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Manipulation is not always a dark word. Carmine can manipulate things to work in your favor and it's not always about black magick for her. She is a lightworker as well as a practitioner of black magick.
Her forte, in her day, was Voodoo. If someone wronged her or her family, they felt it later. She would dish out the same or comparable pain to anyone who inflicted pain upon her or the ones she loved. She is efficient and tidy. No one but her and her family knew that it was she who was creating the pain for the wrongdoers, aside from her targets. She always made sure they knew it was coming from her.
On her light side, she is very capable of bringing enthusiasm, motivation, and energy to her keeper. She helped her last keeper lose over 90 pounds in less than a year. The first 35 pounds came off inside 7 weeks. This keeper passed away from the C virus in 2020, and Carmine has been with us ever since.
Previous to the keeper who lost all the weight and kept it off until she died, she had a male keeper. This keeper was a hoarder, and he was about to be put into a special home for people with extreme OCD. Carmine gave him the energy and the willpower he needed to go through all this things and trash 95% of them. Most of what he hoarded was dishes, pots and pans, kitchen utensils, and old newspapers and magazines. He had 63 different frying pans, to give you an idea of his kitchen obsession. He had stacks of magazines and newspapers that went from the floor to the ceiling of every single room. You had to walk through a maze to get from one room to the next. Carmine said it was very claustrophobic. By the time she got him straight, there wasn't a single newspaper in his home, and he was down to two frying pans, two stock pots, two smaller sauce pots, a dinnerware to serve 10 people, and silverware to match. He had just one crock of cooking utensils. Prior to Carmine, he had four crates full of them with over 20 ladles, 35 various knives, 18 spatulas, and various other items. Carmine's job could not have been easy with him, but she got it done, and the man did not have to be taken away for mandatory counseling.
There doesn't seem to be much that Carmine can't achieve. We have given her small tasks and large ones, and she has been on her mark in every single instance.
Carmine is open to remote binding if you do not care for her vessel. She has no attachment to it. She simply chose it because she liked the hat, and she felt it looked a lot like her when she was younger.
She was born in a small town in Louisianna on April 6, 1828. She passed away on January 26, 1856. It was the one and only time that a practitioner of magick outwitted her. She woke up to a bed full of black widow spiders biting her. There were so many of them, that she died within minutes of waking from the toxicity in her blood from their poison. She does NOT like spiders, so please, if you adopt her, be sure to keep her vessel somewhere safe from them, or she will temporarily leave her vessel until the spiders are cleared away.
Carmine's favorite offerings are warm bread with butter, oatmeal, anything with cinnamon in the mix, saltwater taffy, Chinese food, pasta salad, clickers and fidget toys, tiny spoons, marbles, and anything green or red in color. She likes to gaze at creepy art, and she loves voodoo dolls. She used to make her own, and she would like to share some of her ideas with her next keeper. She claims that she made voodoo dolls so precise that she could pinpoint a single, specific hair on someone's head and make it burn.