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X- Adopted! - Britain Money Spirit - Pulls From Wealthy!
X- Adopted! - Britain Money Spirit - Pulls From Wealthy!
X- Adopted! - Britain Money Spirit - Pulls From Wealthy!

X- Adopted! - Britain Money Spirit - Pulls From Wealthy!

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Britain feels greed has gotten out of hand with the wealthy getting all the breaks and many undeserving of what they get. She also believes in a system where the filthy rich beyond measure should share. Many extremely wealthy people do give to charities but for every one of them there are three who won’t leave higher than a 10% tip for their server in a restaurant. These are the people she goes after and pulls from their wealth in various ways for her keeper. 

Britain is unpredictable when it comes to the amount of money that she will funnel into her keeper's pocket, to an extent. It's actually not hard to figure out though. 

Her first keeper fell into a boatload of wealth. She had Britain since she was 7 years old and kept her until she passed away at the age of 89. Britain occupied a different vessel at that time. When her keeper passed away, her granddaughter received Britain as part of her inheritance, but she had no idea the vessel was occupied by a spirit and tossed the doll away. At this point, Britain left that vessel, which ended up in a landfill, and found the vessel you see currently in this listing. This vessel was sitting on a shelf at a woman's house, whose name was Beula. Beula collected dolls from around the world, and she was also able to communicate with spirit. When Britain arrived, Beula knew immediately that she was present.

Beaula communicated with Britain, and quickly learned that Britain wanted to bring her riches. Rather than telling Britain about all the bills she was behind on and all the things she wished she could do if she only had the money, Beula went out of her way to make Britain comfortable. On day one, she asked her what she liked for offerings. She also asked her what some of her favorite things were that could not be set in front of her as offerings. This pleased Britain, and Britain allowed her to shower her with gifts that she had on hand. One of the things Britain wanted more than anything was to spend more time outdoors, and even though Beula had knee and hip issues, she found a way to get Britain outside with her daily. She rigged a basket to her walker so that she could set Britain inside the basket and walk outside to the patio to sit with her for hours every single day, aside from rainy days. After a month of this, Beula got a large check in the mail. It was a check from her late husband's pension company. They had shorted her 12 years ago when he passed away, and they made good on it. It was in the amount of $194,491.00. Beula was able to pay off her debt and help her grandchildren with things they needed for college that weren't covered by their scholarships. She also took Britain on a cruise!

Beaula passed away 7 years later, and her grandson inherited Britain. On the day Beula died, she left a long letter with Britain and had Britain in a box with Trevor's name on it, as she knew it was her last day on earth, and she wanted to make sure Trevor was the new keeper of Britain. She felt he was the most mature and would handle her in the best way once he learned the secret of Britain through her long letter to him inside Britain's box. 

Unfortunately, Beula was mistaken about Trevor. He thought it was crazy, and he didn't believe. He did not give any offerings to Britain, take her outdoors to make her happy, or even speak much to her. He asked her once a week if she could send money his way, and he felt silly doing it, as he did not believe in her ability or her power. He didn't even truly believe the doll was haunted, but he knew he had nothing to lose by trying. Several months went by, and Trevor never received as much as a penny aside from his regular pay checks. He brought her to us recently and told us how he obtained her. He said he got what he needed out of her and wanted to "sell" her to us. Of course, he didn't get a thing out of her, because Britain has been very displeased with him. She said it is more because he thought Beula was crazy and that Britain did not truly exist than because of his lack of communication with her or not getting any offerings from him. She felt used and unloved. Britain cannot feel that way, or she lacks any desire to help her keeper. The fact that he sold her to us tells us all we need to know. Britain was not with the right keeper. 

Britain's life story is simple. She was born in 1824 on a ship. She knows that the ship was heading to New Zealand from Germany. It was August 17, 1824, when her mother gave birth to her. A midwife helped Britain's mother with delivery. After Britain was born and the cord was cut, the midwife took Britain to another area on the ship where she could wash her up and wrap her in cloth. When she took Britain back to her mother, she found Britain's father crying and kneeling over his wife's body. She had passed away just moments after giving birth to Britain. Britain says there was a lot of blood, so she believes her mother bled to death. 

Britain's father was a single dad now, and he did his best to raise her when they arrived in New Zealand.  He was a good-looking man and a hard worker. He was also very spiritual. Since he had to work to keep a roof over their heads and food on their table, he hired a nanny to take care of Britain while he was away at work. Four years later, the nanny, named Delilah, became his wife. 

Britain loved Delilah, and she loved that her father married her. Delilah was good to her and treated her like she was her own daughter. Britain eventually called her mommy, rather than "Dilah", which was what she had called her ever since she began talking, since she could not say Delilah. 

Britain was uber smart, especially when it came to mathematics. She was extremely organized, and she was very tidy. She liked a clean, organized home, and when she grew up, she helped people organize their homes to make them more efficient. She was way ahead of her time with her ideas and her ability to make things tidy and neat.

One thing led to another, and she found that people also had a need for helping them organize their money. Before she knew it, she became a financial planner and advisor. This is when she started realizing that in the wrong hands, money can be evil. It doesn't have to be though, and she knew that. She started to become fussier about who she would help with their financial goals, and she let a lot of her clients go. She did not want to be a part of greed and some of the underhanded things people were doing once they became rich. With wealth comes power, and most of these people were on power trips that were out of hand. They never gave to the poor, never volunteered any of their time to help others in any way, and they were downright mean. This sickened her, so she started to help people who truly needed help, but not until they took her course on how to be a "nice rich person".  Anyone who refused to take her free course did not get her help.

In spirit, she is doing the same work, but behind the scenes. Her keeper is not required to take any courses or to do anything to help her achieve financial goals for you, but she has to know your heart is good and that you won't abuse the work she can do for you. She also needs to know at all times that she has not been adopted strictly for helping you get rich. Since she has a strong disdain for wealthy people who are greedy and who are not empathetic towards needy people, she has mastered a way to pull from them excess money that they shouldn't have and funnel it into her keeper's pockets. She says her method is 100% legal.

The main thing is you have to trust her, and you have to let her work this out in her way. Don't try to force anything or manipulate her system. When you meet her, don't even talk about money or debts. She will know exactly where you stand financially, and she will fix it. After you know her for a while and have given her offerings, taken her outdoors regularly, and bonded with her, it is ok to talk about dreams you have of having a better-running car, a home that doesn't need so many repairs, a nice vacation and so on. But please, please, please do not rush her or make her feel as if she has been adopted solely for what she can do for you. She needs love more than many of the spirits we have had in our keep. 

Britain married her best friend when she was 29. They never had children, but she adores them. She died when she was 63. We did not obtain her exact date of death, although it was asked. As most of you know, when spirit is quiet when we ask a question, we don't push for an answer.

Britain's vessel is porcelain, and her dress is stunning. She has definitely chosen a nice vessel. Her energy is enormous! You'll feel her the moment you open her box (possibly even before you open it). She has a lot of love to give to the right person.

For offerings, Britain likes cashews and peanuts, fish sticks with tartar sauce, berries of all kinds, melons, cereal and carrots. She enjoys sitting outside, boats, swimming pools and anything water related such as water parks, rivers, the ocean, etc. If you do not have any of these things available for her to enjoy, she is happy to watch nature videos or movies on TV that are shot outdoors. She also loves horses, dogs, cats, birds, cows and pigs.

Please remember we require you to read our terms of service (in its entirety) before attempting to adopt any spirit from us. After you have read it, please submit the info we need to get Britain's approval for you to adopt her. 

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