Harry the Houdini Spirited Clown Vessel - Gray to Dark Energy - Retaliation Manifestation
Harry is not always dark. Sometimes he is pretty cool to be around. Mostly, he wants to help get retaliation under way for your enemies though. He will get bored if there's not enough for him to do, and he'll leave his vessel at least once a month to find trouble. He returns every time though, after he has had his fill.
He doesn't kill, but he can make a living hell for someone if they have wronged you or someone you love.
We don't have first-hand knowledge of this, but he tells us that he has hospitalized people, made them think they were going crazy by presenting "hallucinations" in front of them, made them itch like crazy to the point they were scratching themselves almost raw, made them get embarrassing warts on their face and body, and more. Your foe does not want to cross you ever again if Harry becomes a part of your family. It is definitely not in their best interests.
Harry was always in retaliation mode for as long as he can remember. It started earlier than what his memory goes back for his most recent past three lives. In each of these last three lifetimes, he has been treated poorly by family, and that's putting it mildly. His most recent life was the worst though. He was sold by his father when his mother died. His father sold him to someone who would farm him out for perverts to do with him as they wish when he was only 7 years old. His father knew that's why they wanted to purchase him, too, and his father just didn't care, because he was the worst kind of evil.
Harry doesn't blame anyone for how he is though. He genuinely feels that he has evil in his soul DNA.
He is kind to us, because we haven't harmed him. He will be kind to his keeper and his keeper's family and friends. He craves retaliation though, so try to keep him busy if you can. Otherwise, he will venture out, as mentioned, and you may never know what he has been doing while he was out...or you might read about it in the news.
Harry's vessel has never been played with or even opened out of the box fully until we got him and pulled him out so that he could have his offerings and mingle with everyone. We kept the plastic on him though so he wouldn't get dirty. He comes with a stand and his original box and packing. His vessel is a very artistic and collectible piece, and he is quite large, as you can see from the photo of Tracy holding his hand. More photos can be taken of him upon request.
Harry likes apple pie, rhubarb pie, and chocolate pie as his food offerings. If those are not available to him, he will settle for cookies or apples with peanut butter. His favorite colors are dark blue, black, and gray when it comes to looking at objects, but he likes to see people wearing bright colors. He says his favorite "super hero" is Freddy, but he says Jason comes in closely at second! He likes all horror movies though; especially ones where dumb people stop to look back when they're being chased and supposed to be running for their lives, and when they fall, he can barely contain himself! He loves Halloween decorations, skull décor, that kind of thing. If you have tattoos, that's a plus. If not, he is happy to look at cool tats online. One night when Tracy said she needed to go home for the night so she could start on her facial mud mask, he wanted to go along so she could apply it to his face, too. We didn't want to get the vessel messy though, so she told him he could just come along to watch. If you decide to allow him to partake in a face mask party, he will be delighted!