X- Adopted! - Gairix Alien Baby Spirit Remote Binding
Gairix just informed us he needs to be with someone who can give him more attention than we can with all the spirits we have among us, and he needs it ASAP. He does not do well without at least some daily interaction. We give him offerings daily, but sometimes, with over 1,000 spirits here, it is all we can do.
He isn't needy, but he is needier than some who are just happy to be here knowing we are searching for forever homes for them. Most of our spirits find it amusing just to be around us and the other spirits!
We don't know much about him, as he hasn't been here that long. Here is what we do know:
- He is a spirit that is not from this world.
- He died when he was just a baby, but personality-wise, he is about the maturity of a 6 or 7 year old boy.
- He is extremely intelligent. He learns quickly, and he is knowledgeable about so much even though he's only been of the spirit world and traveled to earth less than a year ago. We feel his educational level is that of a college graduate with a doctorate degree.
- He knows things. He just keeps telling us "I know things. I can help". He won't divulge this to us. He wants to save it for his keeper. If his keeper cannot communicate with him, he will then tell one of us what he knows so that we may pass it along to his new keeper, but only if he feels his keeper is just not understanding his messages. He will attempt to communicate in his keeper's language, and he will attempt to do so by voice and then by coming to his keeper in dreams, if voice communication is not heard.
- He has a funny sense of humor. You'll have to set some ground rules. He's still trying to understand why it is not funny if someone trips and falls. Once we told him that it is not funny to set someone up to be physically harmed, he stopped, but he still keeps asking Mya why it's not funny for someone to trip and fall.
- Mya sketched his picture twice as he stood before her and showed her what she wants him to see, so the digital sketches as you see in this listing is a freebie! She sketched him twice because he has different moods which make him look extremely different. When he is emotional in a negative way, you can see repeats of him as if he's moving and you can see his "ghost" following him. That is what you see in the first drawing. This is how she sees him when he doesn't like something. In his happy photo, he also shines a moon symbol on his forehead. Mya says this is not her best work in pic #2, as she rushed it, but she wanted you to get an idea of how much his looks change when he is happy v sad or angry. As you can see, he shows himself to her as a baby, because that's what he remembers, but he does not act like a baby whatsoever, except for the time he thought it was cold in Mya's office and insisted he be moved to a warmer room (she DOES keep it cold in there). When he was cold, he actually cried like a baby. Other than that one time, we have never heard crying from him.
What we don't know is what planet or star he is from, or why he is here. We only know his intentions are good and that he just wants to be part of a family or partnership so he can get some daily attention. Mya knows his intentions are all good, and he's not here helping the Reptilians or anything like that, so that is not a concern.
We also don't know when he was born or the date he died. He knows about our calendar system though, and he said if he's going to celebrate a birthday, he'd like it to be in January. All the more reason he needs to be with his new family or friend very soon. January is just around the corner!
Perhaps some of these unknowns can be unraveled by his new keeper, since he seems to be saving other information for him or her.
Now to discuss a sensitive issue about Gairix. He tells us he was a hideous-looking baby. You can see from Mya's sketch that he doesn't exactly look like a normal human baby, but that's to be expected, since he is not human. But he told us that he was "not acceptable" to his race. We think this may be why he was an infant when he died, but we can't be certain since he doesn't discuss it with us. When we heard this, the tissues came out. It is so sad that a newborn baby can be treated like he has no feelings, and potentially tossed away like a broken toy.
Gairix's favorite color is lime green, but he also likes electric blue. He likes all berries and most fruits. The only vegetables he didn't bulk at that we have tried to offer him were green beans (string beans). He is amazed by watching wholesome TV shows such as The Brady Bunch, Leave it to Beaver, and The Waltons. He doesn't find sci-fi movies invigorating at all, and we assume it is because they are so far off base from what he knows. He loves trivia games and rubber balls like the ones you can get out of a vending machine. He actually seems to love lots of things that are round.
Since Gairix does not have a vessel currently, he will need to be remotely attached to something you own.
Please contact us with the info we require to determine if you are a good match for Gairix if you are interested in him. This information can be found in our Terms of Service.