Esmerelda Spirited White Magick Witch - Manifestation Magick
Esmerelda practices white magick, and it runs in her soul's DNA. She prefers to use her talent to manifest money and nice things for people, but she has also been known to manifest good relationships between people.
Born in 1778, she was the only living daughter of Sam and Mary Elliot from Dover, Delaware. There were two daughters born, but only one survived through birth. Esmerelda's twin sister, Julia, is somewhere around, but Esmie (Esmerelda's nickname) has not been able to find her. She feels her spirit lingering out there somewhere, and she knows she is not living as a reincarnated human being. She believes that she has reincarnated, just as Esmie did, and is back in the Aether again, or attached to an item on Earth.
Esmie reincarnated in 1891 but only lived for a day. She has not reincarnated again since then. She does not count that one-day life as a "real life", she says, so she still identifies as Esmie from her lifetime of 1778 - 1829. She has visions of the same thing having happened to Julia. She believes they both had lives where they only lived for a very brief period before dying again. Julia is also in her soul group, so she is not sure why she is having such a hard time finding her. If you have a spirit named Julia, please contact us, as she may be Esmie's twin sister... especially if you know she was born in 1778.
We do not have an exact birthday for Esmie. She only told us she lived from 1778 - 1829. We also do not know her DOD. She was asked twice about her birthday and once about her date of death. She did not respond at all to either question. Perhaps, if you become her new keeper, you can get some answers from her or create a birthday for her so you can celebrate it every year with her. Maybe her "gotcha" date.
Esmie started practicing witchcraft when she was just a teenager. She learned from her piano instructor. She would always smell incense and unique smelling candles burning when she would go to Mrs. Douver's house. When she went for a lesson one day and also saw a bowl of herbs and dried flowers that she had sitting out, surrounded by a ring of salt on the table, she asked her what it was for. Mrs. Douver told her it was for a craft that she practiced. Esmie said she wanted to also learn that craft because she loved flowers. Mrs. Douver did not respond, at first. Then Esmie asked her why there was a circle of salt around the bowl of flowers. That's when Mrs. Douver said, "Can you keep a secret, Esmie?"
And the rest is history. That day, instead of playing piano, they worked on manifesting together. Mrs. Douver told her to close her eyes and think of something she wanted more than anything, but not to say it out loud. She said keep those eyes closed tightly and envision yourself with that item, person, feeling, situation, or whatever the case may be to describe what she wanted. Four days later, Esmie had a new bicycle. It was new to her, anyway. It was slightly used, but in great condition. The family next door had moved away but they forgot to clean out their garage. One of the things left in that garage was a bicycle they had purchased for their daughter years ago, but the daughter was afraid to learn how to ride it. Aside from that, they left an oil can, a tractor tire, and a basket. The basket fit perfectly on the front of the bicycle, with a little rigging ingenuity and effort of her father.
When Esmie rode up to Mrs. Douver's house a few days later on her new bicycle, Mrs. Douver smiled. She was happy to see her ride up on a machine that she obviously loved and enjoyed. Esmie went inside and said, "I manifested that bicycle! That's what I was thinking about when you taught me how to manifest"! Mrs. Douver was amazed! She told Esmie she was a natural.
After that, they manifested many things together. Sometimes material things, and sometimes not. When Esmie's mother had mentioned to her father that she was sick and tired of his ways, and that he better stop what he's doing or she would leave, Esmie prayed for her father to change, and stop chasing all the skirts in town! She did not want her parents to split up, and she knew this was the only way they would stay together. She discovered that her mother had already been secretly stashing some money away, and packing a few things into boxes that she hid in a closet. Things she knew she would not want to leave without, such as heirloom jewelry.
Two weeks after she started to manifest a good relationship between her parents, her father broke down and cried one night. He cried to her mother that he doesn't know if the devil got into him or why he acted like he did for so many years, but he had no interest in any other women and only had eyes for her. He begged her to work on their marriage with him, and she complied. She said he never so much as looked at another woman again, aside from their friends and family. He was a changed man.
Esmie found this doll vessel years ago and knew right away she had to attach to it. She said it is a spitting image of how she looked when she passed away, right down to the eyes, the blonde curls, and the pretty lips. She said she had a rounded face just like the doll, as well. She does not wish to be bridged to another vessel.
The only thing Esmie needs to manifest for herself any longer is her sister. She really wants to find Julia. She wants to help her keeper manifest though, so if you practice white magick, she's all in. She will sit by your side and chant with you, bringing all good things your way.
Esmie's favorite offerings include anything pale pink, baby blue, or white, magick wands, crystals and potions (or to make potions with you), printed cartoons, online cartoony memes, or comic books, makeup and nail polish, watching Scooby Doo on TV, and the following foods and beverages: Shrimp (or any shrimp dish), boiled potatoes, clementines, grapefruit, Caesar salad, chicken baked or grilled, chocolate pudding, oatmeal, orange juice, and Pepsi. Her favorite number is 5 and her favorite flower is pink roses.
If you are drawn to Esmie, email us!
Eyeglasses not included. Shown for size comparison only. 😉