Arfvedsonite w/Astrophyllite, Eudialyte & Pyrite Crystal Towers - GORGEOUS! Healing & Manifestation Stone!
These premium Arfvedsonite and Astrophyllite with Eudialyte and Pyrite Towers are breathtakingly stunning! Average size range is 3.5" - 4.4" and 99-130 grams. These towers must be seen and felt to be appreciated, as they are not very photogenic. Just wait till you see it in person if you've never seen this materials combination before! The luster and shine is amazing!
Only five of these in stock and they will go fast!
Very few collectors are familiar with this wonderful and fairly rare stone. It is sometimes mistakenly referred to and sold as Blue Astrophyllite, but this stone is not Astrophyllite.
Arfvedsonite comes from the same location in Russia as does Astrophyllite, but is a mineral variety unto itself. The primary difference in appearance between the two is that the "flash" in Astrophyllite is always a gold color, whereas in Arfvedsonite it is a silver and or blue color.
*Powerful Manifestation
*Spiritual growth
*Gain knowledge and insight into your life path
*Create a clear path ahead
*Locate and release blocked energy
*Remove old patterns and behaviors
*Re-organize and restructure your life
*Adapt to new situations, “re-birthing”, major changes and transitions in life
*Develop Intuition
*Stimulates positive thoughts and encourages feeling more joyful
*Brings extraordinary insights and a strong positive vibration
*Drains negative thoughts to enable a new way of thinking
*See the truth of situations
*Communicate accurately with unambiguity and decisiveness
*Very strong and intense energy so use for short periods at first until you can adapt to its powerful force of change
*In meditation, it will help promote very specific psychic visions that bring the ability to predict the future
*Awaken to the Divine Light and anchor it into matter, within your reality
*Allows the flow of light and deep joy, first within yourself, then out to the whole planet
*For those who feel deep sadness, this stone lifts your vibration and enables hope for the future
*Reassuring to those who live in fear of what is going to happen in this world
*Aids peaceful sleep, chase away nightmares, understand the meaning of your dreams and Astral Travel
*Activates the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras
*The Blue Flashes represent the Divine spirit of the Light that Spirit offers us if we ask for it.
*Using Arfvedsonite is highly likely to make you very ungrounded, so be sure to use it with a strong spiritual grounding stone such as Black Tourmaline. Transmuting negativity into positivity
*Calming and grounding
*Develop spiritual and intellectual strength
*Psychic protection
*Navigate out of body journeys with safety
*Enhance psychic and telepathic gifts and abilities for stronger accuracy from the higher realms
*”Marriage Stone”
*Honesty, truth and fidelity between love partners
*Self-knowledge and understanding
*Self-love and self-acceptance of your past actions
*Stone of coincidence and synchronicities
*Related to the storm element
*Ability to make major changes
*Ignite quick and profound movement on your life journey
*Recognize your purpose, path and illuminate your true self
*Resolve past life experiences of extra-terrestrial nature or of Atlantean times
*Bring light into the darkest corners of your soul
*Face your fears and past to move forward, especially those currently held in the criminal justice system
*Wearing this stone as jewelry will attract the necessary experiences that you need in life
*Energetically powerful for individuals who are walk-ins
*Anyone who is of extra-terrestrial origin whether currently or in past lives, will feel a sense of being more at home here on earth when using this stone
*Assist with addictions to smoking, substance abuse, self-destructive or dishonest behaviors
*Emits an electro-magnetic field that encompasses the lowest to highest vibrations
*Stimulate the entire chakra system with white light from the Soul Star to Earth Star Chakras
*Activates the Third-Eye, Crown and Soul Star Chakras primarily but will energize any chakra the stone is placed on
*Powerful life and love forces
*Positive and encouraging vibrations
*Confidence and inspiration
*Brings powerful insights
*Self-love and acceptance
*Connect the Heart with Spirit
*Recognize one’s own divinity and understand one’s purpose
*Discover your life path and see the directions to take in life
*Supportive in determining how to create a purposeful life
*Stimulates Alpha and Beta waves in the brain
*Increase creativity and awaken latent gift and talents
*Abundance, prosperity and manifestation
*Develop abilities for automatic writing, remote viewing, past life viewing, clairaudience, telepathy, and ESP
*Enhance coincidence and synchronicity
*Harmony and balance between desires of the heart and reality
*Unite emotional feelings with physical expression
*Relieves stress and deep sadness by aiding one to let go of negativity and pessimistic feelings
*Let go of beliefs that one is unable to avoid suffering and hardship
*Merge Spiritual body with physical body
*Associated with earth and water elements
*Receive and express more love and acceptance
*Amplifies the exchange of love
*Dispels anger, guilt and jealousy
*”Rings a bell” in one’s heart or mind when reunited with a soul mate
*Assists with initiating change with a situation or ending a relationship. Allowing you to let go of the circumstances in a peaceful way. Teaching you to replace feelings of hopelessness and learn to accept a life full of joy, happiness and completeness.
*Strong stone to help the dying to make the transition to Spirit more easily and it may help you to examine why you feel as you do, and can help your spirit to heal.
*Activates the Root and Heart Chakra and Kundalini energy. Black inclusions will connect you with the Earth Star Chakra.
*Divination and scrying
*Boost self-worth
*Energy to take action, where needed
*Strengthen your willpower
*Conquer bad habits, tiredness and fatigue
*Good luck and good fortune
*Promote positive thinking and manifestation
*Imparts a favorable energy to your business if placed on the desk where you are working
*Energy, vitality, confidence and assertiveness
*Draws masculine life-force energy
*Stimulates personal power and adventure
*Associated with the sun and solar energy, fire and earth energy
*Stone of intellect and protection
*Enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis
*Improves creativity, memory, and psychic development
*Helps you tap your own latent mental talents and abilities
*Boosts your energy levels
*Increase strength, stamina and vigor
*Helps women with inferiority complexes, and those who feel they are being subjugated by men, to become more assertive
*Overcome feelings of inadequacy and live your life to its full potential
*Gain insight for improving health outcomes and placing into practice in your daily life
*Enhance sleep, prevent nightmares and snoring when kept under pillow or near your bed
*Activates the Solar Plexus Chakra
*Brings spiritual grounding when placed at the Root Chakra or Earth Star Chakra