Greer - The Happiness Haunted Spirit Doll
Greer is a ray of sunshine! Even if you wake up in a bad mood, when you hold her, your mood instantly changes to a bright one. She tells us she activates the feel-good endorphins in your body so that you can have a sunnier, brighter day than you otherwise would have had without her. (And she doesn't mind tooting her own horn)!
Greer was born in Indiana on July 13, 1849 and passed on December 7, 1927. She was born with a smile on her face, she says, according to her mother. In school, she was always making her classmates laugh. If she saw someone appeared to be down, she would spend extra time with them attempting to make them smile, but even at the young age of six, she knew when to joke and when to just be a good friend. Everyone loved her! She was the teacher's pet, as well.
Her school was a one-room school house, so she had classes with kids of all ages. The younger kids adored her, the kids her age all wanted to be her best friend, and the older kids got a kick out of her.
She was an only child, so she had to make her own fun at home. She would make her parents smile and laugh, but she also had a dog that she played with a lot. Her dog also seemed to smile a lot in her presence, and he loved playing with her.
When Greer grew up, she became a stand-up comic. She was the only female who performed in a little shack of a club a few miles from her home. She lived in a tiny house that her father helped her build with the help of her uncles right on her parents' property so she could continue to help them with things they had trouble keeping up with on their own. They had a lot of land, and there was much to do.
Greer briefly dated only two boys before she met the love of her life, Charles. Charles was a horse hand at a farm close by. He moved into the area just before Greer met him, and they hit it off right away. They got married less than a year later, and they had triplets the following year...all girls.
Taking care of the girls was about all Greer had time to handle when they came along, so she gave up her comedy nights at the club. Charles did not make a lot of money, and now they needed it, so he took on a second position for extra coin. His second job was with the same horse farmer, but it was helping grow and harvest crops.
One of their daughters, the youngest one, who's name was Mary, always seemed to be depressed. She did not smile much, and even the tiniest of things could make her cry. Their other daughters were the complete opposite, and took after Greer in almost every way. This was at a time when depression and anxiety were not studied much, if at all, in their area. Without having a degree in medicine of any kind, Greer was able to pinpoint the cause of her depression. She changed her diet some, and before long, Mary was just as happy and joyful as her siblings.
Charles was born with a heart condition that he was unaware of. When he was only 38 years old, he had a heart attack. It was a mild heart attack, but he was on bed rest for several weeks. He went back to work after getting the OK from the doctor, but he suffered a second heart attack just 7 years later that was fatal. At just 43 years of age, Greer was now a widow. Their daughters were grown, and they stayed with her to help her with the household for several years after their father passed. Greer also had to earn an income, as did her three daughters, so their lives were full.
When Greer's father passed, she and her girls moved into the main house with her mother. There were now five women from three generations living under one roof, helping each other, supporting each other, and making their way through life.
Mary was the only daughter to marry and have a family. When she married Richard, they moved into the smaller home together so they could continue to contribute to the family in any way they could.
Greer's mother passed away the following winter after Mary married Richard. It broke Greer's heart, as she was very close to her mother. It was the only time her children saw her cry, although there were times Greer cried that no one witnessed. She always tried to keep a stiff upper lip.
Through all their trials and rocky lives, Greer was always the one to keep everyone's spirits up. She smiled through just about everything. She always said, "Crying or being sad is not going to change the problems of the world, and smiling & laughing always feels good". There were harsh winters, crops that died, horses that got sick and passed, and numerous other challenges along the way, but Greer always found a reason to smile and to keep everyone in the family lifted.
Having her here has brought smiles to all of our faces, as well. We have had a few of our own trying times, but as soon as we would walk into the presence of Greer, we all seemed to feel like we were lifted up. It is extremely noticeable.
Greer likes sweet potatoes and yams, eggs, candy (especially chocolate), anything red or blue in color, horses, dogs, butterflies, and hair bows & barrettes.
As with all spirits, you must be pre-qualified by Greer before you may adopt her. Reading our Terms of Service will direct you with what we need in order to start the process. You will likely be able to adopt her today if she reads you and determines that you are a good fit for her, as she usually opens up to us pretty quickly and easily when we have questions for her.