Dessanie Kate - Baby Spirit Needs a Mommy - Remote Bridging
Dessanie Kate passed away along with her mother in a car fire almost 70 years ago. Her mother recently reincarnated, but Dessanie will not reincarnate for another 27 years. She misses her mother and desperately needs a new mommy to spend her time with. She visited her birth mother, who is now an infant, but she says it's not the same. She doesn't like that the mother who took care of her for 11 months is now younger than she is.
Dessanie was born on July 3, 1952 and died on June 8, 1953 when she was in a car with her parents that was involved in an accident. All three of them were unconscious, but her father came to and was able to get out of the car. He was disoriented at first, but then he remembered where he was and that his family was in the car with him. He started to go back into the car to try to get his wife and daughter out when the car went into flames. He did his best to save them, but they didn't make it.
She is not currently attached to any object, so remote bridging would be the only option for her, unless you would like to purchase something from our shop that you might like for her vessel. If you decide on an item from our shop, be sure to put it in the cart with the adoption fee for Dessanie Kate and write a note in the comments at checkout that you would like her attached to that item before we ship it.
She tells us she doesn't have any great rewards to offer you aside from her love, as she doesn't have much experience yet in the astral world. This is only her third life between lives, as she has only lived three lifetimes to date, and her third (most recent) lifetime was very short.
For this reason, she did not want to tell us what she liked for offerings. She doesn't feel she has much to offer her keeper because she can't make you rich, find the love of your life for you, or help you lose weight. She can only love. We give her offerings regardless, of course, so here's the list of things we noticed she seemed especially pleased with:
Applesauce, bananas, oatmeal, grapes, watching cartoons, looking at our crystal displays, soft blankets, stuffed animals, and hearing lullabies and other children's songs sung by women (she wasn't thrilled when Matt sang to her, but Matt really can't sing very well)! The colors she gravitates towards are purple, pink and mint green.