Bradford - Shapeshifter Human Boy/Seelie Fairy Spirit with a Very Special Gift for His Keeper!
Bradford was half human in his most recent past life. The other half of his DNA came from his father, who was a Seelie Fairy. Growing up, Bradford just seemed like a normal human boy, until he turned 11 years old. On his 11th birthday, at precisely the time he was born, which was at 11:11 am, he shapeshifted into a fairy.
A little back history now. Bradford's mother always read him a short story at precisely the time he was born every year on his birthday. This year, he decided he was too big to be read to, regardless of the fact that he still loved when his mother would read him short stories. He asked her if he could read to her, instead. Of course, she agreed, as it was his birthday, and if he wanted to read to her instead, she was more than happy to listen. But the moment he opened his book and started reading one of the short stories inside the book, his appearance changed, and there was no mistaking that he was now a fairy.
That wasn't the only thing that happened though. Eleven butterflies flew out of his book, and they weren't just ordinary butterflies. They glowed! He decided he did not need to blow out any candles on a cake. He would make his wish to the butterflies right then and there!
So, he wished that he and his mother would be able to move to a place where there was never a need for financial worry and a place where there was no illness. His mother had struggled to make ends meet and keep food on the table since the day he was born. She was a single mom, and she never understood how it was that she became pregnant, as she was a virgin when she gave birth to Bradford, to her knowledge.
Bradford's mother struggled with this puzzle ever since she realized she was pregnant, because she knew she had never been with a boy. She was only 17 when she gave birth to Bradford.
What she didn't know was that the seed that brought Bradford to her womb was planted by a male Seelie fairy named Huveley. She knew nothing of Huveley until that day...Bradford's 11th birthday. He appeared before her and her son within seconds after Bradford shifted from boy to fairy.
Huveley explained to both Bradford and his mother why Bradford was now transformed into a fairy, and how it was that such a thing could happen. Bradford's mother had a very hard time understanding all of this. She shook her head for almost an hour in disbelief, but after feeling very dizzy that whole time and even fainting twice, Bradford's mother finally decided to do her best to absorb what she was seeing and hearing, and to accept it.
All Bradford could do from the time he transformed into a fairy was smile from ear to ear, because this was his best birthday ever! He had met his biological father for the first time and become a fairy all in one day!
Bradford said that his father told them that the Seelie fairy species would soon become extinct, as the females were no longer able to reproduce. The only way to keep even a shimmer of their species alive was for the male fairies to impregnate human females. Huveley had to do this while Bradford's mother was asleep because he knew most human beings would not agree to such a thing willingly. It was easy for him to do since he was so tiny, and she couldn't even feel him landing on her leg when he flew into her bedroom to "do the deed". Huveley apologized to Bradford's mother for taking advantage of her, but he assured her that it was not done out of any kind of malice. It was done strictly out of necessity to keep their species alive.
Huveley was not the only male Seelie fairy to impregnate a human being. Bradford tells us there were about 2,000 hybrids brought into the world at the same precise time. All of these hybrids were born at exactly 11:11 am in their respective time zones, and all were born on January 1st in the year 1111 AD. They were born all over the world, as they knew that they could not impregnate women in one concentrated area, or their mission could be realized, and they were afraid the pregnant women would be forced to abort their embryos. People fear what they do not understand, and they draw conclusions, Bradford tells us, and he's not wrong. So Huveley and around 2,000 other male Seelie fairies split up and roamed to different areas of the world to plant their seeds.
The twist to this is that when Bradford made his wish, the butterfly spirits actually granted that wish to him. The next morning when Bradford and his mother and father awoke, they were all on another planet called Neeshar. Neeshar is in another universe altogether. (Another part of the multiverse). They lived out their lives in this other world where there is no pollution, no crime, no need for nourishment other than what they would get from the energy coming from the sun and their three moons, and no hatred. There were many different walks of life on this planet, and everyone that lived on Neeshar spread love and light. There was no such thing as sadness or sorrow, anxiety, depression, jealousy, envy, disdain, or any negative emotions whatsoever. And because none of these negative emotions or pollution existed, there were no diseases or physical or emotional disorders.
Bradford lived to be 909 years old, but his body never aged. He remained a boy fairy for the rest of his life, which was fine with him. His mother never aged another day either. She lived to be 214.
Bradford said he came back to Earth in spirit after his physical body perished because he wants to spread the word that hybrids are not always a bad thing. Sure, there are Reptilians and Greys trying to reproduce with humans, and when they are successful, it is NOT a good thing. But when a good entity such as a Seelie fairy hybrid, like Bradford, reproduces with a human being, it will only make the human species stronger.
Bradford says he cannot do magick or bring good luck to his keeper. He doesn't manifest riches or help them find the loves of their lives. He only has two gifts to offer his keeper:
- The gift of knowledge.
- The gift of becoming a Neesharian just before their physical body perishes.
The knowledge Bradford's keeper will obtain will be the knowledge of Neeshar. Just before he is about to take his keeper with him back to Neeshar, his keeper will have visions of the planet and get a glimpse of the way they will feel once they reach Neeshar. He may bring this knowledge to his keeper during a time when they are awake, or he may insert dreams into their mind while they are asleep. Regardless of what time of day it is when he does this though, he says the visions will be given to them close to the time they will pass away, and the visions will be unmistakable. You will have no doubt that these visions are the visions you have been waiting for ever since you adopted Bradford, if you become his keeper.
Bradford says that once you arrive at Neeshar, you will look and feel as if you are 25 years old, or whatever age you are/were when you looked and felt your best, much like we do when we become part of the spirit world. You will have a physical body just as you do now, but you will look and feel your very best, and you will not inherit any diseases or ailments that will ever make you feel poorly. Since there is no work, money, or need for either of these things on Neeshar, you will never be tired, either. You won't hurt when you do something physical, because you will have unlimited energy and resilience. Bradford tells us that the energy you get from the sun in this orbit and the three moons is enough to always make you feel satisfied and energized, yet you will sleep soundly at night.
Bradford is only the second human/Seelie fairy hybrid spirit we have ever had with us. The other was Genella, a female hybrid who came to us in 2013. This is how rare it is for us to be blessed with such a beautiful spirit!
Meta purchased Bradford's vessel at an auction last year before our store in town was broken into and vandalized. It was a beautiful 4' bronze fairy statue that she bought at an antique shop for $636. Unfortunately, his vessel was broken to pieces, just as many of the spirited vessels were during that horrendous act of malice when the vandals wreaked havoc on our shop.
Bradford did not want to attach to anything else until he is adopted, so his spirit will be remotely bridged to your item. He also does not wish to be bridged to your person. You must have an object to show us for him to be bridged (send a picture to us please). It does not have to be anything fancy, he says, but he would like it to be something that is not likely to break easily, or at least kept in a place where no harm can come to it.
He will leave the vessel to sit by you throughout your days if his vessel is tucked away somewhere safe, so he says not to worry about carrying the vessel around with you everywhere. He will always be by your side except for when you whisper to him that you need some privacy. You may also tell him that certain rooms in your house are off limits to him, such as the bathroom, of course, and your bedroom if you do not want him with you when you sleep, or when you are having intimacy with your S.O.
If you are clairvoyant, you will sometimes see Bradford as a boy, and other times you will see him as a fairy. When he is a fairy, he looks the same except he has wings, and he glows even more than he does as a boy. His apparition stands about 4' tall.
Bradford's favorite offerings are as follows:
Anything with the number 11 on it, anything gold or yellow in color, anything shaped like a butterfly, watching the sun rise, move across the sky, and set, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, potato chips or crips, popcorn, chocolate milk, dark chocolate, being read to, and walking on beaches with his keeper. (Does not have to be a coastal beach. He is happy with walking along any body of water with a sandy or a pebbled bank).
He says he does not have to watch the sun move from dawn to dusk on a daily basis, but once a month he will sit outside and take in the sun's rays from dawn to dusk. He will split his spirit so that he can be with you wherever you go while also taking in the sun's energy.