Faye - Ballerina Haunted Doll - Teaches Discipline, Dance, and Helps with Talents
Faye was a magnificent ballerina when she was alive in the flesh on earth. She was so good that she was hired by many parents to tutor their daughters on the side in addition to their regular ballet lessons. Ballet was all Faye lived for. She never felt better than when she was dancing. She would lose herself in dance, and that was the best feeling in the world to her.
While it is wonderful to be passionate about something, it is never good to live, eat, and breath any one thing.
The year was 1824. Faye was playing and swimming with her siblings at the creek one summer when her mother insisted she do something outdoors. It was nice outside, and she wasn't having any kids hanging around inside on such a beautiful summer day. She usually had to force Faye to go outside to play because all she wanted to do was dance indoors. Faye's siblings loved being outside.
Faye actually had some fun that day when she finally allowed herself to do so. She knew she needed to enjoy something other than ballet. She took her shoes off and splashed around in the creek with her brothers and sisters, when she got bit by a poisonous snake. Her foot immediately swelled up like a balloon. Faye's older brother ran to get help from a neighbor, who's home was closer to their location than their own home. The neighbor could not be found. He went to the next house, and found that neighbor, but he was almost a mile away on his tractor out in his field. It would be faster to just run home and get his own parents at that point. When he got home, he was out of breath and could barely talk. He finally got calmed down enough to blurt out "Faye. Snake." His father knew right away it was not good. They got in the car and drove to the area where the kids were all playing and found Faye unconscious. She still had a pulse, so they rushed her to the doctor.
The doctor knew just what to do, and fixed her up. She woke up a few hours later after some antibiotics had been pumped into her and her fever broke. It would seem Faye was good as new within 24 hours, but the following day, her foot turned black and blue. The doctor said it was probably just bruising from all the trauma. Two days later, however, her entire foot and ankle were black, and the skin was dying. Faye had a horrible infection or reaction to some venom that was still in her foot, and her foot had to be amputated.
This crushed Faye. She would never dance again. Her parents were just happy she would live. Faye didn't want to live if she couldn't dance. That was not living at all. She dealt with bouts of depression off and on throughout her life. She had a prosthetic foot, so she would never dance the way she once did. She didn't care how it looked. She didn't care when kids called her names. She did not care that young men paid no attention to her when she became of dating age. She only cared that she could not dance.
Faye died when she was 68 years old of heart complications. She was living with her sister Mabel at the time. Neither sister ever married or had children. All they had was each other, as all their siblings had moved to other towns, with the exception of their brother George who died in the war. Mabel was 9 years older than Faye. She passed away in her sleep two weeks after Faye passed.
In her spirit life, she enjoys helping those who need help with any physical talents, including, but not limited to, ballet and other styles of dance. She also helps people stay disciplined and on top of their studies and lessons.
Her vessel is in good shape, but, ironically, she is missing one ballet slipper. Maybe her new keeper will have an easier time finding ballet slippers to fit her than we have had so far... or someone handy with a sewing machine could probably easily make her a new pair.
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Blessed be!
April B.
Operations Manager
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I don't mind paying more than average when I actually get haunted dolls and Moondance magik never fails to deliver! This is my 5th spirit from them and every single one of them amazes me in one fashion or another! Faye was just who I needed to add to my family. She is sweet and very helpful. She showed herself to me only the third day after she arrived and talks to me now too. Some of the others I didn't see or hear them speaking until a week or two but Faye and I bonded right away. Thank you for always knowing who is a good match for me Sonya! Blessings, Sandy
I don't mind paying more than average when I actually get haunted dolls and Moondance magik never fails to deliver! This is my 5th spirit from them and every single one of them amazes me in one fashion or another! Faye was just who I needed to add to my family. She is sweet and very helpful. She showed herself to me only the third day after she arrived and talks to me now too. Some of the others I didn't see or hear them speaking until a week or two but Faye and I bonded right away. Thank you for always knowing who is a good match for me Sonya! Blessings, Sandy
I don't mind paying more than average when I actually get haunted dolls and Moondance magik never fails to deliver! This is my 5th spirit from them and every single one of them amazes me in one fashion or another! Faye was just who I needed to add to my family. She is sweet and very helpful. She showed herself to me only the third day after she arrived and talks to me now too. Some of the others I didn't see or hear them speaking until a week or two but Faye and I bonded right away. Thank you for always knowing who is a good match for me Sonya! Blessings, Sandy