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Bernadette was a morbidly obese woman in her most recent previous life. She weighed 324 pounds at her highest, and she is only 5'3" tall. She was told by her doctor she would die within a year if she didn't do something to change. Her doctor tried to talk her into bariatric surgery, but Bernadette was allergic to anesthesia, so she didn't feel it was worth the risk. Instead, she went to a hypnotist and worked with her three days a week. This cost her thousands of dollars over the course of four months, but Bernadette lost 100 pounds in those four months. She was no longer in the danger zone at risk for dying due to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or any of the other many diseases that can stem from obesity.
Since she couldn't afford to keep paying the hypnotherapist, she asked her therapist for copies of the recordings her therapist made of their sessions. Her therapist was happy to make copies. This was back when cassette tapes were the thing. Bernadette listened to the tapes nightly for two more years, and she took off all the excess weight within that time. She didn't just lose the weight though. She became fit as a fiddle! She was toned and she had only 9% body fat at age 33! She had a lot of excess skin though, so she would eventually have to have surgery if she ever wanted to wear more revealing clothes, such as a bathing suit. She had the surgery after having kept off the excess weight for six months. She was in tip-top cardio shape and no longer obese, so she felt her body would fight to work with the alternative types of anesthesia the hospital was offering her. She had the first surgery to remove excess skin from her arms and legs, and she woke up as she hoped she would. Now she could wear a one-piece bathing suit and not feel self-conscious.
She recovered from that surgery and was told she would need to wait another 10-12 months before having the next skin removal surgery for mid-section, which would cover her hips, her tummy and her back.
Meanwhile, she met a man who swept her off her feet! She was quite the looker now that she was so fit, aside from having some sagging, excess skin in a few places. She and her boyfriend fell in love and got married within a year. She was spending so much time with him and loving life again, that she kept putting off the second surgery. There was no time, and her husband didn't seem to mind the excess skin at all. He loved her for HER, and not for what she looked like, although she was beautiful inside and out. Her eyes were amazing, and she had a cute button nose.
The next thing she knew, she was pregnant with twins! The surgery would definitely have to wait now. She was glad she didn't rush into having that surgery too soon, because the surgery would also remove stretch marks, and she was bound to have a few more from carrying twins.
When her twins were two years old, Bernadette and her husband decided it would be a good time for her to have the surgery because he was laid off from work. He was a union worker, so he knew he would get more work in a couple months when a contract would start with a big amusement park for him and the other construction workers who were temporarily without work. This break in work would give him the ability to take care of her while she recovered as well as tend to the twins so she wouldn't have to worry about someone taking care of them. There was no reason she shouldn't have the surgery now.
So she made the arrangements to have the second surgery done. October 19, 1979, Bernadette went into surgery for the second and final time. The anesthesia was not kind to her this time. She didn't pull through. She left behind her husband and twin girls.
Her girls are now in their mid-40s, and she coaches them, because they also struggled for a while with weight issues when they were in their 20s. One of them is actually a personal trainer now, and the other competes in body building for women. They have this now, and she knows they no longer need her help, so she needs a new project!
She only wants her new keeper to know that she leaves her vessel once a week to visit her husband, and she leaves once a week on separate trips to visit each of her daughters. These trips take her about two hours each time. She goes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and always around dinner time. Her daughters live in Omaha, Nebraska and she visits them around 6 pm Omaha time. One on Monday nights and the other on Wednesday nights. She returns to her vessel around 8 pm. She visits her husband in Fremont, Nebraska on Friday nights from 8 pm to about 10 pm, Fremont time. (Sorry I do not know what time zones these cities may be in, but when time permits, I will investigate and update the listing).
For offerings, Bernadette likes some very specific foods, as well as some other things. We wills start with the foods: baked potatoes with vinegar on them (any type or flavor, but malt vinegar is her favorite), steamed broccoli and cauliflower with garlic powder, spicy boiled shrimp, tuna with lemon-pepper, oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon, and cinnamon on just about anything you can think of that it would go with.
She also likes Legos, yellow flowers, the color pink, ink pens with colored ink, and aloe plants.