Awahondo Dark Spirit - Native American Lore Blood Suckers - Remote Bridging
The Abenaki Tribe lore tells us that Awahondo are feared spiritual wasps with a nasty sting that causes the spirit/soul to be corrupted, so when the victim dies the spirit will break free from the body and become a mindless puppet for the Awahondo that created it.
Because of this ability Awahondo are often followed around by simple ghost minions. They can also summon them in battle. Some stung victims who actually survived, but it is uncommon for that to happen. Any individuals who survive the attack of the Awahondo can live their full lives but when their death finally comes, the spirit will still be cursed. There is no cure for this curse. The only way to survive it is to stay alive for as long as possible and hope the Awahondo that stung you gets killed in battle so that your curse will end.
Awahondo have also been known to suck blood from humans, and occasionally forget to stop, sucking the human dry. This is extremely rare. They only gain temporary satisfaction out of this. To make a human his eternal puppet and warrior, should there be a need, is of far greater satisfaction.
We have a few of these spirits hanging around here. They are looking for someone to adopt them who wishes to work with them on their mission. What you will gain is the opportunity to utilize their "puppets" or their army of puppets, should you need to, at any given time. If you have bullies bothering you, call the dogs! If you have an abusive partner, they will receive their karma sooner than later. Want someone out of your way to get that job or get the girl (or guy)? Having an Awahondo in your corner offers all sorts of possibilities for you.
All they need from you is a place to stay and to have a human being on their side. As long as there is a human backing them, they are free to continue on with their mission.
They are temporarily "out of work", because we are not backing them as long as they are in our keep. We do not condone the use of this type of spirit, but we do not judge either. Since they are here looking for homes and a forever keeper, we will do our best to pair them up with the right person. They are not bulking at being out of commission at the moment, because they know we will find their forever homes.
There is actually one lightworker Awahondo spirit with us. Select Dweedle from the options at checkout if you prefer to have one who won't suck anyone dry and won't curse anyone's spirit.
Dweedle tells us he is a reject. Morally, he couldn't do what he was born and trained to do, so he was ridiculed and condemned. He is no longer accepted in the Awahondo community, but there are no hard feelings between him and the others. They will not harm him, and they will not harm anyone who associates with him. They simply won't allow him to be a part of their army because he doesn't have what it takes, and they want no weak links. Dweedle tells us there are more like him, but they have not yet come to us.
Dweedle can't help you with an army like the others can, but he can tell you what everyone is up to at any given time, whether it be the armies of other Awahondo, your partner, your boss, your children, your parents, the girl who's trying to steal your lover, the boss who may or may not give you a promotion and a raise you deserve, the bartender who may or may not cut you off at any moment, or the neighbors...cause you just nosey like that lol! He is a wealth of information though when you need to be in the know.
He communicates this information to us by sending picture messages to our minds. It is not uncommon at all for him to send the same pictures to the minds of several of us here at the office all at once. He was the one who warned us of the coyote that was lurking about here one night when we were all working late counting inventory. Two of us said at the same time, "Did you see that"? And one person said, "I think Dweedle is warning me about something". A couple others said things as well, and when we compared notes, we all saw the same thing. The coyote that was trying to get inside. Mya's cat and April's cat were both inside here with us, as was the family parrot, Spirit. It was an evening of a New Moon, so it was pitch black outside. We couldn't see a thing without turning outside lights on, and we didn't want to do that because we wanted to scare the coyote off a different way. We stepped just outside the back door of Brady's house, where we have about 3/4 of our inventory. Mekqiel took his pistol and shot a few rounds into the air outside and we all saw the coyote run off. To our knowledge, he never returned.
After Dweedle has found a home, if we have any new lightworker Awahondo spirits, we will add them to this listing and change the verbiage to reflect the new ones. The same applies if any new dark Awahondo spirits show up on our doorstep.
Dweedle is our only light worker Awahondo at the moment. The other Awahondo spirits with us have the following names, and they are all dark:
1. Gispin
2. Faze
3. Jeenbewk
4. Thortistle (The second T is silent. You may call him Tistle or Thor for short)
5. Lumen
And Dweedle makes six.
Photos chosen are close to the way each of them appears to Meta and Mya.
These entities will be bound remotely either directly to your person or to something you own. As with all remote bindings, send us a photo of yourself if the spirit is to be bound to you, or to the object to which you wish him to be bound.
The Awahondo do not need to be pre-qualified. They will go to ANYONE, so you are free to simply choose one and make your purchase without prior contact. They also do not care what they are bound to, but we do need to see the object so that the binding ceremony can be done.
Meta, Mya and Stormy's ancestors many generations ago have actually worked with the Awahondo against the white man when they were threatened with violence. (Don't shoot the messenger please!) Our ladies definitely do not agree with their choice to work with them. This is just how it was.
For offerings, the dark ones will settle for a drop of blood. Just prick your finger or anywhere on your body where you are sure to get a drop of blood arising to the surface and smear that blood onto a small piece of paper. Set it out for your spirit and let him know it is an offering for him. You can also offer things like house flies that you just killed or trapped, dandelions or clover flowers (believe it or not), tree sap or maple syrup. (REAL MAPLE SYRUP, not maple flavored). If you are the adopter for Dweedle, he prefers rice, sunflower seeds, and the tree saps or maple syrup as mentioned for the dark spirits.
Set ground rules IMMEDIATELY upon your spirit's arrival! Let them know that the contract is as follows:
- You and your family, pets and friends are not to be cursed in this lifetime or any other.
- They are not to curse any of your future generations of family
- They are not to draw attention to your household
The last thing you need is the law breathing down your back if they get sloppy about their mission!
And any other rules you feel the need to set.
This type of entity is not for everyone! Please do your research on the Awahondo before adopting and know how to handle them. If you set the ground rules as mentioned above, everything should be okay, but reiterate the rules once a year or so to make sure they didn't come down with any sort of amnesia! They will abide by your rules, but they can get careless at times out of blood lust. If you refresh their memory every now and then, things will not get out of hand.
Edit: Gibble is now available, as well! He is another light worker spirit who was rejected by the others. He is sweet and he wants to be loved.
He is a mind-reader, so he knows when someone has ill intentions. He will also know before your date even arrives to pick you up for the first time, or to meet you somewhere, or whatever the case may be, if this person you are about to date for the first time might not have the same agenda as you. If they are looking to use you for any reason, you'll know it. If they harm people and get away with it, you'll know it. If they just want to get close to you because you have access to something they want, you'll know it. He said his last keeper was a widower for 12 years and starting to settle in as a bachelor. He was 78 and didn't care if he dated anyone again or not, but this beautiful young woman of only 63 years of age came waltzing into his life. He would see her all the time at the coffee shop, and then she finally walked over to him and sat next to him at the counter one day. She got to know him at the coffee shop, and she asked him out on a date one day. The man had not planned to date anyone ever again, but he could not say no to her because she was so stunning and had a body like a 20-year-old!
But Gibble saw that she had designs on his pension. She was already scheming a way to become his wife so she could get into his bank account, take all his money, divert his pension to herself somehow, and take off for Switzerland. Gibble showed this to the man, and the man called her and told her he changed his mind about dating. He wasn't ready. She threw a fit and called him every name in the book. This further proved Gibble's warning. If the woman really thought so much of the man, she would have understood, and they would still be friends. But he never saw her again, and neither did the coffee shop. She moved on to another plan elsewhere, more than likely.