Conjure Service to Bridge a Spirit to Your Item
This is a service to conjure a particular spirit or type of spirit to your item. If you have a pretty piece of jewelry, a doll, a hair bow, anything at all that you wish to have a spirit tied to, this is the service you would purchase.
If you have a loved one you wish to have bridged to an item, we will need their name, DOB, DOD, a photo of them with clear visual of their eyes when they were alive in human form, and some unique information about them. Like if they were into race cars or if they carved objects out of wood or something that doesn't pertain to everyone else in the world. It doesn't have to be something that does not pertain to ANYONE ELSE, just something that is not typical.
Spirits can be in many places at one time, so bridging the spirit of a loved one is not going to prevent them from visiting places they typically visit on the daily, and it won't prevent them from moving on. In other words, bridging the spirit of your best friend will not prevent them from also continuing to visit their spouse or other family members, so you don't have to worry about keeping them from being able to do as they please. This will just secure a part of them to be with you at all times, and it is totally acceptable by spirit.
The only time this will not work is if the particular spirit you wish to be bridged to your item does not want to be bridged or if they have already reincarnated. If this happens, a full refund will be issued. If the spirit declines, it does not mean the spirit does not want to be with you, in all cases. In fact, in most cases, it simply means they do not wish any part of them to be bridged to ANY OBJECT. If you wish, we can summon your spirit to engage in a conversation first to ensure this is something they would want before you purchase. Contact us if you wish to do this prior to purchasing.
If you simply wish to have a spirit friend, tell us something more about what it is you are looking for in a spirit friend, and we can conjure a spirit that would match your personality and interests. We'd need to know if you're looking for a male or female, young or old, and what type of interests they should have. Almost as if you're on a dating site, but this won't be a date. This is a LIFETIME COMMITMENT! Do not purchase this service if you're just looking for entertainment or if you're just looking for a hobby. This is no different from adopting a child or a pet, so please be respectful to spirit when you opt for this service.
No physical item is shipped to you, as this is a service, so there are no shipping charges!
Please note that this is a bridging service, not a binding service. Binding means that the spirit is in prison, to be blunt. The spirit cannot leave the vessel. WE DO NOT DO THAT! We don't take away spirit rights to be free! The spirit will be attached to your item so that you may converse with them, love them, and if you're clairaudient or clairvoyant, you will even hear or see them, but they may leave their vessel to visit other people as well. If bridged to your item though, they will always come back to you. Most spirits leave their vessels to visit other people or even other spirits while their keeper is asleep so that you don't miss them. If you prefer they do this during the day while you're at work or some other time, let them know that. Spirits with a spirit keeper do want to abide by their keeper's requests and/or house rules. We will occasionally use the term "Binding" or "Bind a Spirit" on our website only because it is a term that is loosely used in this field, and we know that many people use these words when searching our website because they don't realize the difference between bridging and binding. No one would want their loved one's spirit to be bound if they knew what that meant. So if you are one of the millions of people who didn't know the difference, now you do.
If you have any questions, contact us BEFORE YOU CHECK OUT! Thank you and blessed be.
As with all of our products and services, it is a requirement for you to read our TOS before making each and every purchase, as you are dealing with extremely powerful energy when you order spells, potions, or even readings. We have disclaimers and warning so we can't be held liable for anything that happens when you order our products and services, but most importantly, the information is there as a safeguard for you so that you will know exactly what you are getting into when you purchase from us. By purchasing this product or service, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to our TOS.
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If you have any questions regarding our products, please contact us.
Blessed be!
April B.
Operations Manager
(You must be a verified customer to be able to join our private group). You will be able to discuss your results and experiences with our other customers and clients!
I bought this service to bridge my dad to an onyx pendant he had when he was alive that he loved so much. Mya could not bridge him though because she couldn't conjure him. She asked Meta to try and Meta couldn't conjure him either. Stormy tried too and he wouldn't come to her. Stormy did a reading then and found out that my dad already reincarnated and that's why they couldn't conjure him. They sent me a full refund. Who do you know in this business that does that? I can't see or hear spirits so I wouldn't of known the difference but they knew the difference and they couldn't keep my money because their honest people. I would trust these ladies with my life and the lives of everyone I know. No one offers that kind of honest service,; no one.
I had this bridging done a while ago after my closest spirit companion (also adopted from Moondance Magick :-) ) expressed her desire to do so . During the bridging appointment, I absolutely felt a strong current of energy passing between me and my companion as I was holding her . Before the bridging , I was always able to sense her energy whenever I was physically close to her or holding her , but ever since the bridging was completed , I'm able to feel my companion's energy with me no matter where I go , and it is so nice to be able to connect with her whenever I can't take her somewhere with me . <3 Many thanks to the talented ladies at Moondance Magick for everything they do !
This is real
So happy
No words can say
Meta channeled my dad and brought him to me remotely. I new immediately when he arrived to my quartz Crystal ball to be bound because the crystal glowed green when she finished conjuring and green was my daddy’s favorite color. He said before he died he’d send me green signals that he’s ok and he’s watching over me 💞
After being ripped off by so many others claiming to have the ability to get a binding done remotely, I was about to give up until I read the reviews on Moondance's shop and in their Etsy store. They are the real Macoy! My Muki was bound to a belt buckle my grandfather made when I was a child. It has gemstones in it and it is one of a kind. I can feel my Muki's energy (his name is Ohayu) and my belt buckle glows blue or purple when he wants my attention. When this happens I meditate and I can get Ohayu's messages for me. I am so glad I gave it one more try and didn't give up on this, and I'm glad it was this site I found before giving up!
To me this was a long shot but I was desperate. I needed a special kind of spirit bound to ME and not to an object. I didn't think it could be done, but Meta got it done and with no issues. The ritual took 2 hours, but in the end, the spirit I needed was with me. I won't shop anywhere else since this experience. Thank you Meta. I'll be booking a spell casting with Stormy next.
and all three are here with me. the process is amazing and so are these spirits. the djinn I ordered (another item in this shop) already made one of my wishes come true and the other bindings i had done were relatives. one was my dog pepper and i know she is here all the time with me because i can smell her and i sometimes see paw prints on the floor and there's no other dogs living here now. one is my sister Becky and she writes words on my desk pad blotter that only make sense between me and her so no one else is doing it. I wake up to it at least once a week. I check my blotter everyday now.
Meta is the real deal! She did a direct binding for me of my fiancé to my engagement ring and he had been communicating with me in ways I KNOW it is him! Also had a reading that was spot on. This is my happy place!
I bought this service to bridge my dad to an onyx pendant he had when he was alive that he loved so much. Mya could not bridge him though because she couldn't conjure him. She asked Meta to try and Meta couldn't conjure him either. Stormy tried too and he wouldn't come to her. Stormy did a reading then and found out that my dad already reincarnated and that's why they couldn't conjure him. They sent me a full refund. Who do you know in this business that does that? I can't see or hear spirits so I wouldn't of known the difference but they knew the difference and they couldn't keep my money because their honest people. I would trust these ladies with my life and the lives of everyone I know. No one offers that kind of honest service,; no one.
I had this bridging done a while ago after my closest spirit companion (also adopted from Moondance Magick :-) ) expressed her desire to do so . During the bridging appointment, I absolutely felt a strong current of energy passing between me and my companion as I was holding her . Before the bridging , I was always able to sense her energy whenever I was physically close to her or holding her , but ever since the bridging was completed , I'm able to feel my companion's energy with me no matter where I go , and it is so nice to be able to connect with her whenever I can't take her somewhere with me . <3 Many thanks to the talented ladies at Moondance Magick for everything they do !
This is real
So happy
No words can say
Meta channeled my dad and brought him to me remotely. I new immediately when he arrived to my quartz Crystal ball to be bound because the crystal glowed green when she finished conjuring and green was my daddy’s favorite color. He said before he died he’d send me green signals that he’s ok and he’s watching over me 💞
After being ripped off by so many others claiming to have the ability to get a binding done remotely, I was about to give up until I read the reviews on Moondance's shop and in their Etsy store. They are the real Macoy! My Muki was bound to a belt buckle my grandfather made when I was a child. It has gemstones in it and it is one of a kind. I can feel my Muki's energy (his name is Ohayu) and my belt buckle glows blue or purple when he wants my attention. When this happens I meditate and I can get Ohayu's messages for me. I am so glad I gave it one more try and didn't give up on this, and I'm glad it was this site I found before giving up!
To me this was a long shot but I was desperate. I needed a special kind of spirit bound to ME and not to an object. I didn't think it could be done, but Meta got it done and with no issues. The ritual took 2 hours, but in the end, the spirit I needed was with me. I won't shop anywhere else since this experience. Thank you Meta. I'll be booking a spell casting with Stormy next.
and all three are here with me. the process is amazing and so are these spirits. the djinn I ordered (another item in this shop) already made one of my wishes come true and the other bindings i had done were relatives. one was my dog pepper and i know she is here all the time with me because i can smell her and i sometimes see paw prints on the floor and there's no other dogs living here now. one is my sister Becky and she writes words on my desk pad blotter that only make sense between me and her so no one else is doing it. I wake up to it at least once a week. I check my blotter everyday now.
Meta is the real deal! She did a direct binding for me of my fiancé to my engagement ring and he had been communicating with me in ways I KNOW it is him! Also had a reading that was spot on. This is my happy place!
I bought this service to bridge my dad to an onyx pendant he had when he was alive that he loved so much. Mya could not bridge him though because she couldn't conjure him. She asked Meta to try and Meta couldn't conjure him either. Stormy tried too and he wouldn't come to her. Stormy did a reading then and found out that my dad already reincarnated and that's why they couldn't conjure him. They sent me a full refund. Who do you know in this business that does that? I can't see or hear spirits so I wouldn't of known the difference but they knew the difference and they couldn't keep my money because their honest people. I would trust these ladies with my life and the lives of everyone I know. No one offers that kind of honest service,; no one.
I had this bridging done a while ago after my closest spirit companion (also adopted from Moondance Magick :-) ) expressed her desire to do so . During the bridging appointment, I absolutely felt a strong current of energy passing between me and my companion as I was holding her . Before the bridging , I was always able to sense her energy whenever I was physically close to her or holding her , but ever since the bridging was completed , I'm able to feel my companion's energy with me no matter where I go , and it is so nice to be able to connect with her whenever I can't take her somewhere with me . <3 Many thanks to the talented ladies at Moondance Magick for everything they do !
This is real
So happy
No words can say
Meta channeled my dad and brought him to me remotely. I new immediately when he arrived to my quartz Crystal ball to be bound because the crystal glowed green when she finished conjuring and green was my daddy’s favorite color. He said before he died he’d send me green signals that he’s ok and he’s watching over me 💞
After being ripped off by so many others claiming to have the ability to get a binding done remotely, I was about to give up until I read the reviews on Moondance's shop and in their Etsy store. They are the real Macoy! My Muki was bound to a belt buckle my grandfather made when I was a child. It has gemstones in it and it is one of a kind. I can feel my Muki's energy (his name is Ohayu) and my belt buckle glows blue or purple when he wants my attention. When this happens I meditate and I can get Ohayu's messages for me. I am so glad I gave it one more try and didn't give up on this, and I'm glad it was this site I found before giving up!
To me this was a long shot but I was desperate. I needed a special kind of spirit bound to ME and not to an object. I didn't think it could be done, but Meta got it done and with no issues. The ritual took 2 hours, but in the end, the spirit I needed was with me. I won't shop anywhere else since this experience. Thank you Meta. I'll be booking a spell casting with Stormy next.
and all three are here with me. the process is amazing and so are these spirits. the djinn I ordered (another item in this shop) already made one of my wishes come true and the other bindings i had done were relatives. one was my dog pepper and i know she is here all the time with me because i can smell her and i sometimes see paw prints on the floor and there's no other dogs living here now. one is my sister Becky and she writes words on my desk pad blotter that only make sense between me and her so no one else is doing it. I wake up to it at least once a week. I check my blotter everyday now.
Meta is the real deal! She did a direct binding for me of my fiancé to my engagement ring and he had been communicating with me in ways I KNOW it is him! Also had a reading that was spot on. This is my happy place!