Cassandra the Reiki Health & Protection Fairy - Remote Binding
Cassandra is a fairy spirit who specializes in Reiki and chakra balancing and conditioning. She has never come across a situation she could not fix, she tells us. She has helped several people who didn't even know she was helping them because of the communication barrier between them and/or the person's inability to believe in fairies. Nonetheless, when she sees someone who is out of alignment, she makes it her mission to fix them.
The photo is the one Mya chose from the internet after looking at hundreds of them until she found one that resembled Cassandra, but remember that Mya and Meta also do spirit sketches if you'd like to see a more exact depiction of her.
Cassandra lived with her mother and two sisters in her most recent past life. Their father passed away when Cassandra was only a baby. She was the youngest of the three girls, but they were all close in age. They had a brother who was the oldest, but he perished as well when Cassandra was small.
Her sisters were the "homemakers", as their mother was very weak from injuries she sustained when attempting to save their father from the ambush he walked into. Bimma and Destinia did all the cooking and cleaning. Cassandra enjoyed foraging for food, bringing flowers into their home for cheer, and keeping watch over their home. Where they grew up, it could be harsh. They were too close to human paths. Humans can be cruel, so nothing more needs to be said here.
She grew up near Aberdeenshire in Scotland. When her parents first settled there amongst other fairies in a tiny fairy village, they were in an area that was not very well populated by humans. The year was 1478. By the time Cassandra was born, it was a much different story. It became much more populated in Aberdeenshire, and some of the people who lived there made a sport out of hunting fairies. When Cassandra was an adult, she and her family moved away to a better area, along with most of the rest of their village fairies.
Cassandra hates the color red! If you would like her to be bound to an item you own rather than to your person, it must not be anything red in color. She likes pastel pinks, yellows, greens, and orange more than anything, but she also likes, and quite to the contrary, dark blues and purples.
She likes swords and she loves the Three Musketeers! She likes the chocolate bar too! She also likes anything with caramel, including desserts, candy bars, or anything caramel flavored. Her other food likes include pasta of all kinds, edamame beans, rice, rice-a-roni, vanilla ice cream (caramel sauce on it is a plus), and tapioca pudding.
She enjoys listening to most of the music we play in the shop, but she seems to really enjoy theme songs from movies the most, as she is a movie-watching junkie! The movies she gravitates to are mostly animated, but she also liked a variety of movies we have played here on the TV. Anything from old westerns to sci-fi.
As with most all spirits listed on our site, Cassandra will need to approve of an adoption before it takes place. Please be sure to read our TOS before inquiring.