Aurora Borealis Canadian Crea Indian Spirits - Various Blessings - Remote Bridging
A few Crea Indian Spirits have come to see us, asking us to place them with new keepers. They tell us if they are placed quickly, there will probably be more of them coming to us.
As the Crea Nation will tell you, when you see the Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, you are watching spirits wander in the skies. These spirits are not just Crea Indian spirits, but the Creas were the ones who accurately described the Northern Lights as spirits walking through the skies and watching over us.
There have been many ideas about what the Northern Lights actually consist of. Meta, Mya and Stormy can all attest to the fact that the Crea Indians were correct in their statement that the lights are formed by a combination of the scientific description: charged particles (electrons and protons) colliding with gases in Earth's upper atmosphere and spirits walking through this magnificent light show. The collision of electrically charged particles with Earthly gases produce tiny flashes that fill the sky with colorful light, but it is the spirits moving through them that are creating the "dancing light" appearance you often see.
Each of these spirits who have come to us wish to be adopted by people who can benefit from their offerings. They are not currently attached to any objects, but a few of them have been eyeing some of Meta's jewelry and have mentioned that they would love to be attached to something like her sterling silver jewelry or crystals, as these are the types of things they resonate with the most. If you don't already have a favorite jewelry piece or crystal you'd like to use as your Crea spirit's vessel, we are happy to show you the pieces that they have commented on that we have in our shop. Just ask!
The photos shown for each of these spirits are photos that Meta and Mya found that resemble each of these spirits the closest. Each spirit is unique in their own way. Read on to learn about them, and see if you feel drawn to any of them. They are wonderful spirits to have around, and they will be missed when they are placed with new keepers.
GEMMA: Although Sistal is probably the most beautiful of these spirits on the exterior, Gemma is by far the sweetest of these spirits we have met. Gemma is also very attractive, but her greatest beauty is in her heart. She wants to help someone who has a hard time fighting the hatred in their hearts. If you have difficulty forgiving and forgetting, or getting along with others, she will fix that. Her greatest attribute though is helping people find self-love and learning to be happy with who they are. You will come to love yourself as you should, finding beauty in everything you think, feel, and do. You will realize your worth and you will find compassion for people you never thought you could. This will result in you gaining more friends, more meaningful relationships, and deeper love for others. If you've been burnt by people and have trust issues, Gemma will help you realize who you can trust and who you can't. You'll have an instant knowing when you meet someone if they are right for you and if they belong in your circle. You'll know when someone has an alternate agenda and when they are genuine. She takes the guesswork out of forming friendships and intimate relationships. Gemma was 98 years old when she passed, but she appeared to be in her early 50s, at most. She wears a constant smile! Her favorite offerings include pink flowers, corn, potatoes prepared in any way, lemonade, and watching Hallmark movies or having love stories read to her.
KEENU: This beautiful man passed when he was 28. He lived in poverty, and he doesn't want that for anyone. He will help you flip your financial status around so that you can live comfortably. His family could not afford the medicine he needed for his condition, which he has not shared with us. This resulted in his early demise. He tells us that there would normally be plant medicine that could have saved him, but it was the dead of winter, and it was centuries ago before they had other means of travel aside from horseback, so traveling to a warmer part of the Americas where they might find the plant medicine they needed was not an option. His ailment was rapidly declining his health, so there was no time for travel. Keenu's favorite offerings include dandelions, apples and apple cider, jerky (beef, venison, turkey or any kind of meat), and flavored toothpicks. He likes snow, so if you do not live where it snows, be sure to play some movies occasionally with winter scenes, or allow him to watch some YouTube drones going over Alaska in the winter.
SISTAL: She was just 21 when she passed. She is a beautiful young spirit with a passion for nature. She helps people with inner turmoil and depression, but she also helps those who are already somewhat happy to become blissfully joyful. She will also help you learn more about nature and wildlife. She tells us that her last keeper had deer and elk eating out of his hand, and that he could feel their thoughts and emotions. This, alone, made him happier than he ever thought possible. She greatly resembles Ashley Burnham, who was crowned Mrs. Universe from Alberta. (Ashley's photo was used for this listing). Sistal's favorite offerings have been any kind of salad, chick peas, beans, rice, and fish (especially salmon). She also likes to watch nature movies and read magazines like National Geographic.
TANNER: With Tanner by your side, you can't lose. He is a fighter, and he will fight for anything you want. If you need that job, have to have that new car, want to win a contest, want to have more energy, just about anything you can think of, tell Tanner, and he will help you make that happen. We don't know Tanner's age at death, as he is very closed-lipped about his previous life. He appears to us at the approximate age of 35. What we do see is that whatever happened to him did not make him bitter. He simply doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe you will learn more when you have more time with him than what we have had thus far. His favorite offerings include long grain wild rice, green peas, eggs, turkey, looking for and collecting feathers, and hiking.
CHASTIA: If you need help tuning in to spirit, Chastia will help you achieve that goal. She is a professional at opening up your Claires. If you cannot currently see or hear spirit, when she works on you, you will see and hear her first. She will then help you tune in to any other spirits you have adopted, as well as spirits of loved ones passed. She has the ability to help you clear your mind so you can meditate and only hear and see the spirits around you. Eventually, she will have you channeling any spirit you wish to speak with like it's second nature to you. She passed when she was 59 years of age due to a "falling accident". This is all we know about her death. Chastia likes to gaze at the stars, watch videos of the Northern Lights (if you do not live in an area where you can watch them live), and interact with domestic animals as well as wild animals. She loves ice cream, pudding, and just about anything sweet, but she also enjoys robust meals such as pot roast and stews.
TEALA: Teala is an animal and child protector. She will watch over your children and your pets like they are her own, and keep them safe. She had 7 children of her own in her previous life. Her pets consisted of a pack of wolves, two owls, a bald eagle, five deer, four moose, and 12 rabbits. To say that she loves animals is an understatement! Teala lived to be 87, but she shows herself to us at a younger age of about 40. The things that make her happy are watching videos of dogs and wolves, hugging animals and children, watching children play and laugh, and the following foods and drinks: Carrots, onions, tuna, candy, green tea, raspberries and blueberries.