Cynthia the Clown Spirit - Vanishes Depression, Sadness, Anxiety & PTSD
Cynthia is happy to be remotely bridged to something else, because she has a broken leg. She doesn't mind the leg, but she thinks her keeper might, when she is adopted. She is a porcelain doll, and someone broke her leg somewhere along the line before she came to us. She just has the metal rod as a leg from the knee down. The good thing is, you can't see it, because it is her "lower" leg, the one she sits on in this fixed position she was made to be in permanently. Her upper leg is the one you see, while the dress covers up the fact that she is missing a leg on the bottom side.
Her vessel is quite large and heavy, so be prepared for hefty shipping fees or to pick her up from Pennsylvania if you wish to adopt her, unless you are local, in which case, we will deliver her.
Now that the two negatives are out of the way, if you are still drawn to her, keep reading for the fun stuff!
Cynthia wanted to be the magician, but that was a "man's job", according to the circus she worked for. She was allowed to either be a trapeze artist or a clown. Since she was afraid of heights, she chose to work as a clown.
She ran away from home when she was 12 years old. Her mother died when she was 8, and her father beat her almost nightly after her mother died. He became a drunk and a bum. There was rarely food in the refrigerator, and she never had clean bed clothes. She only had clean clothes on her body because her clothes were small and she was able to wash them herself behind her father's back. He didn't want her wasting water and soap. She was supposed to wear her same dirty clothes over and over.
When she left her home, she went to a friend's house where she was welcomed, but that didn't work out very well either. Her friend's brother was always trying to kiss her, and not just on her face.
Then she heard about the circus coming to town, and she knew someone who ran away with the circus, so she thought why not? She always wanted to be a paid magician. She knew magic tricks and learned a lot of escape tricks from living with her abusive father, so they would surely hire her once they saw her talent. So she went to the circus on the last night that they were appearing in town so that she could hide somewhere and stowaway until they were far, far away from her town. By then, they'd have no choice but to keep her and allow her to work for her food and shelter.
She was disappointed that she ended up being a clown instead of a magician, at first. But when she saw how much she made other children laugh, she quite enjoyed it.
She grew up with the circus and left them when she was 16 to venture out on her own. She wanted to cheer kids up in children's hospitals, as well as cheer up hospice patients and patients in nursing homes. She was starting her own business. She stayed in a motel for several months until she had enough money to get a real home of her own.
In the meantime, she made a friend named Jack. Jack loved the idea of what she was doing for a living and asked if he could partner with her, and she was all for it. She made him her partner and she was making more money than ever now because her clients were now willing to pay her triple. She and Jack could do things together as an act that she couldn't do on her own before he became her partner, which allowed for a lot more new material.
She found a home she loved and moved in just 11 months after she left the circus. She was so proud of herself! She no sooner moved in though when she was told by the hospital where she cheered up kids and elderly patients that they could no longer use her services, She and Jack were both fired. When Cynthia asked them why, she was told it was because her partner, Jack, had been stealing things from the food carts. Jack admitted to this when Cynthia questioned him. She forgave him, but now she needed a new plan.
This hospital that relieved them of their services is where she earned 90% of her pay. Her only other gigs were hospice patients who were bed ridden in their homes, and that did not pay her enough to make ends meet. She found herself begging for her job back with the circus out of disparity. She wouldn't stay with them; she'd just use them as a stepping stone until she could find another job, or move on to the next town and start over with her own clown business.
The circus re-hired her, and she was back to making some money, but not enough. She needed more if she was going to be able to make a new start for herself, once again. She had this on her mind almost non-stop.
One evening she was performing in one ring while there was a tiger show in the ring next to her, with a trainer. They were warming up and practicing for the next act after Cynthia's clown act. Someone didn't give Rascal, the tiger, enough sedative though to keep him calm and tame, and it wore off quickly. Rascal hated the clowns and anyone who dressed up in any way for their act in the circus. The first person he saw when the calming agent wore off was Cynthia, and he bolted straight to her as she had her back to him while she was performing. She was still laughing and smiling as she was juggling balls when everyone in front of her in the audience stood up. This made Cynthia smile even more, just as Rascal pounced on her. She died believing the audience stood up to give her a standing ovation.
Meta told her she was so sorry that her life ended that way. She replied, "I'm not sorry. I was done with that life anyway. It was too much trouble".
Now she just wants to help other people laugh and feel good who might be dealing with depression, PTSD, anxiety, or just overall gloom or sadness. She won't do clown acts and expect this to all be resolved, of course. Since she is spirit only now, and not human, she has ways to work on you to activate happiness hormones so that you become uplifted, calm, and happy overall. She said she will be using, "woo woo and joo joo, as you kids call it today". lol
Cynthia's favorite food offerings are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, celery with peanut butter, peanut butter chocolate eggs, ice cream with peanut butter, and peanuts! Her favorite colors are blue and red, and her favorite thing to do for fun is to go on hikes. She also enjoys listening to opera music and watching comedies on TV.
It is a requirement for anyone interested in adopting spirits to read, understand, and agree to our Terms of Service. These are REAL entities you are adopting, not dolls you are purchasing. Thank you.