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Jules given name was Janet at birth, but after she spent 4 years in prison for embezzlement, she needed a fresh start. No one would hire her for work if they knew about her dirty past.
So she met up with a friend as soon as she was released from prison, and he helped her obtain a new identity. He even referred her to someone who could surgically alter her fingerprints. With a new name, new fingerprints, new identification, some other plastic surgery to change her appearance drastically, and hair died from black to blonde, she could get a job. She used the money she embezzled, which she had stashed in a hiding place while she was in prison, to get all this done. But that left her with very little to live off of, so she needed to find work fast.
She found work right away, as she was quite attractive since having had lots of work done on her face and hair, and this appealed to prospective employers. There was one problem though. She had severe PTSD from everything that happened to her in prison. Unspeakable things happened to her. Lifers had nothing to lose if they took turns raping her, so that's exactly what happened.
The PTSD kept her from functioning well at any job, so she was constantly getting fired. She was let go from 8 jobs before she finally decided to face her demons head-on by taking a job as a prison guard. Maybe if she took charge of the situation that haunted her by sitting on the other side of the bars, she could get past it.
It worked. She was able to do this job well, and she actually enjoyed it. She got to be the boss of the tenants instead of the tenants being in charge of her. She did her job so well, that after just a few years of working there, she was promoted to warden. Once she became the warden, it was HER prison, in her mind, anyway.
Everything was working out just fine, until Alice was returned to the prison system. Alice was in prison when she was in prison years ago, and she was her biggest enemy. Alice harmed her more than any other prisoner when she was her cellmate. The PTSD started all over again, until she once again decided to nip it in the bud. The way she decided to do this was to give Alice the same treatment she received from her all those years ago. She raped her repeatedly using "weapons".
Once she got a taste of that, she wanted more revenge. She started taking each prisoner into her office, one by one, to talk to them about their bad behavior. Only it wasn't just talking that went on in that office. She took her pent-up aggression out on every single prisoner, even though Alice was the only one in that prison who actually harmed her in the past. The rest had all died off or moved to another prison since the day she had been released.
One day, the prisoners decided they had enough, and they ambushed her. She doesn't know how they managed, but she's pretty sure the prison guards were in on it. She walked into her office, and 20 of them were there waiting for her inside. They took turns beating her and doing things to her like she had done to all them repeatedly. After they did her in so badly that she was almost dead, they set her office on fire, and locked her inside. She said the worst part of her death was that her clothing caught fire, and she couldn't get it off her body in time before it started burning her skin to a crisp. The smell of burning skin, the feeling of clothing burning her skin, and the sight of her skin turning black is something she said she has flashbacks of frequently. For this reason, she does not want to wear anything but a robe on her vessel. She can take a robe off quickly. Whoever adopts her must be OK with this. Do not ever put clothing on her aside from a loose robe or she will leave her vessel.
She knows she can't burn to death anymore, but she feels that having regular clothing on her vessel will make for a horrible afterlife for her. She manages her PTSD just fine now. Her "nightmares" come and she is able to cease them within seconds. She said it took her a long time to get to this point though.
Even though Jules was retaliating when she was harming the inmates at the prison, she discovered that she actually found the female body to be appealing to her, so she now considers herself as bi-sexual. She will happily accept a female or male keeper, or both.
Her favorite offerings include hotdogs and sausage sandwiches, grilled onions, peppers and mushrooms, hot mustard and hot sauces, in general, watermelon, honey dew melon, cheese crackers, Milky Way bars, 3-Musketeers candy bars, anything dark purple or magenta in color, hair ties and clips, black candles and crystals to work with when wreaking havoc, green crystals and citrine when manifesting money, and essential oils of all kinds. She also enjoys watching porn and running around outside naked.