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Chantilly has been with us for over a year, and she just reminded us that we never listed her on our website. So sorry, Chantilly! We had her on Instagram for almost a year, but we failed to move her to our new website when we switched hosting companies.
Her vessel appears to be an angel vessel, but she is a fairy spirit. Born in Dublin on February 6, 1423, she was the only daughter of Mae and Chancellor, who had 7 children in total. Growing up with six brothers has made Chantilly a tough girl with spunk and vigor, but she is still very much a lady.
Chantilly lived a short life for a fairy. She passed away in 1943. Like many spirits who died a tragic death, she does not wish to relive it by telling us how she died. She would only tell us that she died a tragic death and it was due to some unscrupulous human beings. Fairies can live to be 1,500 - 1,700 years old, if they die of natural causes.
Despite the fact that people were less than kind to Chantilly, she loves human beings and all walks of life. She understands that there are good people in the world in addition to the not-so-nice ones, so she does not hold any grudges against the human race. She goes on to say that for the most part, she lived a very happy life and she was part of a loving family. She has no regrets.
During her life, she earned the nickname, "Lucky", because whenever she would kiss something, it brought someone good luck. When her brothers went on hikes in search of food, building materials, or things to use as clothing, she would give them each a kiss before they left their home, and they always returned with an abundance of everything they needed. If she wasn't around to give them a kiss before their journey, they usually came back emptyhanded.
When her oldest brother Aaron was ready to meet a lady fairy to spend his life with, he felt it would be very hard considering the next closest fairy communities to theirs was miles and miles away, and there were no female fairies who weren't spoken for in their own community, aside from his sister. He decided to take a trip toward the next closest fairy village one day, in hopes of meeting a lady fairy. He asked Chantilly to give him a kiss for good luck. He knew it would take days to reach the village, so he packed a change of clothes and plenty of food in his satchel, which he carried on his back like a backpack. He only traveled for an hour, however, before he crossed paths with Lillybell, the female fairy of his dreams. She was riding a squirrel, escaping a man who had been courting her, but was not treating her well. She had bruises on her arms, legs, and even on her face. Despite the bruises, she was very lovely, and Aaron fell for her instantly. Lillybell was also smitten! Aaron brought Lillybell back with him to his village where they were married on the spot so that the wicked fairy who was treating her poorly could not lay any claim to her.
There were numerous instances of Chantilly giving someone a kiss, which resulted in extreme good luck. If you become Chantilly's keeper, simply ask her to kiss you on the cheek before you venture out to accomplish something.
Chantilly prefers to keep her vessel, but she is open to seeing other things you might have if you prefer to have her bridged to something. She does not wish to be bridged to your person.
She will leave her vessel every month on the 15th for three or four hours to visit with her family. She said you won't even miss her, as she always travels at night while you are sleeping.
Foods and drinks: Coffee (black), hot tea with lemon, cherries and anything cherry-flavored, dark chocolate, lettuce, mushrooms, and cucumbers or pickles.
Things to do: She enjoys watching all fantasy and sci-fi movies or TV shows, playing cards or watching people play cards, picking flowers, weeds, and mushrooms, and watching rain fall.
Others: Her favorite colors are gold, yellow and purple. Her favorite number is 72. Her favorite animal is the giraffe, and her favorite season is summer. She loves fresh or dried flowers, and she likes stickers.