was stabbed in both legs and castrated. he lived though and that's what i wanted. i wanted him to live but suffer the rest of his life and so it will be. i'm going to visit usa someday and stormy you'll be the first one i visit so i can give you a big hug. spell was cast beginning of july , balls gone august 14. not bad at all.
Stormy cast a karma spell on my step-father who abused me when I was living under his roof and two days later he was in the hospital having his leg amputated because gangrene set in. You could say it's a coincidence but there was nothing wrong with him for this to happen. no infection. no injury. no issues at all. She will be my go-to for all spell work from now on!
It took about 4 weeks, but then the person who wronged my wife got the same exact thing back. I saw it with my own eyes or I wouldn't believe it and April even contacted me the day before it happened. and said Stormy had a vision of it happening within a day or too. She said she does not always get premonitions right before something will come to fruit but with this she did so she had April tell me to get ready and she was right. I wouldn't of scene it if April didn't contact me because I wouldn't of gone to a certain place to see what I saw without this premonition. I won't hesitate to use Stormy again for more services and I hihgly reccommend!
That bastard won’t hurt little girls again. Thank you!
my sister was raped and justice wasn't served through the legal system so i hired stormy to take care of the bastard and she did. i use to keep tabs on everything this monster did because i wasn't going to rest until he paid. my sis was only 14 when it happened so he took her innocence and left her with scars. my coworkers wife is a cop and she told him that the rapist was found in an alleyway bleeding and screaming last night because he was stabbed in both legs and castrated. he lived though and that's what i wanted. i wanted him to live but suffer the rest of his life and so it will be. i'm going to visit usa someday and stormy you'll be the first one i visit so i can give you a big hug. spell was cast beginning of july , balls gone august 14. not bad at all.
Stormy cast a karma spell on my step-father who abused me when I was living under his roof and two days later he was in the hospital having his leg amputated because gangrene set in. You could say it's a coincidence but there was nothing wrong with him for this to happen. no infection. no injury. no issues at all. She will be my go-to for all spell work from now on!
It took about 4 weeks, but then the person who wronged my wife got the same exact thing back. I saw it with my own eyes or I wouldn't believe it and April even contacted me the day before it happened. and said Stormy had a vision of it happening within a day or too. She said she does not always get premonitions right before something will come to fruit but with this she did so she had April tell me to get ready and she was right. I wouldn't of scene it if April didn't contact me because I wouldn't of gone to a certain place to see what I saw without this premonition. I won't hesitate to use Stormy again for more services and I hihgly reccommend!
That bastard won’t hurt little girls again. Thank you!