Hazel the Hippo? Spirited Doll or Remote Binding to Body Sculptor Spirit
When Hazel came to us and asked us for a vessel, we dug out some of our empty vessels so she could choose. She said she wants a small, petite doll vessel because that's how she wanted to be in her most recent life, but she was just the opposite. She said the kids in school called her Hazel the Hippo.
Her dream since childhood was to be a petite, fit girl who could eat whatever she wanted and still be shapely. She had the petite part down, at only 4'9" tall when she was 17. The problem was, she says, that she was just as wide.
When she heard a boy her age saying, "Hazel would be pretty if she weren't so heavy", something sparked inside her. She suddenly had the ambition she needed to lose weight.
Over the next 13 months, she worked out like crazy. She ran, jumped rope, climbed hills, swam, and even lifted her brother's weights. She only ate vegetables, fruits, brown rice, and occasionally something dairy. She went down 6 sizes, and she was fit! She looked like a model, aside from being too short.
When she went off to college, she decided to work at the campus gym. She taught other girls how to work out so that they would be firm and shapely like her. Since her major was business, she wasted no time trying to figure out what she'd need to do in order to open her own gym so she could make more than minimum wage doing what she was already doing in college, and what she loved. That was the plan. She had dreams and goals and her life was turning around! She was asked on dates at least three times a week by various college boys, and turned down most of them. Not because she suddenly felt she was too good for anyone, but because she was just too busy. She admits that it was partly because she wasn't quite over everyone calling her names in high school, and she didn't really trust boys all that much...except for Gary. He was nice. He's the one who told his buddy that she would be pretty if she lost some weight. She thought about him from time to time and wondered what he was up to now. Wishing she could show him that she was now pretty AND fit. This was pre-internet, so it wasn't as easy to track someone down at that time. She would ask around about him the next time she went home for a holiday break.
Except she never went home again for a break. She was killed by a drunk driver less than a mile from campus. She was walking home with two other girls from a party on a Saturday night. Another college student was driving recklessly after obviously having had too much to drink. There were three other boys in the car with him. They were horsing around, and the driver lost control of the car, swerving on and off the road. He went up over the curb and onto the sidewalk, hitting hazel and one of her friends. Hazel took the brunt of it and was pronounced dead on the scene. Her friend had a lot of injuries, but she survived the crash.
Hazel says life is too short not to love yourself fully. Tomorrow is not promised. She wants to help motivate someone to get fit and stay fit from that point on. She knows what it's like to be so emotionally dead inside. Most medical insurance does not cover any type of weight loss surgery, drugs, or other help, even though obesity is one of the biggest killers in America, right along with diabetes, which is often brought on by obesity.
Hazel is happy that she got a few months of bliss out of her efforts. She says she was fit as a fiddle for five whole months before the accident. She can remember writing on her calendar "I did it"! when she reached her goal both with her weight and her measurements. That's when she started counting the months that she was truly free.
Her goal is to make her keeper as fit and happy as she was in those last months of her life. She says she knows how to motivate through a person's psyche, and she will show you pictures in your mind of how you will look when you reach your goals.
Her vessel is cute, but her head lies to the side like you see in the pictures. It is attached, but we think there were two rubber bands inside at one time and now there is only one. It is a porcelain doll that is cute as a button and only about 7" tall. Mekqiel said he'd take a look at it to see if he can fix it, but he's not a doll maker, so you might want to have someone work on her vessel who knows what he or she is doing even if Mek DOES fix the head to keep it from hanging to one side. The doll is an antique, and it has been Hazel's only vessel, but she is open to seeing vessels you have to offer if you prefer remote bridging. Meta also thinks it could just be held up straight by putting a velcro choker necklace on her. It moves into place; it just hangs to her right side because the right support inside is broken.
For food offerings, Hazel likes cucumbers brushed with olive oil and Italian seasonings (she's precise)! She also enjoys apples, pears, blueberries, mushrooms, 7-layer salad, asparagus, spinach (hot or cold), brown rice, and occasionally one scoop of frozen yogurt or a tiny dish of banana pudding. Her beverage choice is always super cold purified water. She also likes anything lacy, beads and strings of crystals, the color silver and anything shiny. She enjoys watching fitness programs, dance classes, swimming and diving, and basketball games on TV.
It is a requirement for anyone interested in adopting spirits to read, understand, and agree to our Terms of Service. These are REAL entities you are adopting, not dolls you are purchasing. Thank you.