Jantzie the Good Luck Charm Spirited Doll
Jantzie was ten years old when she passed. She was born with breathing problems that only gave her a lot of trouble in the fall due to allergies. Her sinuses would clog, making breathing even more difficult.
She was born in New Hampshire, USA, on March 8, 1850, and passed away on November 21, 1860.
We met Jantzie when we went antiquing in Bloomsburg, PA some time ago. She has recently expressed an interest in finding her forever home. Prior to that, she didn't want to leave, and that was fine with us. She is such a joy and a pleasure to be around!
Jantzie is a business-minded spirit, and she's very analytical. She will assess a situation and within seconds have an idea of how to best resolve an issue, create a new product, plant a garden, or just about anything you need her to help you with.
Her biggest attribute, however, is figuring out good financial strategies for anyone who needs to better their financial situation. She had two keepers in the past. Neither was financially stable when they met. One was scammed out of her savings and was living paycheck to paycheck. The other was retired but barely getting by on her social security benefits, which was her only income. Jantzie helped both of them live more comfortable lives, and both were able to leave a nice estate to their heirs when they passed.
Jantzie knows that she would have made a great financial planner in her most revent past life if she had lived to see it. The way she will help you will depend on your needs, but whatever your goals, she will help you reach them fast and easily based on what she feel will be the best strategies for you.
For food offerings, Jantzie likes Caesar salads, BBQ ribs, BBQ chicken, BBQ potato chips or crisps, green peppers, salted peanuts, and grape jelly or jam on white bread or toast. She also likes to watch someone sketch or paint, even if it's just a video. She loves to sew and loves all things sewing related. She emboiders and does some quilting, as well. Her favorite colors are gold and silver. She likes candles, charms or charm bracelets, and looking through a jeweler's loup or a good, clear drinking glass, or a magnifying glass to inspect leaves, pine cones, flowers, rocks and even plain diet or soil up close. She said she always finds something or someone magickal when she looks through glass.