Nellicinny (Nelli) Yarnocht Star Fairy Spirit Enhances Your Odds at all Your Goals x 100 - From The 4700
Nellicinny is from a star called Yarnocht, which is in the Universe called Forgnitssvars. She is part of an elite group called The 4700, which we will explain further down on this page.
We learned that the entire star is populated with fairies with magikal powers beyond imagination. The spirits who came to us from Yarnocht shared with us that our universe is in the saddest shape of all the universes in the multiverse in the respect that most intelligent life in our universe is not capable of using their minds to create their best realities as they are. They also shared, and this is no surprise at all, that earthlings are the least capable of using their minds for manifesting their dreams in our universe.
This other foster care center has always had many star seeds coming to them, and they don't know why. They don't even normally keep even half as many spirits with them as we do at any given time, so there shouldn't be a huge energy surge attracting starseed spirits to them, but they are drawn by something.
They currently have too many star seeds, as it is creating an energy force too strong for most of their employees to tolerate on a daily basis. They are now getting headaches and ear ringing like crazy since so many starseeds have recently landed there. Like us, they won't turn them away, but at the same time, with so many of them there, it is becoming difficult for them to function. We made a contract with them to take some of them off their hands and put them into our care until we can find homes for them. We will eventually offer all of them on this site in separate listings, one at a time, until they are all adopted. For now, we made a monetary exchange for just a few of them.
Nelli will enhance your intuition so much that you will intuitively know exactly where to be and when in order to draw to you whatever it is you are looking for. If you're searching for a new job, a new home, a new car, or a new love, she is one of the many Yarnochtians who can see to it that you not only find what you're in search of faster, but that you will make sound decisions and accurate choices to bring you the most out of life. Her offerings are not limited to material things. She and all the other Yarnochtian Spirits will also help you find confidence, joy, self-love, self-discipline, courage, and any other feeling or quality you feel you lack.
Info about Nelli:
She was born on February 10th of the Earth calendar, but she said it is impossible to offer an earth year that she was born, just as it is for most of the other Yarnochtian spirits who are with her, as it was way before the earth was even born! However, she passed away on earth's date of 1 December 1999. They live forever, unless they are killed by living or non-living forces. Nelli was killed by a meteor landing on her star, along with exactly 4700 others. This is how they got the name The 4700. They do not die of old age or disease. The best part about that is that they feel, act, and look young throughout their entire life. Nelli does not look much older than 25 to us. To say that these spirits have a lot of wisdom and experience is an understatement!
Nelli likes ping pong balls, the element of air, and green crystals such as jade, emerald, chrome diopside, and green fluorite, all of which did not grow on Yarnocht. Her favorite color is...you guess it! GREEN! Her favorite music is hit music from the 80s and 90s. Stargazing is one of her favorite things to do at night, as it is for most of our starseeds. She likes to get high (weed), so if you do not smoke it, she will simply concoct her own for her own use. During the day, she likes to meditate and listen to birds singing as she does so. If you live in the city and you have more traffic noise than nature sounds, you can play something for her from online with birds chirping, or she will bring in her own birds.
She is not currently attached to any vessel. She wishes to be bridged to you or to an object of your choosing. She has no preference on objects for vessels as long as it is something sturdy.
The Yarnocht starseeds do not need to pre-approve you for adoption, as they will simply leave and come back here if they are mistreated or neglected. Their only requirement for staying with you once adopted is that you acknowledge them at least once a day unless there are rare circumstances of hospitalization, mourning the loss of a loved one or a pet, etc. A simple, "Hello, I hope you have a wonderful day" is all these starseeds need, (or something to that effect). They simply do not want you to forget they are with you. Offerings from their lists are just a bonus to them, and more conversation with them than a morning or an evening greeting every day will make them more joyful than you can imagine. If you interact with them a lot, you can expect a lot in return!
It is not recommended to adopt more than TEN of these spirits, as their collective energy can be harmful to your head! (Seriously!) They are SO STRONG when they are together, while they wish no harm on us, they cannot help the amount of energy that surges from them being together in one building, which has caused some peeople migraine headaches or even bleeding ears.