Darlene - Beauty, Poise & Confidence Spirit - Haunted Doll or Remote Binding
Darlene's vessel is beautiful, but she is missing a foot. She came to us this way and the previous keeper's family could not even find the foot to try to repair her vessel. We are showing the damage in a photo, but we will have her foot taped up to avoid anyone getting cut before she is shipped. Her dress covers the foot when she is propped in her stand, so she is hoping you can overlook this. Another solution might be to find her a pair of boots to wear under her dress so you wouldn't even notice it. We might actually have a pair here that would fit her and if we do, we will outfit her with them before she is shipped to her next keeper. She is also open to remote binding, if you have an item that you'd prefer her to attach to.
That out of the way, Darlene is worth her weight in gold! She has helped three other keepers change their lives! She works the things into you that you need to become more confident, poised, and beautiful from the inside out.
Her last keeper, whose name is Charnay, attended her 30th class reunion after Darlene worked on her, and her classmates were amazed. In her high school years, she was awkward, plain, shy, uncoordinated, and picked on. She remained this way until she adopted Darlene, which was about a year before she attended the class reunion.
Charnay used to hide behind long scraggly hair and long bangs, which she brushed in a way that it would cover her eyes so that she could still see, but she would not have to look anyone in the eye for fear of being judged, and because she had no self-confidence. She whispered when she spoke, out of fear of attracting attention to herself. She also feared her voice would crack because she hardly ever used her vocal cords to communicate. It was always a whisper. In school, her classmates would see her in the hallways and chant, "Charnay, Charnay, go away", or "Charnay, Charnay, stay away". Kids can be cruel.
At her reunion, Charnay wore her hair away from her face, and she was beaming! In addition, she was dressed in an outfit that complimented her figure rather than wearing straight, baggy clothes to hide behind. She wore contact lenses instead of glasses, the acne she had until she was 47 had finally cleared up, she had a glowing tan, and she became more tone and hourglass shaped rather than frumpy.
When the class president asked for volunteers to help call the winners of door prizes to the stage at front of the banquet hall they had rented for the event, she volunteered. The class president was shocked. Seeing her looking like this "WOW LADY" was shocking in itself, and now she wanted to stand on the stage to call out names? She got up on stage, said hello to her fellow classmates and even said a few extra words to greet them, then shouted out the names of the people who won prizes, one at a time. The students would go up to her to collect their prize, and she said each one of them stared at her for a few seconds as she handed them their door prize, as if to say, "who are you and what did you do with Charnay?" Each time she called out another name, she shouted it boldly, loudly, and with a smile. She said she wishes she had had a camera on her to take a picture of all the mouths that were dropped as they gazed at her in amazement. There were two other people on stage calling out the names of winners as well, as the three of them took turns. The other two people were popular in school. One was a cheerleader, and the other was a jock. The cheerleader was also the class treasurer. They were not quite so outgoing now, however. They both looked as if they wanted to crawl into a hole, and neither of them spoke loudly and were often asked to repeat the names of the winners because no one could hear them. They felt small and inadequate standing on either side of Darlene, and it showed.
Charnay passed away at age 87 last year, and her family brought Darlene to us. They said it was Charnay's hope that Darlene could go on to help someone else like her. Darlene is willing to work with anyone to achieve the results that she did. This could be you, one of your children, a sister, a friend, your spouse, a parent, or anyone you feel could use a boost in confidence, learn how to carry themselves better, and/or become more attractive.
Darlene was born on June 16, but she has not told us the year. We also do not know her date of death, but she tells us she celebrated her 79th birthday just weeks before she passed. As you all know, we do not press for information the spirit is not comfortable with sharing.
Darlene likes a lot of things for offerings, but she is mostly happy with seeing her keeper flourish into the confident, outgoing, and happy person they wish to be. Aside from that, her favorite color is yellow. Her favorite foods are citrus fruits, almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, salads with grilled chicken, steak or salmon, bacon, green beans and plain popcorn or only with old bay seasoning. Other things she likes are lace, ribbons, bows, terry cloth, wash cloths, towels, soap, and bath bombs or bath salts.
She is happy to be remotely bound to any object that is appealing to you. Please send a photo of the object you wish to have her bound at the same time as inquiring about her with your own pic and info, as outlined in our Terms of Service by emailing us.
Her adoption fee will remain the same whether we send her vessel or conduct a remote binding, as the cost we are required to pay by the "seller" to invest in spirits is usually determined by the spirit value rather than the value of the vessel, usually by at least 80%. (Most people who bring spirits to us do their homework before coming, as they usually have a figure in mind upon arrival). In addition, it takes the time and energy of either Meta or Mya to conduct the remote binding ceremony, which usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the spirit and the item to which you are having her spirit bound.
If you opt for remote binding to an object in your home, it is not a lock binding. The spirits we bind remotely are bound in a way that they will be with you and attached to the item you choose as their vessel, but they can leave their vessel anytime they wish and return to it. Most spirits leave their vessels only to follow their keepers somewhere or to visit other friends in the spirit world who are not in your household, but they sometimes have other various reasons for temporarily leaving their vessels. Read each spirit listing for details regarding this.
If a remote binding is done rather than shipping her vessel to you with her attached, the empty doll vessel will be donated, and you will not have any shipping charges to pay. In addition, you'll have your beloved spirit with you a lot faster, especially if you live abroad. Our location is Pennsylvania, USA.