Banishing Spell - Banish Someone or Something from Your Life
Need something gone from your life? A person, a bad habit, debt, or maybe something intangible like stress or fear? This is the spell you want if you need anything banished. The banishing spell! (Aka the Cord-cutting spell).
It won't ALWAYS work on banishing people because of FREE WILL, but much of the time it makes people leave you alone if they are bugging you. If this spell does not work for you after 6 months, Stormy will cast it a second time free of charge. It will also prevent people from causing you grief; especially if they are coming to you in your dreams or sending in the demons to create nightmares for you and you also opt for the nightmare banishing herbal formula made by the Medicine Man on the reservation.
This spell has been cast by Stormy on over 200 people to date at the time this was listed on this site and Stormy's success rate so far is 89%. I will go on to say that all 11% of the failed attempts involved trying to banish people from someone's life, but 171 of these spells were cast to banish people from lives, so many of them worked.
To banish people from your life: Stormy tailors the spell to work on an individual to make them see a reason to stop stalking someone, stop pestering someone, stop lingering, etc., and most of the time, it works.
To banish a bad habit: The spell is tailored to create a different opinion on the topic in your mind. You will start to taste nastiness, for example, when you think about cigarettes, if that is what you are trying to banish. If you're trying to stop drinking alcohol, you will feel hung over when you reach for that bottle...so badly that you despise even the look of the bottle you are reaching for.
To banish nightmares: If you are one of our many clients who have come to us due to recurring, horrendous nightmares, this spell will slowly diminish those nightmares, along with the aid of Stormy's Nightmare-Banishing Cream, which you will rub onto your forehead for 20 days after the spell has been cast. You should start using the cream within 10 days of Stormy casting the spell, but the sooner the better. Please let us know if you'd like us to mail the cream to you prior to the date Stormy will cast the spell so you may begin using it as soon as you are notified that the spell has been cast. DO NOT USE THE SPELL BANISHING ENHANCEMENT CREAM PRIOR TO YOUR SPELL BEING CAST! If your nightmares have not fully subsided after you have used up the banishing cream, contact us. Stormy will cast a spell booster for you at no charge if you contact us within 40 days of your initial spell date. You will not need to use the banishing cream more than 20 days regardless of whether she needs to cast a booster or not. Once the nightmares diminish, they will not return.
Custom Herbal Formula: Choose the spell with the Custom Herbal Formula only if this is the option Stormy suggests after you contact us with information about what it is you wish to banish. Stormy has made several custom banishing creams for people to enhance their spell, when possible. Not every banishing need would have a customizable cream made for it. This cream can usually be made for things such as bad habits (biting nails, smoking tobacco, fidgeting, and a few other habits), as well as banishing a few things aside from bad habits. Contact us with the details of what or who you need banished from your life, and we will ask Stormy if she can provide a banishing cream to enhance the spell, or if you should simply choose "Banishing Spell Only" from the product page.
This particular spell takes a lot of energy on Stormy's part for each person or thing that she banishes. (One person or item per spell). It also takes a lot of tailoring for each person's individual needs to make it work for them. This is why this spell is a little more costly than most. The time and energy Stormy has to spend on this spell, starting with tailoring the verbiage of the spell and ending with the unique ritual of the spell itself, is much greater than that of most of the spells she casts. It usually involves different ingredients and supplies from one person to the next, since this spell is unique to each person who orders it.
Upon purchase, please email us with your story of what or who you need banished. A photo of the item or the person is also needed. If you are trying to banish a bad habit, simply send us a photo of the item you tend to abuse, such as a pack of your cigarettes, pastries, alcohol, etc. If it is not something tangible, send us the story first, and if there are photos Stormy feels can help her, she will ask you for them at that point. If you are trying to banish a person from your life, we'll need that person's photo (clear view of eyes), their name, and any other information you can tell us such as their occupation, where they live, their DOB if you know it, or anything else that could help Stormy.
As with all magik, (magic, or magick, however you wish to spell it) it is important to have faith and not lose faith, or the chances of the spell working swiftly decrease dramatically. Have faith in Stormy, in the universe, in the Gods and Goddesses who help her, and in yourself, and you'll see this spell come to fruition more rapidly and strongly.
As with all of our products and services, it is a requirement for you to read our TOS before making each and every purchase, as you are dealing with extremely powerful energy when you order spells, potions, or even readings. We have disclaimers and warning so we can't be held liable for anything that happens when you order our products and services, but most importantly, the information is there as a safeguard for you so that you will know exactly what you are getting into when you purchase from us. By purchasing this product or service, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to our TOS.
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If you have any questions regarding our products, please contact us.
Blessed be!
April B.
Operations Manager
(You must be a verified customer to be able to join our private group). You will be able to discuss your results and experiences with our other customers and clients!
This worked! Stormy cast it on Saturday night and it's only Wednesday now and he is already gone from my life. Just got an email from him today that he decided he's moving to Texas if I'm definitely not going to take him back. I've been deleting his emails and blocked him on my phone contacts so he can't call or text but he kept finding other ways to bug me. I still talk to his mother and she just texted me that he's moving to Texas because of a girl he met online. He just needed to be with somebody so I'm glad he is moving on but for six months I didn't think he ever would until Stormy cast this spell.
The only reason I gave four stars instead of five is because of how long it took, but it did work eventually and I am very happy about the results. I got this spell to get rid of all my skin issues. They did tell me that it might not work on any skin issues that weren't caused by my nerves and if they were caused by medical issues it was beyond their control. The rosacea and the breakouts ceased in about 5 months. I started seeing lessening of both within a month but they were completely gone in August. I got the spell done in April of this year. I can't tell that I ever had any problems today. I really wanted it all gone in time for my wedding in June so my pictures and videos would be nicer but with photo editing software and video edits it all looks good enough. Thank you Stormy! I dealt with this from age 13 to age 38. This is the first year I don't have any issues with it and my skin looks so healthy!
thanks for finally getting this on you web site so i could write a review. i had this spell casted 8 years ago by stormy and it set me free. it worked slower than i wanted but within 6 weeks i completely lost my taste for gambling. it saved my marriage and my life. i can't thank you enough stormy. i go to these ladies for everything now and i'm glad they live close by. they also slayed a demon from my home that never returned.
I tried every possible way to stop my addiction and nothing worked. I would never quit for more then a day. I didn't know how much I believed in magic but my friend strongly suggested I try this spell because she used Stormy for spells in the past and I'm glad I listened to her. I immediately felt different when the spell was cast. I knew what time she cast my spell because I could feel a surge run through my body when she did it. It's been a month and a week and I still don't want the pills. I can't thank you enough Stormy.
i had a stalker x-girflriend that wouldn't stop following me and medalling in my relationships. she'd sit outside my apartment building and watch up at my windows trying to see who I was entertaining and even if I was alone she'd just stand down at the park looking across the street up at my windows. The police wouldnt do anything because she didn't threaten me and she was allowed to stand anywhere she wanted. Stormy was booked solid for three weeks and I wanted it done faster than that so her aunt Maya casted it and three days later I never saw that bitch again and that was about 6 months ago. I saw her at the mall recently so I know she's still alive but she didnt see me. She was there before I walked into the store so she wasnt following me.I'm amazed and forever greatful to Maya! I was leary because Stormy always casted my spells before and I knew she was good so I was afraid to allow Maya to cast but if your given this alternative to waiting for Stormy don't worry she's just as good!
This worked! Stormy cast it on Saturday night and it's only Wednesday now and he is already gone from my life. Just got an email from him today that he decided he's moving to Texas if I'm definitely not going to take him back. I've been deleting his emails and blocked him on my phone contacts so he can't call or text but he kept finding other ways to bug me. I still talk to his mother and she just texted me that he's moving to Texas because of a girl he met online. He just needed to be with somebody so I'm glad he is moving on but for six months I didn't think he ever would until Stormy cast this spell.
The only reason I gave four stars instead of five is because of how long it took, but it did work eventually and I am very happy about the results. I got this spell to get rid of all my skin issues. They did tell me that it might not work on any skin issues that weren't caused by my nerves and if they were caused by medical issues it was beyond their control. The rosacea and the breakouts ceased in about 5 months. I started seeing lessening of both within a month but they were completely gone in August. I got the spell done in April of this year. I can't tell that I ever had any problems today. I really wanted it all gone in time for my wedding in June so my pictures and videos would be nicer but with photo editing software and video edits it all looks good enough. Thank you Stormy! I dealt with this from age 13 to age 38. This is the first year I don't have any issues with it and my skin looks so healthy!
thanks for finally getting this on you web site so i could write a review. i had this spell casted 8 years ago by stormy and it set me free. it worked slower than i wanted but within 6 weeks i completely lost my taste for gambling. it saved my marriage and my life. i can't thank you enough stormy. i go to these ladies for everything now and i'm glad they live close by. they also slayed a demon from my home that never returned.
I tried every possible way to stop my addiction and nothing worked. I would never quit for more then a day. I didn't know how much I believed in magic but my friend strongly suggested I try this spell because she used Stormy for spells in the past and I'm glad I listened to her. I immediately felt different when the spell was cast. I knew what time she cast my spell because I could feel a surge run through my body when she did it. It's been a month and a week and I still don't want the pills. I can't thank you enough Stormy.
i had a stalker x-girflriend that wouldn't stop following me and medalling in my relationships. she'd sit outside my apartment building and watch up at my windows trying to see who I was entertaining and even if I was alone she'd just stand down at the park looking across the street up at my windows. The police wouldnt do anything because she didn't threaten me and she was allowed to stand anywhere she wanted. Stormy was booked solid for three weeks and I wanted it done faster than that so her aunt Maya casted it and three days later I never saw that bitch again and that was about 6 months ago. I saw her at the mall recently so I know she's still alive but she didnt see me. She was there before I walked into the store so she wasnt following me.I'm amazed and forever greatful to Maya! I was leary because Stormy always casted my spells before and I knew she was good so I was afraid to allow Maya to cast but if your given this alternative to waiting for Stormy don't worry she's just as good!
This worked! Stormy cast it on Saturday night and it's only Wednesday now and he is already gone from my life. Just got an email from him today that he decided he's moving to Texas if I'm definitely not going to take him back. I've been deleting his emails and blocked him on my phone contacts so he can't call or text but he kept finding other ways to bug me. I still talk to his mother and she just texted me that he's moving to Texas because of a girl he met online. He just needed to be with somebody so I'm glad he is moving on but for six months I didn't think he ever would until Stormy cast this spell.
The only reason I gave four stars instead of five is because of how long it took, but it did work eventually and I am very happy about the results. I got this spell to get rid of all my skin issues. They did tell me that it might not work on any skin issues that weren't caused by my nerves and if they were caused by medical issues it was beyond their control. The rosacea and the breakouts ceased in about 5 months. I started seeing lessening of both within a month but they were completely gone in August. I got the spell done in April of this year. I can't tell that I ever had any problems today. I really wanted it all gone in time for my wedding in June so my pictures and videos would be nicer but with photo editing software and video edits it all looks good enough. Thank you Stormy! I dealt with this from age 13 to age 38. This is the first year I don't have any issues with it and my skin looks so healthy!
thanks for finally getting this on you web site so i could write a review. i had this spell casted 8 years ago by stormy and it set me free. it worked slower than i wanted but within 6 weeks i completely lost my taste for gambling. it saved my marriage and my life. i can't thank you enough stormy. i go to these ladies for everything now and i'm glad they live close by. they also slayed a demon from my home that never returned.
I tried every possible way to stop my addiction and nothing worked. I would never quit for more then a day. I didn't know how much I believed in magic but my friend strongly suggested I try this spell because she used Stormy for spells in the past and I'm glad I listened to her. I immediately felt different when the spell was cast. I knew what time she cast my spell because I could feel a surge run through my body when she did it. It's been a month and a week and I still don't want the pills. I can't thank you enough Stormy.
i had a stalker x-girflriend that wouldn't stop following me and medalling in my relationships. she'd sit outside my apartment building and watch up at my windows trying to see who I was entertaining and even if I was alone she'd just stand down at the park looking across the street up at my windows. The police wouldnt do anything because she didn't threaten me and she was allowed to stand anywhere she wanted. Stormy was booked solid for three weeks and I wanted it done faster than that so her aunt Maya casted it and three days later I never saw that bitch again and that was about 6 months ago. I saw her at the mall recently so I know she's still alive but she didnt see me. She was there before I walked into the store so she wasnt following me.I'm amazed and forever greatful to Maya! I was leary because Stormy always casted my spells before and I knew she was good so I was afraid to allow Maya to cast but if your given this alternative to waiting for Stormy don't worry she's just as good!