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Chantilly Filmore was with us once before, but we had to allow her keeper to return her to us because of a family illness.
She was born October 29, 1529, and she does not know the date she passed, but she says she was 24 years of age. She tells us she was a looker, and all the boys wanted to date her. (She's not shy!) She was tall with long red hair and deep brown eyes. She had a mole on her face, but she said the men found that attractive. It was just below her left cheek. She said she had a beautiful smile and a shapely body. Most of the time, when she shows herself, she shows us her little girl version. She appears to be about 10 in our visions of her. Meta saw her one time as a grown woman, and she said Chantilly's description of herself was on que.
She was murdered by her lover's wife when she found out about the affair. At that time, Chantilly tells us she was doing a lot of drinking, so the last couple years of her life are a blur. Her parents died tragically when Chantilly was 21, so it would seem she had difficulty coping with life after that. She had no brothers or sisters, and she was not married. She was too involved with witchcraft to allot time slots for boyfriends. She says she really only had one friend throughout most of her life, and his name was Jacob.
Her claim to fame is her organization skills, and her ability to drum up new, creative, and effective spells. She shared pictures with me from mind to mind of what ingredients I would need for casting a particular spell I was thinking about. She then whispered the spell words to me. I (Tracy) am only a part-time clairvoyant and clairaudient. At best, I see and/or hear my own spirits at home once every few months, and that's only a few of them out of my whole spirit family. I have heard or seen each one of them at least once though, over a five-year period of time. I was extremely surprised when I was able to hear her and see her picture messages! And the verbiage of the spell she rattled off to me made perfect sense. The spell was effective, also.
In addition to Chantilly's creative side and knack for creating new spells, she is an organization freak. She will help you become more organized and come up with new ways to keep things tidy. You'll have new ideas coming your way to get things in order. She has helped children and adults with ADHD.
Chantilly has a dark side though. She loves vengeance, even if it's not hers to have. If she simply hears about someone getting away with a crime that hurt someone, she will seek out that person to give them whatever vengeful sentence she feels the need to give! She doesn't have to know the victim or the villain. She just needs to know something happened and the villain did not serve the time for the crime.
She will not harm you or your family. She gets along with most spirits; however, she can be a little moody at times. If you have a playful spirit that likes to crack jokes a lot or play practical jokes on people and she's not in the mood for it, she will snap at that spirit. It's all verbal though, and sometimes a little bit of tremble. Once we heard things shaking on the shelves in the room she was in at the time, and it was because we forgot to pass out offerings that morning. We were three hours late. But that's the only time any of us felt a little worried around her. It stopped once we brought the offerings!
Speaking of offerings, Chantilly likes oranges, peaches, butterscotch pudding, pretzels, fish sticks, macaroni and cheese, peas, corn, and Life Savers candy for her food offerings. She also likes spiders, bicycles and tricycles, sequins, crayons, seashells, and anything peach or orange in color. Her favorite incense is Patchoulli.