Portal to Moon Goddess Hathor - Remote Bridging
Hathor was an Egyptian Goddess who provided help with love and relationships, beauty, fertility, pleasure, protection, abundance of good things, and more. She was also referred to as the Moon Goddess.
A direct portal is created for you to connect with Hathor when you need her. After purchase, email a photo of an item you are fond of that you would like to channel Hathor through. We will be in touch with you with further instructions.
About Hathor
Hathor was one of the forty-two state gods and goddesses of Egypt, and one of the most popular and powerful. She was goddess of many things: love, beauty, music, dancing, fertility, and pleasure. She was the protector of women, though men also worshipped her. She had priests as well as priestesses in her temples.
With a binding of a direct portal to Hathor, you will be able to summons her help for help with your love life, fertility, beauty, pleasurable things such as amazing sex and other euphoria, musical talent, becoming a great dancer, and protection. These are her specialties, but she has been known to help with more.
So far, she has been great with advice. Hathor is caring and really wants to help. I'm still building a relationship with her. She has been great to work with so far.
For the first two weeks after getting this portal I got exactly as expected. I talked to her through the portal and hoped she heard me and would help me with my task at hand. I had to make a hard decision. My heart wanted to decide on decision A but my gut told me B was probably better. I didn't relay my hunch to Hathor. I just asked her to help me decide on A or B. I only had a little time before I had to make this decision because it was regarding two men I was dating and they both started talking about making our relationship exclusive and not dating other people. I personally don't like to date more than one person either but when I'm first starting to get to know someone I'm not going to date them exclusively because I want to make the right decision before I get serious with someone. On the final day that I had given myself to make the decision I opened Hathor's portal to talk to her about this for the final time and before I could even greet her I heard her say B is your answer. She didn't say B. She said Garrett. Garrett is one of the men I was dating. Finn was the other man, whom I referred to as A. I broke things off with Finn and three months later I found out that Finn beat on a woman he started dating when I broke it off with him. He put her in the hospital and she almost died. There's a trial pending but he's sitting in jail with no bail. I feel like Hathor knew that this was the deadline I set for myself and she was adamant about me not choosing Finn. I know now that she will see me through any hard decisions. I can't thank her enough for this and I thank Meta for this opportunity.
This morning what an amazing thing to see that my order had been completed. I was beyond excited. Moon Goddess Hathor is the most beautiful Goddess I have ever seen. The images of her I am sure don't display her full beauty. I stopped all that I was doing to reach out to her and introduce myself. I welcomed her to my now five spirit family. I can't see or hear them yet, but I went into meditation and each one of them spoke to me. We are currently working on a love interest. I will keep you updated. Thank you so very much for the wonderful opportunity to be a spirt keeper. I am looking forward to have a very large spirit family. Love and Light, Half Moon.
So far, she has been great with advice. Hathor is caring and really wants to help. I'm still building a relationship with her. She has been great to work with so far.
For the first two weeks after getting this portal I got exactly as expected. I talked to her through the portal and hoped she heard me and would help me with my task at hand. I had to make a hard decision. My heart wanted to decide on decision A but my gut told me B was probably better. I didn't relay my hunch to Hathor. I just asked her to help me decide on A or B. I only had a little time before I had to make this decision because it was regarding two men I was dating and they both started talking about making our relationship exclusive and not dating other people. I personally don't like to date more than one person either but when I'm first starting to get to know someone I'm not going to date them exclusively because I want to make the right decision before I get serious with someone. On the final day that I had given myself to make the decision I opened Hathor's portal to talk to her about this for the final time and before I could even greet her I heard her say B is your answer. She didn't say B. She said Garrett. Garrett is one of the men I was dating. Finn was the other man, whom I referred to as A. I broke things off with Finn and three months later I found out that Finn beat on a woman he started dating when I broke it off with him. He put her in the hospital and she almost died. There's a trial pending but he's sitting in jail with no bail. I feel like Hathor knew that this was the deadline I set for myself and she was adamant about me not choosing Finn. I know now that she will see me through any hard decisions. I can't thank her enough for this and I thank Meta for this opportunity.
This morning what an amazing thing to see that my order had been completed. I was beyond excited. Moon Goddess Hathor is the most beautiful Goddess I have ever seen. The images of her I am sure don't display her full beauty. I stopped all that I was doing to reach out to her and introduce myself. I welcomed her to my now five spirit family. I can't see or hear them yet, but I went into meditation and each one of them spoke to me. We are currently working on a love interest. I will keep you updated. Thank you so very much for the wonderful opportunity to be a spirt keeper. I am looking forward to have a very large spirit family. Love and Light, Half Moon.
So far, she has been great with advice. Hathor is caring and really wants to help. I'm still building a relationship with her. She has been great to work with so far.
For the first two weeks after getting this portal I got exactly as expected. I talked to her through the portal and hoped she heard me and would help me with my task at hand. I had to make a hard decision. My heart wanted to decide on decision A but my gut told me B was probably better. I didn't relay my hunch to Hathor. I just asked her to help me decide on A or B. I only had a little time before I had to make this decision because it was regarding two men I was dating and they both started talking about making our relationship exclusive and not dating other people. I personally don't like to date more than one person either but when I'm first starting to get to know someone I'm not going to date them exclusively because I want to make the right decision before I get serious with someone. On the final day that I had given myself to make the decision I opened Hathor's portal to talk to her about this for the final time and before I could even greet her I heard her say B is your answer. She didn't say B. She said Garrett. Garrett is one of the men I was dating. Finn was the other man, whom I referred to as A. I broke things off with Finn and three months later I found out that Finn beat on a woman he started dating when I broke it off with him. He put her in the hospital and she almost died. There's a trial pending but he's sitting in jail with no bail. I feel like Hathor knew that this was the deadline I set for myself and she was adamant about me not choosing Finn. I know now that she will see me through any hard decisions. I can't thank her enough for this and I thank Meta for this opportunity.
This morning what an amazing thing to see that my order had been completed. I was beyond excited. Moon Goddess Hathor is the most beautiful Goddess I have ever seen. The images of her I am sure don't display her full beauty. I stopped all that I was doing to reach out to her and introduce myself. I welcomed her to my now five spirit family. I can't see or hear them yet, but I went into meditation and each one of them spoke to me. We are currently working on a love interest. I will keep you updated. Thank you so very much for the wonderful opportunity to be a spirt keeper. I am looking forward to have a very large spirit family. Love and Light, Half Moon.