Greggor the Magick Dragon Spell Casting Spirit - A Must Read!
Greggor is attached to the dragon vessel you see in photos. He's been with us for only a short while, but he's ready to find his permanent keeper ASAP. We're ready too, before this mess gets hairy! Read on!
Greggor is short for Greggorianimorny, which is his actual birth name, but this is just for the record. He does not want you to call him by that name, and it's probably a good thing!
His claim to fame is casting magick spells that can change a person's life. He has had three other keepers, all of whom have followed his rules and passed him to someone else once he has helped them with their biggest need. That is Greggor's only rule. He must be given to another person in need within six months after they receive their blessings. It can be a family member, a friend, or a total stranger, but they must need something they have not had success achieving on their own.
He says in all three cases, his keepers' needs were to have more money to get out of debt. The last keeper he had passed away before he could pass Greggor on to someone else who might be in need of debt relief or who would want other wishes granted. This keeper did get out of debt by obtaining the money he needed to pay off his house that came with a hefty mortgage payment. His house payment was affordable to him at one time, but he could no longer afford it when his wife left him.
He enjoyed not having a monthly house payment for two months. He was trying to decide on the best person to gift Greggor to next, and he had it narrowed down to two people, though Greggor does not know who those two people were. He only knows his keeper told him he has it narrowed down to two people and that his list had about 8 or 9 names on it when he started.
The man had already told both his kids about Greggor and how things happened for him with Greggor's help so that he could pay off his mortgage. That payment was over $4,000 a month because he had to refinance it to pay off his wife when they got divorced. He would have had 9 more years of making those large payments, had he not been gifted another means to pay the house off. Greggor said he actually would have lost his home, because he was heading for bankruptcy if nothing had happened for him soon.
The man's adult kids were happy for him, of course, but they didn't believe that Greggor had anything to do with it. They believed their father believed this, but Greggor said that they said they were too smart to believe that an alabaster dinosaur paid off their mortgage, and they joked about it while laughing on their father's front porch. Their father didn't hear it, thankfully, as it would have hurt his feelings pretty badly. He was inside the house at the time.
Both of them creeped out about having anything to do with Greggor, they contacted us and asked us if we'd be interested in taking Greggor off their hands. They didn't believe Greggor helped their father pay off his mortgage, but they didn't want the dragon around. The daughter said she felt something evil about it. The son just wanted to throw it away, but the daughter felt something bad would happen to them if they did so and it were to turn out that there actually was spirit attachment. Rather than just give it to anyone though, they figured they'd try to get some money for it.
So they sent a picture of Greggor in an email to us and explained the whole scenario and everything their father told them about the dragon. Meta read Greggor, then channeled him to have a full conversation with him. In the channel session, she saw visions of how he helped all three of his keepers, just as their father had told his kids. She replied right away asking them how much they wanted for him, and they quoted her a price. She paid them through PayPal, and they shipped Greggor to us.
In retrospect, Meta said she would not have replied to them so quickly asking how much they wanted for him, because she believes they now know there's some validity to what their father told them, especially since Meta didn't try to talk them down on their price.
The kids must have thought about it after the fact (after mailing Greggor to us) and now they want Greggor back. They said they'd refund our money plus send her another $100 if she'd send him back to her. We told them that Meta would need to read them to learn their intentions first, and in order to do that remotely, she'd need their photos and other info. They eagerly complied, but when Meta read them, she saw that they had greed in their hearts. They both make a good living. The son is a successful real estate broker and the daughter is a plastic surgeon. Neither has any debt aside from small mortgages and they both live in very nice homes. They both have investment portfolios that are doing very well. From what Meta could gather in her readings, together they have enough money saved to feed a small town for ten years.
Meta does not want these kids to have Greggor. They would only be using him for what he can do for them and they won't show him any love. They practically laughed at their father for believing in this nonsense, per Greggor, but now that they think there might be some validity to the whole thing, they want to BUY Greggor back. Meta told them he's not for sale. Maybe they are reading this listing. I hope they see "SOLD" on the listing soon.
If you are a regular client of ours, there won't be much grilling. If you have never done business with us before, expect lots of grilling, because we don't want Greggor to get back into those kids' hands, or into any hands where he will not be appreciated or paid attention to.
We will need to following from you if we don't already know you:
- Your photo
- Your full name
- Your birthdate
- Your address (everything but the street name and number). We need to know the name of the town, the state, province or territory, whatever the case may be for the country in which you reside.
- Tell us if you have other spirits you keep, and something about them, including their name(s)
- Tell us the reason you wish to have Greggor in your keep
If you are a regular client/friend, just let us know you would like to adopt Greggor. We already know enough about your life to know why you want him. You do not need to send another photo, tell us why you want Greggor, or send us any of the other information.
Treat Greggor just like you would any other spirit in your keep. (Like family)! Talk to him about your day. Ask him how he's doing, even if you're not clairaudient yet and cannot hear his response. Set offerings out for him a couple times a week, at very least. Daily is optimal, but if you have a lot of spirits like we do, we realize that's not always possible. It's the thought that counts. When the spirits see us hustling to get everyone fresh offerings as often as possible, they know we are trying our best, and that matters to them more than the offerings themselves.
Anyone we do not know personally who completes a transaction with this listing without consulting us first will have their money refunded without questions asked, so don't do it!
Speaking of offerings:
Greggor likes anything purple or dark gray in color. It can be a paperclip even. He just loves those two colors. He likes to be sung to, even if you don't have a good singing voice. If you feel awkward about that, you can play music by Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Beyonce, Madonna, or Alicia Keys. He enjoys listening to meditation music, as well. Anything that is soothing or that plays singing bowl sounds. For food offerings, he likes chicken, fish, worms, cabbage, baby spinach leaves and any kind of non-citrus fruit.
It is required that you read our TERMS OF SERVICE before making any purchase or completing any adoption on this website.