Gipper the Little Nipper! Very Dark Entity Spirit/Spirited Figurine
We just need to find him a new home where he can work with people who like to do his type of work! He's getting bored with us. No one pissed us off in a long time!
Meta stumbled upon this mighty little beast at an estate sale. He wasn't being auctioned off like the home and the rest of it's contents, as she saw him sitting on a shelf inside a closet in the basement of the home without a number on it.
She asked the family of the deceased homeowner about this tiny figurine after the sale was over as they were cleaning up. They said they hadn't planned to sell the figurine and went about their business. Meta knew the entity attached to this figurine was powerful though and she wanted it. So, she said, "is it not for sale at any price?" The three of them looked at each other and asked if they could have a private conversation about it and get back to her in a few minutes. They left the room and came back several minutes later. It was two women and one man. One of the women asked Meta what she was thinking of offering. Meta threw out a number and they laughed at her. They then countered with a much higher number, and Meta countered that number, and so on until they arrived at a price that they could all live with. So even though this tiny alabaster statuette is not a beautiful porcelain doll, there is a lot of value in the spirit, and everyone in that basement knew that as they were negotiating.
While the family was away in conference, she had spoken with the entity and discovered it was a dark spirit. His name is Gipper, and he's a nipper! She said before she could communicate with him to find out who he was and why he was there, he bit her. (Not the vessel, but his spirit). She barely felt it, but she saw him lunge at her and bite down on her arm. Immediately, he learned who was boss in this situation, and he didn't lunge at her again at her command, but he told her that's what he likes to do to get to know someone. Meta explained that his choice of ways to get to know someone is not going to allow him to make friends very quickly! He said he didn't care to make many friends. He just wants one friend. A new keeper.
Meta explained that unfortunately, that new keeper could not be her, but that maybe she could find a keeper for him who would be more his style. He acknowledged that they would not be a good match, but that he'd love for her to find him a good keeper if she was capable of doing so. His keeper had passed. (The homeowner).
Gipper is not a demon, despite the vessel he chose (or that was chosen for him) to portray his traits. He is a Red Rager Fae, aka an Anger Fairy.
He can manipulate people into doing horrible, unspeakable things, such as lashing out on others in a very painful way and making them full of rage. After these people that he turns into raging, evil fighting machines finish a "job" (whatever it is he wants them to do to other people), he then turns their feelings and emotions back to normal. The people are then wondering what got into them and why did they lash out on other people in that way. He does this for fun, but we hope that his new keeper will not simply turn him loose to do as he pleases, causing unspeakable and unnecessary chaos. This world does not need more mass shootings! For this reason, anyone who wishes to adopt Gipper will have to be read not just by Gipper, but also by one of the Moondance Ladies. He is only to be adopted for the purpose of retaliation, or to dish out karma to those who deserve karma to visit them.
Gipper was born on October 13. No year was given. We do not know his physical DOD either, as he says that he will never be dead. We don't know if he doesn't realize that his body has perished or if he is speaking metaphorically, as we all know that spirit never dies.
His new keeper may ask Gipper to make another person lash out on specific people either verbally or physically for the purpose of getting revenge on that person for something that was done to them. We do not recommend that his new keeper command him to create a morbid situation or a catastrophe where anyone loses their life. No one took your life, so don't even go there. That is all that needs to be said about that.
Do not check out with Gipper in your cart without getting pre-qualified to adopt him! ANYONE who wishes to adopt him must contact us first, as with most spirit adoptions, but especially with Gipper.
Gipper is happy with his vessel, but he will entertain other options. These other options must also be approved by him before an adoption can take place, so please send not only your clear, unfiltered photo when you inquire, but a photo of the vessel you have in mind for Gipper if you do not wish to keep him attached to his current vessel. If you do choose a different vessel that Gipper approves of, please remind us to remove the shipping charge from his listing before you check out. No refunds will be issued if you forget to ask us to remove the shipping charge, as refunds are a HUGE PIA for our accountant, and you have been reminded that it is your responsibility to check out with caution by ensuring that you are not paying shipping fees if you have your own vessel for him. If you have adopted spirits from us before and we know you well, you do not have to send us a new photo or your name, birthday, and location. If we do not know you, it is imperative that you send all this information to us before adopting him and await our response.
Offerings: The only offerings Gipper has ever asked for are photos of fire, to watch movies where fires break out, and to light candles for him on occasion. He prefers black or red candles. He does not like food or drink offerings. He enjoys watching all the classic Halloween movies and Alfred Hitchcock films. He told Meta he was born on Halloween, but Meta saw his birth in her visions and says he was born about two weeks shy, on the 13th. When she asked him why she was seeing this, he admitted to her that he was born prematurely on the 13th but says he was supposed to be born on Halloween. He added that he prefers to celebrate his birthday on Halloween.
If you check out without following our protocol as outlined in our Terms of Service, you will be refunded, but our accountant only issues refunds every other Friday. So, it will behoove you to read our TOS and follow our instructions for adoption.