Josie - Reserved for Karin
Josie was 5 years old when she passed away tragically due to irresponsible pet owners who allowed her to roam the streets. That's the short version.
She introduced herself to us as "Josie the Pussycat". She says she was not even aware of the original cartoon that came out in the early 1970s called "Josie and the Pussycats", or of the movie that came out more recently. This is what her owners called her though. She is fine with simply being called Josie, however.
Josie has not yet crossed the Rainbow Bridge, as she would like to spend more time with other cats on earth before she crosses over to heaven eternally. She did not get the chance to play with other cats in her life as Josie.
She was born October 29th, 2015, and passed away on November 1st, 2020, in London. She was adopted by her owners as a gift to their 9-year-old son for Christmas. He did not appreciate Josie for more than a month, however, so Josie was ignored quite a bit. The boy really wanted a dog, but his parents did not want the responsibility of a dog, so they opted for a cat, instead, without even asking their son if he would be content with a kitten.
Eventually, the owners got tired of taking care of the cat litter so often, and their home started to smell very bad. Josie said even she could not stand the smell, and it was her own urine she was smelling. Josie started looking for cleaner places to do her business, because that's what cats do when their litter box is not kept clean. She would pee on furniture, in a laundry basket full of clothing on the laundry room floor, or anywhere that looked inviting. This happened only 3 or 4 times before her owners finally installed a pet door for her to let herself in and out of their home when she needed to relieve herself. On one of those occasions, she never returned. The boy and his mother found her body lying beside a parked car in front of their home the next morning.
Josie has lots of love to offer for the right candidate. Her new keeper must have at least one cat for her to play with and said cat or cats should not be afraid of spirits. Her one regret is that she never had any siblings to play with and never had any kittens of her own, so this is a dealbreaker for her. Must. Have. Cats!
If your cat or cats pass away and you do not wish to adopt more cats to keep her company, she just asks that you give her something to watch with cats in the plot. It can even be YouTube home videos of people playing with their cats. She intends to stay on the earth realm with her keeper until her keeper passes away, at which time she will finally ascend and cross that bridge. A couple hours a week of viewing time will suffice.
Cats are known for liking fish, but Josie says she loves the smell of chicken more than anything. Fish is her second choice when it comes to food. If fish is more abundant, she will consider chicken to be her special occasional treat. She also likes catnip, rosemary, thyme, and sage as seasonings. She loves people who love animals rather than just getting them as status symbols or to occupy their kids when they don't have time for the kids or the pets. Her experience left a bad taste in her mouth for people who act without thinking when it comes to the feelings and the lives of other beings. Her favorite colors are pink and yellow. Her favorite number is 9. Her favorite music is anything by Carole King, Celine Dion, or Aretha Franklin, but she said she only had limited knowledge of female vocalists in her earth life. Of all the music her family played, these were the three artists she loved. The rest were male vocalists or all-male bands. She prefers female singing voices.