X- Adopted! - Beatrix - Gray Witch Spirit Haunted Doll
IMPORTANT NOTE: shipping charges are NOT accurate. You MUST contact us with your shipping address to ask for a shipping quote to your destination. We could only set up shipping fees based on one size package with our hosting company, and since the majority of our packages are small, we chose the smallest box. Obviously, Anna and Charles will need to ship in a much larger box. We require you send us your photo and some other information so our spirits can read you anyway and decide if they wish to be placed with you before adoption will be approved, so please also send us your shipping address for a shipping quote at the same time.
The required information we need from you to give to spirits to approve or deny you can be found in our Terms of Service.
Beatrix likes to be called simply "Bea", but she does not bulk at being addressed as Beatrix. She was born in October of 1742 and she died in November of 1781 in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She was born to a witch named Helen, who had very little time for coddling and nurturing her as she grew up, but she spent lots of time teaching her the ways of the witch.
She did not have a father, as her mother was raped when she was just 13 by a "masked man", and she was never able to identify the rapist. She had a few suspicions of who harmed her, but since she couldn't be certain of which man in her community did this to her, she killed all three of the men she thought it could have been. Each of these "suspicious" men were killed by way of poisoning.
Helen was 100% dark witch. Bea had something in her though that was loving and light in addition to wanting to delve in the dark arts. Helen never understood this, as she felt that anyone who was caring and lighthearted was simply weak.
When Bea was 16, she married a man named Henry. Helen was furious, as she was not ready to be alone. She didn't need companionship, but she did need help with her works, and Bea was the only one who could help her. Bea continued on with the craft after marrying Henry, and she became a much more powerful witch than Helen ever was. This infuriated Helen even more.
Helen decided Bea's life needed to end. She went over to visit her, acting as if it was just a social call. Bea served hot tea and cookies, and they sat down and talked for a bit. At some point, Bea excused herself to use the bathroom, at which time Helen spiked her tea with her venomous concoction of poison. Bea returned and drank the rest of her tea. Fifteen minutes later, she convulsed and died right in front of Helen. Helen smirked to herself, then left. When Henry came home and found Bea dead on the floor, he wept and wept, as he loved her more than life itself. Once he pulled himself together, he found a hair pin on the floor. He knew this hair pin belonged to Helen. He rounded up several friends to hunt Helen down. When they found her, they captured her and beat her to death.
Bea tells us that Helen still comes around to haunt her to this day, but she is not afraid. She said she chews up amateur witches like her daily and spits them out.
Bea can be a potty mouth, so if you have young children in your home, she might not be ideal.
She is more dark than she is light, but she has always shown respect for her keepers and she abides by their rules.
If you need retaliation, karma, etc. to be executed, she's your witch! She will dish it out and then some.
If you need a witch's cure for healing, money problems, relationship issues, or anything else that will benefit you and make you happier, she will help you with that, as well. She does enjoy practicing white magick, but since she still feels she has axes to grind, she prefers practicing black magick.
She will not be devious or wicked toward her keeper or anyone her keeper tells her is off limits. She will only attack those who harm her keeper or her keeper's family, or even those who wish harm upon them.
Bea likes anything purple or black as offerings, but she loves spiders, snakes, purple stockings and other purple accessories such as hats and belts, black licorice, peanuts, grapefruit juice, tomato juice, chocolate chip mint ice cream, and veal.
Read our Terms of Service to learn the next steps to take if you wish to adopt Bea.
Bea is fitting in great here. I also purchased Carmen who is a black magick witch. Those two are like sister. Beatrix is currently helping me with some spellwork. And I think it's great Carmen wants to help her since it's not a black magick spell. Moondance was right about the cussing. Bea hasn't really talked like that around me much. I did send her to talk to one of my friends and was told she was talking at a fast pace and cussing up a storm! Beatrix is great and I'm glad she is here.
Bea is fitting in great here. I also purchased Carmen who is a black magick witch. Those two are like sister. Beatrix is currently helping me with some spellwork. And I think it's great Carmen wants to help her since it's not a black magick spell. Moondance was right about the cussing. Bea hasn't really talked like that around me much. I did send her to talk to one of my friends and was told she was talking at a fast pace and cussing up a storm! Beatrix is great and I'm glad she is here.
Bea is fitting in great here. I also purchased Carmen who is a black magick witch. Those two are like sister. Beatrix is currently helping me with some spellwork. And I think it's great Carmen wants to help her since it's not a black magick spell. Moondance was right about the cussing. Bea hasn't really talked like that around me much. I did send her to talk to one of my friends and was told she was talking at a fast pace and cussing up a storm! Beatrix is great and I'm glad she is here.