X- Adopted! - Carmen - DARK Haunted Spirit Doll - Works Black Magick
Carmen has not shared a lot with us, but she was adamant that she is a dark witch spirit who practices black magick and only wants to have a spirit keeper who is also dark and practices the dark arts. She has no interest or desire to be with anyone else.
She says she will help you with almost any dark arts you delve into, and she will help your efforts along so that things get done quickly, without haste. There is very little she will not do, but she will not engage in anything that could harm children or animals in any way.
She is open to remote binding, as long as the vessel you choose for her is either an ugly doll or not a doll at all. She does not want to be attached to anything pretty or foofy, and she will have to approve of any vessel you choose for her. She actually hates the dress she is wearing, but it's what she was wearing when she came here, and we do not have anything else to put on her that she approves of. They are all too "girly" or "pretty". She is open to black crystals or stones or practically anything black. She said other good ideas for her vessel would be figurines of cats (domestic or wild such as leopards, pumas, etc.), snakes, rats, bulldogs, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Black Labs, black horses or black unicorns.
Unfortunately, we only know her birthday was November 13, 1778, and she was born in an area that was called Salem Farms, Massachusetts, which is now known as the city of Peabody, Mass. We do not know her date of death, how long she lived, how she died, or where she lived when she passed. We never push for info if the spirit feels uncomfortable with sharing, especially if they are a dark spirit. (Not that we are afraid of them, but we have seen some spirits inadvertently make things catch fire and other such happenings when they became overly upset).
We do know that Carmen was the only girl in her family. She had four brothers. Two of them died when they were children, but again, no information about that. Carmen was the oldest of the five children. We also know that she at least lived to be a teenager, because she said when she got her first period, she did magick to make her ovaries stop functioning. She hated being a girl and always wished she had been born a boy like her brothers, but as long as she didn't have to have periods, she would live with the other aspects of being female. She also said she was never married and never had children when we asked her about that. She added, "I was too young to settle down and no one could have settled me down anyway". So we believe she was probably under the age of 16 when she passed, or thereabout.
For offerings, Carmen says "just keep me busy". If you are not engaging in any dark projects, she wants to be talking about strategy, watching horror flicks, looking at dark pictures, or enjoying something dark that you are able to find for her such as items used in black magick. This could be ingredients for a spell, elixirs, witch tools, or anything you would use to create magick. She also likes black candles, black stones and crystals, black cats, spiders, snakes, lizards, and fire. Fire is her favorite element. Her favorite color is black, and her favorite numbers are 4 and 13.
Her favorite foods are black olives, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, diced chicken or anything that "tastes like chicken"! If you make steak, she likes hers raw. She does not need to be involved in something all the time, so don't feel like you always have to be entertaining her or keeping her engaged. She is happy to simply have wicked posters to look at in your absence, or to be sitting in front of the television or a computer screen looking at something dark or evil.
She has not harmed anyone here in the time she has been with us, but Meta set ground rules for her immediately upon accepting her from her previous keeper who brought her to us. Do the same with her when she arrives on your doorstep, and you won't have any problems with her. She must understand that YOU are in charge, and that she is not to harm anyone in your family or circle of friends. She tells us that she will eventually open up to her keeper and let them in on her history, but she has not shared that with anyone except for her most recent keeper, and almost immediately after she shared, her keeper brought her to us. So maybe you'd rather not know about her past. Food for thought.
She is happy to be remotely bound to an object you might have or can find that fits the bill per the information given above in the listing. Please send a photo of the object you wish to have her bound at the same time as inquiring about her with your own pic and info, as outlined in our Terms of Service by emailing us.
Her adoption fee will remain the same whether we send her vessel or conduct a remote binding, as the cost we are required to pay by the "seller" to invest in spirits is usually determined by the spirit value rather than the value of the vessel, usually by at least 80%. (Most people who bring spirits to us do their homework before coming, as they usually have a figure in mind upon arrival). In addition, it takes the time and energy of either Meta or Mya to conduct the remote binding ceremony, which usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the spirit and the item to which you are having her spirit bound.
If you opt for remote binding to an object in your home, it is not a lock binding. The spirits we bind remotely are bound in a way that they will be with you and attached to the item you choose as their vessel, but they can leave their vessel anytime they wish and return to it. Most spirits leave their vessels only to follow their keepers somewhere or to visit other friends in the spirit world who are not in your household, but they sometimes have other various reasons for temporarily leaving their vessels. Read each spirit listing for details regarding this.
If a remote binding is done rather than shipping her vessel to you with her attached, the empty doll vessel will be donated, and you will not have any shipping charges to pay. In addition, you'll have your beloved spirit with you a lot faster, especially if you live abroad. Our location is Pennsylvania, USA.
First off. The staff here is amazing. I am always surprised by how quickly they go to work on getting these spirits to their new home. I had Carmen remotely bound. Carmen is exactly as described and I'm looking forward to learning more about her and bonding with her.
First off. The staff here is amazing. I am always surprised by how quickly they go to work on getting these spirits to their new home. I had Carmen remotely bound. Carmen is exactly as described and I'm looking forward to learning more about her and bonding with her.
First off. The staff here is amazing. I am always surprised by how quickly they go to work on getting these spirits to their new home. I had Carmen remotely bound. Carmen is exactly as described and I'm looking forward to learning more about her and bonding with her.