Jeremy the Haunted Clown Spirited Doll - Therapy Companion. Vessel Shown, or Remote Bridging
Jeremy,aka "Jeeves", was a clown in his last three lifetimes. He has a wonderful sense of humor and makes everyone feel good just by being in the same room with him. His vessel is a marionette clown vessel sitting on a swing, and it is in excellent condition. He is a great spirit companion for anyone who wishes to have sunnier days.
He says he thinks he always navigated toward the field of clown-ism for two reasons.
First, he is a natural at joking around and making people laugh. Secondly, in all three of his most recent past lives, he has grown up with parents who were less than happy. He made it his life's mission to bring his parents out of their funk and make them happier people from a young age in all three lifetimes. He says that he managed to make his parents happy regardless of any traumas or sadness they experienced. It took him a few years in his most recent life to pull his mother out of depression, but he succeeded, and he wants to continue to help people have happier lives.
You don't have to be depressed or have any psychological issues to become a good companion for Jeremy. He knows that even the strongest-minded people who have never dealt with any sort of depression also have bad days and will also face traumas or heartache at some point in their lives, and he wants to be there for his keeper to help them cope.
Jeremy just has a way of making everyone around him feel loved, happy, and special. One of the employees here has a daughter who is depressed and lacks self-confidence. Since Jeremy has been here, when this employee would bring his daughter around, she would perk up just at the sight of Jeremy. She would also smile, and she wouldn't hide her face by looking at the floor when someone would speak to her. She'd look directly at the person talking to her, which our employee says has rarely ever happened before, except for when talking to her own parents.
Jeremy pulled her out of her shell every time she would see him. Meta suggested the employee take Jeremy home to see how much the daughter, who is 14, would heal with Jeremy around all the time. It's four months later, and the young lady has blossomed like you wouldn't believe! She smiles all the time now, looks people in the eye to communicate with them, and we never see her hanging her head.
We often see pink orbs around Jeremy. On more than one occasion, he has repositioned himself in the room after we have set him up just the way we wanted him, so he seems to be a little restless, but he is really good to have around when you're feeling blah, or even when you're not.
Jeremy also goes by Jeeves. He said a little girl he was fond of in his most recent past life couldn't say Jeremy. It always came out Jeeves. That little girl moved away when Jeremy was 9 and the little girl was 7. His heart was broken. She was his best friend. Till the day she moved with her family though, she called him Jeeves. He said he actually prefers to be called Jeeves because of his fond memories with Alice.
In Jeremy's most recent past life, he was born on December 22, 1909, and perished on January 18, 1971. He was born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky. If you are clairaudient, you will enjoy his adorable southern accent. Even though he was not a child when he passed, his voice depicts his younger version of himself of about 7 or 8 years of age. He shows himself to us this way, as well.
We asked him why he prefers to be his child version from his past life, and he said he shows himself to us when he was happiest, because this was when he broke his parents out of their depression. Life became good for him then and just kept getting better, but the day he realized his parents were both happy again because they were smiling all the time and living life instead of lying around in sadness was the best day of his life. We asked him if he knew why his parents were so sad, and he said it was because they lost a child, his older brother, when the child was 2 years old. Jeremy's mother was pregnant with Jeremy when his older brother, Roger, passed away. He said he had not known his parents to smile or to be happy about anything since the day he was born, up until he worked his magick to pull the sadness out of them when he was seven.
We did ask him if he had a dark side to him, even though none of us sensed that in him. He said of course not, why would he be dark? Meta said, well you chose a vessel with blood on the face and we thought maybe you wanted to look tough. He said he chose the vessel more for the colors and the smile than anything else, but he did hear that chicks dig scars! 😆😁
Jeremy's favorite offerings: He enjoys anything in bright, bold colors, like the colors you see in the Classic Crayola Crayon pack. He loves balloons, colorful paperclips, blue or red flowers (fresh, dried or plastic), handkerchiefs, marbles, and spin toys. His favorite foods and beverages consist of fresh squeezed lemonade made with a little bit of real sugar, Nilla Wafers, hotdogs, hamburgers, cheeses of all kinds, raspberry Jell-O, and vanilla pudding.
Snag Jeremy before someone else does! Send us your info so Jeremy can read you. If Jeremy approves you, please let us know if we will be bridging him to you (or to an object you own), to an object in our shop such as a crystal or a statue, or sending him to you attached to his vessel, as shown in the photos. If bridging him to an object you own, please send us a photo of that item, and keep it out in the open somewhere in your home (not in a drawer or a closet).
I am glad to meet Jeeves as he always tries to help me coping with my feeling as I always surrounded by toxic people and get stressed in my working area. Whenever I am home, I manage to get rid of negative thoughts easily. I believe is his doing, thank you for entrusting him to me, moondance family.
I am glad to meet Jeeves as he always tries to help me coping with my feeling as I always surrounded by toxic people and get stressed in my working area. Whenever I am home, I manage to get rid of negative thoughts easily. I believe is his doing, thank you for entrusting him to me, moondance family.
I am glad to meet Jeeves as he always tries to help me coping with my feeling as I always surrounded by toxic people and get stressed in my working area. Whenever I am home, I manage to get rid of negative thoughts easily. I believe is his doing, thank you for entrusting him to me, moondance family.