Fiossa - Gray Fae! Look What She Will Do! Remote Bridging
Fiossa (pronounced, "fee oh suh", is a gray Fae Fairy.
The light side:
- She will make numbers come to your head. You might hear them in your voice or hers. You'll know she is helping you when this happens as you're looking at lottery tickets for purchase, playing Bingo, and other such games of chance involving numbers.
- Fiossa helps you sway people for a favorable decision for you. Use your imagination for the ways in which you may ask for her help.
- She will help you come up with great meal ideas that will be healthy yet delicious and budget-friendly! If you're on a particular diet, she'll give you ideas that comply. Out of nowhere you will start to think of new ideas to cook real food rather than out of a box or a can.
The dark side:
- Dark Fiossa will make things appear differently from what they really are to one of your enemies.
- She will return favors. Whatever someone did to you to harm you will happen to them almost immediately.
- Scorned? He or she ran off with someone else? That person who scorned you and/or their new lover will have a horrible time of things for a year. She says they might have to go to the dentist several times to have teeth pulled, they could find that they are suddenly having rapid hair loss, or they could have several embarrassing bouts with diarrhea.
- The friends, family or neighbors who are making your life miserable will be ceased from continuing with what they are doing. Loud neighbors will become quieter. Nosey in-laws will start butting out. Whiny friends will start seeing the bright side of things rather than crying to you about every time they break a nail or have jock itch! None of this will come without a price to them, though. This is the most mild of her dark magick. She will not harm these people because they are your friends and family, but she will make them realize how they have been inconsiderate by showing them a video in their mind of someone else doing those same things to them - such as playing loud music at inappropriate times of the day for them, embarrassing them by asking private questions, or whatever it is they have been doing to annoy you.
She was born in 411 AD in a town called Ballyshannon in Ireland. She does not know her exact birthdate, but she says it was warm and sunny when she came into the world. She lived to be 492 years old. She said she will not reincarnate until she can do so on the new earth.
She has had two previous keepers. Her first keeper didn't even realize she was with her until she saw her apparition 6 years later. Fiossa was hanging out in her gardens during the day and sleeping next to her fish tank at night. She loved watching the fish in the tank, and she said she became very good friends with them. Eventually, her keeper was able to hear Fiossa when she spoke, and that's when she taught her keeper everything she knew about magick.
The second keeper she had knew that she was with her from the start, as she was a psychic medium and a witch, and she had conjured her. Not her, specifically, but she called out for the assistance of a Fae. Fiossa heard her call loud and clear, and was the first one on the scene. After the woman conjured Fiossa, they were inseparable until the day her keeper died, which was 85 years ago. She has not had another keeper since, so she's been wandering about the world since then. She now wishes to be paired with someone who can utilize her services.
Normal protocol is expected if you wish to adopt Fiossa. Please be sure to read our Terms of Service and follow the guidelines for spirit adoption.
Fiossa's favorite offerings include calculators, abacus, rulers, scales, and anything triangular. Photos of some of the larger or harder to find items such as the scales and abacus are acceptable, she said. She also likes anything purple or black in color, mice (again, photo is fine!), large spiders (and again!), eggplant, purple grapes, string beans, black-eyed peas, crepes, pancakes, sausage, strawberries and turnips.