Booster to any Stormy Moondance Spell Cast - Conditions Apply! Must Read!
If you feel your spell cast by Stormy Moondance is in need of a refresher, this is the service to order. Whether you had a spell cast for abundance, emotional issues, love, intuition, scholastic, your career, weight Loss or weight gain, etc., Stormy will cast a booster for your spell to refresh it.
- The spell you want boosted must have been cast by Stormy Moondance from Moondance Magick, LLC. and not by anyone outside of this company.
- The spell must still be alive. If the spell is one that requires constant charging and you have not charged it for over three weeks, the spell is likely dead and not revivable. In this case, you will need a new spell cast at your expense if you wish to make another attempt.
- It is recommended that you wait at least two months for most spells to start to show fruition before ordering a booster. As long as you have been charging the spell as frequently as recommended and/or following our guidelines, the spell is still active and can very well play out on it's own without any kind of spiritual booster by Stormy. She will boost a spell that she cast for anyone at any time, but she feels it would behoove you to be patient and save your money (and her time) if you had the spell cast for you less than a couple months ago.
- If Stormy cast the spell for you over a year ago and you still have not seen any improvements to your life, it is very possible you have been cursed or have demon attachment either to your home or to your person. The exception to this would be that you already know why it did not work for you. Maybe you haven't been following the instructions to keep the spell charged, or perhaps you have had some challenging times since the spell was cast, preventing you from following any instructions that may have been given to you upon casting of the spell. Traumas, tragedies, depression, and many other factors could play a part in sabotaging the efforts of any spell cast by Stormy or any other practitioner of magick. Please contact us before assuming that a booster will work for you, if in doubt.
If you know that the reason for your spell not coming to fruition for you is due to an issue on your end, but the spell is still active, you do not need to email us for permission to make this purchase. Stormy will cast this booster to any spell she has cast for you regardless of anything. We are simply trying to make sure you do not waste your time or money on something that might not work for you if there is a chance you have been cursed or you have other negative energies working against you.
What Stormy will need to fulfill this order for you:
- A new, current unfiltered photo of you to ensure you have not been cursed or attacked in any way before she boosts your spell. Photo should be taken on the day you place this order, or shortly after. Your booster will be scheduled once we have this new photo. Be sure your pupils show up clearly in the photo, and do not alter your appearance with software or apps in any fashion! The photo will only be seen by Moondance Magick staff (usually either by April, Tracy or Sonya - and of course by Stormy).
- A list of any big changes or events that have taken place since your original spell was cast such as moving into a new home, getting married or divorced, having a child, having a career change, major surgery, etc.
- Tell us any reason you might have to believe that you could have been cursed or have negative entities preying on you.
- Tell us the frequency in which you have charged your spell and the date the spell was last charged, if applicable.
Your spell booster will be added to Stormy's schedule as soon as we open your email to us with this information and your current photo.
Please remember that NO MAGICK is 100% foolproof and effective. Sometimes there are conditions that will prevent even Stormy's magick from working for someone, though this does not happen very often. If you know you have been charging your spell and not just going through the motions of reading an index card with your chant without feeling the words and things still do not seem to be changing after a few months, a more powerful booster done by Stormy might be the answer for you. This is not a re-cast of the spell, but a power booster of her intent to supercharge your spell to either "wake it up", so to speak, or to put some fire under it to make it more along move swiftly for you.
In addition, some spells are cast that do not require the client to keep them charged due to the nature of the spell. If this is the case for you, a booster every now and then might be key for you to see faster results.
Always remember that PATIENCE and FAITH are KEY. If you do not have faith in Stormy's ability, the ability of the Gods and Goddesses she works with to get things done for you the way they should be, and in yourself, you can expect failure almost every time. The Gods and Goddesses get discouraged if/when they feel that the people they are helping have little to no faith in their ability. Also note that when Stormy works with them on a plan for you, this plan is carefully thought out, and they know exactly what is best for you.
The love spell, for example, might bring someone your way that you would normally not find attractive or find to be compatible with you. You might have it in your mind that this other person is going to have a buff body, long legs, big brown eyes, sandy colored hair, a beautiful shiny white smile, have the IQ of Einstein, drive an Alpha Romeo, and have a cute little house on a hill with a white picket fence for you to move right into. The Gods and Goddesses might see issues you would have if that person were to be the one to waltz into your life- issues that you cannot see. So please TRUST IN THEM! They know what they are doing! Don't discount anyone who comes into your life who might be "the one"! As we mature and age, our tastes change, and I'm not just referring to liking mushrooms now that you're an adult when you always took them off the pizza as a child! What was once extremely important to me is at the bottom of my list now. One thing that comes to mind is I used to always require a vehicle that was fun to drive and looked sexy. Over the years, comfort became more important to me than turning heads. It's called maturity. I no longer care what my ride looks like as long as I can ride in comfort.
So the moral to the above paragraph is you might want to make sure you are not already starting to realize the fruit of your spell before you order a booster. Just trying to save you money, and also keep Stormy from having to do unnecessary work, as we all know her schedule is always overflowing. Thank you and blessed be to everyone who read this to the end!
Love and light,April Bortner-Saybar
Operations Manager
The hair spell was working great for me but I had to have chemo and lost it all. I even lost my eyebrows but now there back too because of the booster. I kept charging the spell through chemo so I could get a booster once I was done with chemo. I waited till the chemo was out of my system to have this booster done. It was barely growing at all before the booster but then it grew an inch in less than a month and two inches the following month. I am on month three and my hair is long enough to actually style it now. It also came in really soft and shiny which it was naturally wiry and course before the chemo. I was born with thick course hair. The color is more vibrant too which before the hair spell it was dull and got shinier with the hair spell but I think it's even more shiny and vibrant now with the booster. I get everything I need from Moondance Magik and I never been disappointed.
The booster for my fat loss spell is phenomenal. I’ve fallen off the wagon many times over and over again. I wasn’t doing my end. It’s been since the beginning of June and it’s now June 17th and things have really took a turn this time around. I haven’t touched a redbull, I’m not craving an insane amount of unhealthy/junk food/snacks. I don’t have that urge and kinda get put off by it. I’m exercising regularly even if it’s 30 minutes (hated exercising before). I’ve already shed weight and it shows on the scale and in the way my clothes fits. I started at 195(6) and I’m currently 187; I could never break out of the 190’s 😭😭✨ i’m excited ♥️
The hair spell was working great for me but I had to have chemo and lost it all. I even lost my eyebrows but now there back too because of the booster. I kept charging the spell through chemo so I could get a booster once I was done with chemo. I waited till the chemo was out of my system to have this booster done. It was barely growing at all before the booster but then it grew an inch in less than a month and two inches the following month. I am on month three and my hair is long enough to actually style it now. It also came in really soft and shiny which it was naturally wiry and course before the chemo. I was born with thick course hair. The color is more vibrant too which before the hair spell it was dull and got shinier with the hair spell but I think it's even more shiny and vibrant now with the booster. I get everything I need from Moondance Magik and I never been disappointed.
The booster for my fat loss spell is phenomenal. I’ve fallen off the wagon many times over and over again. I wasn’t doing my end. It’s been since the beginning of June and it’s now June 17th and things have really took a turn this time around. I haven’t touched a redbull, I’m not craving an insane amount of unhealthy/junk food/snacks. I don’t have that urge and kinda get put off by it. I’m exercising regularly even if it’s 30 minutes (hated exercising before). I’ve already shed weight and it shows on the scale and in the way my clothes fits. I started at 195(6) and I’m currently 187; I could never break out of the 190’s 😭😭✨ i’m excited ♥️
The hair spell was working great for me but I had to have chemo and lost it all. I even lost my eyebrows but now there back too because of the booster. I kept charging the spell through chemo so I could get a booster once I was done with chemo. I waited till the chemo was out of my system to have this booster done. It was barely growing at all before the booster but then it grew an inch in less than a month and two inches the following month. I am on month three and my hair is long enough to actually style it now. It also came in really soft and shiny which it was naturally wiry and course before the chemo. I was born with thick course hair. The color is more vibrant too which before the hair spell it was dull and got shinier with the hair spell but I think it's even more shiny and vibrant now with the booster. I get everything I need from Moondance Magik and I never been disappointed.
The booster for my fat loss spell is phenomenal. I’ve fallen off the wagon many times over and over again. I wasn’t doing my end. It’s been since the beginning of June and it’s now June 17th and things have really took a turn this time around. I haven’t touched a redbull, I’m not craving an insane amount of unhealthy/junk food/snacks. I don’t have that urge and kinda get put off by it. I’m exercising regularly even if it’s 30 minutes (hated exercising before). I’ve already shed weight and it shows on the scale and in the way my clothes fits. I started at 195(6) and I’m currently 187; I could never break out of the 190’s 😭😭✨ i’m excited ♥️