Billie Jean the Magick Bean! Spirited Doll with Lots of Spunk!
Billie Jean was born and raised in Mobile, Alabama, USA. She had three sisters and one brother. Her large family was very tight, except for her older sister, Bette, who was the black sheep of the family.
Bette was born in February of 1921. Billie Jean was the next to be born nine whole years later on May 17, 1930. Her brother Robert was born next, just a year and two weeks after Billie Jean came into the world. The other two girls, named Beth Ann and Bobbie Jo, were twins who were born 14 months after Robert.
After Bette was born, the parents of the family were told they could not have more children, as Bette "ruined" their mother's womb. This saddened their parents very much. They tried all kinds of healing methods, but conception was not in the cards for them.
They got desperate after so many years of raising just one child when it was their dream to have a large family, so they looked into white magick. There were several practitioners of magick living near them, or at least within driving distance. They chose one and went to see her. The woman, named Vicka, gave Billie Jean's mother some special beans and told her to consume one daily until she conceived. She conceived the very next month! This is how Billie Jean got her nickname, "Magick Bean". She was sometimes called Bean, for short. She prefers to hear her real name, but she doesn't mind if her keeper calls her Bean, as she feels it is a name that only those she is close to should call her by.
The healing woman, Vicka, who Billie Jean's parents went to for the infertility antidote became good friends with her parents, and eventually became like a part of their family. She helped Billie Jean's parents conceive two more times after Billie Jean was born, and she became the Godmother of all of the younger children. (All the children she helped the parents conceive with her magick beans). Bette's godparents were her aunt and uncle who lived in Mississippi, and she did not get to see them very often. She loved them though, and she especially loved the special attention she got when they would visit.
Bette always felt like an outcast. She was the only one conceived without the magick beans. She overheard her parents talking about how the doctor said she ruined her mother's womb during childbirth, which made her feel pretty lousy, but she was happy to be an only child for nine years. When "miracle siblings" came along from the magick beans, she despised them. Not only were they taking from her limelight, they were considered to be her parents' miracle babies. Bette felt like she was not a miracle to them any longer. She wanted nothing to do with her siblings. They took her life away, in her eyes.
One day when Bette was 16, she was asked to watch the other children. It was July 4th, and their parents were going to an adult picnic to celebrate the country's birthday. There would be drinking, loud music, and jokes told - all things that were not for the ears and eyes of children. This was the first time Bette was asked to babysit, as her parents knew she was not very fond of her siblings.
Bette was excited about the idea though because it gave her an opportunity to boss her siblings around. When her parents left for the day, she got an even better idea. She would make an accident happen. This accident would involve their little fishing boat and deep water. We don't have all the details, and we really didn't want them. Billie Jean says that she remembers Bette rocking the boat when they were out on the boat to do some fishing. She said she and her siblings were all screaming and asking her to stop. The next thing Billie Jean remembers is being in the water and something pushing down on her head so that she couldn't come up for air. Her eyes were open though, and she saw her twin sisters in the water with rocks tied to their ankles. All three of the girls died that day. Robert got away and survived. Billie Jean was just 7 years old.
When Billie Jean was alive, her favorite things to do always involved beans. She believes that every type of bean hold some type of magick, and she's not wrong. ;)
She not only loves to eat lima beans, butter beans, northern beans, green beans, mung beans and kidney beans, she loves to experiment with them, as well. She always says, "There's a bean for that"! She learned about 300 types of beans, and she knows the ailments that each of them cure. She knows what to mix with them in order to enhance them, as well. She has put these thoughts into people's minds to help them cure horrible diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, hepatitis, and more. She has also helped them to have healthier hair, skin and nails, get rid of toe fungus, acne and sun spots on their skin. She said there is not a problem that can't be solved with a bean, and she wants to teach all of this to her new keeper.
Billie Jean also believes she can manifest things for her keeper using any green bean. She only attempted this once, and it worked for that person at that time. She sneaked a green lima bean into the jacket pocket of a man who was down on his luck and could not find work. He was on his way to an interview at the time. He got the job, and because they liked him so much, they gave him a sign-on bonus of $4,000 after he was only there a month in exchange of him signing a four-year contract with them! She said this was in the early 1960s, so $4,000 was a lot of money at that time.
Billie Jean's Favorite Offerings:
Any type of bean is first and foremost on her list! She also likes anything that is green or yellow in color. She loves black-eyed peas, cabbage (raw or cooked), ham, yams, butterscotch candy, and deviled eggs. Her favorite beverage is coffee (made with ground coffee beans, of course)! She says she likes to pick dandelions and any flower with white and/or yellow petals. We wonder if she said this because another spirit told us this almost verbatim. :)
Despite the fact that she drowned, she loves water. She enjoys bath time, swimming, or even watching people swim in person or on TV. Her favorite holiday is Easter. She also likes Independence Day, but only because of the fireworks. She loves all things that sparkle, especially if there is an abundance of colors involved.