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Amity is just darling! She is a money and manifestation spirit. She tells us that all her life she was able to manifest what she wanted for herself and for her family. Her mother taught her to pray for good outcomes of various things such as medical diagnoses for herself and her family when there would be doctor appointments on the horizon, for her father to be hired somewhere when work was scarce, and for the weather to cooperate so that they could grow a lot of their own food. They lived in southern Georgia, USA, so most of the year, they were able to grow what they needed to survive on. They also had a creek running through their property, so they could fish. All they needed was plenty of sunshine as well as an ample amount of rain, but they would experience droughts at times. When Amity would pray for rain, it would always rain enough to water their vegetable gardens, and the rain would also make it easier to catch more than one fish for dinner.
When she was about 6 or 7 years old, she started asking for bigger things rather than just their needs for survival. She was never greedy with it, however. But she found that when she prayed for her father to get a better job where he wouldn't hurt so much when he got home, he would not only find work that was more forgiving to his back and shoulders, it would pay better, as well, even though she didn't ask for that, for fear of sounding greedy. She kept on with this throughout her childhood. By the time she was 16 years old, her family had gardens that thrived so well that it became their full-time business. Her father no longer had to work for anyone else because they grew cantaloupes the size of large pumpkins, apples, plums, peaches and pears grew on their trees that were sweeter than sugar, and they added cotton to the lower quarter of their acreage that brought in big money for them, as well. On top of it all, they were able to afford to hire people to do the picking, so her father's back was in the best shape of his life!
Amity turned 25 right after she moved out from her parents' home and into her own home, which was built on the same estate. She was able to have her home built with money they saved over the years, and it was a quite large and nice home. They had also done many repairs and upgrades to the main house over the years. Things they could not have afforded to do if Amity hadn't been a manifestation machine. Even though money seemed to flow to them easier and easier over the years due to Amity's manifestation powers, they continued to do everything they could on their own and only paid helpers when it meant they could double their money by having more bodies on the property to do the work, but Amity and her family still did much of the work themselves. She believes this is why the Gods and Goddesses were always so good to them.
Not long after Amity moved into her own home, they received a visitor to the main house. It was an attorney who came by to inform them that their family doctor, who was also quite the miser when it came to money, had passed away and left everything to their family. He had no family of his own, and Amity's family was the only family in the community to always invite him over for holiday meals and other functions they would hold on their property. He always made an effort to tell them how kind they were to him when others treated him like he was their doctor, but nothing more. They'd go for their visits and they were cordial to him, but Amity's family was the only family to treat him like a friend. His estate was wroth $250,000 in real estate, furniture and money, which was a ton of money in the 1800s. Regardless of coming into all this money, Amity's parents continued to work on their own crops as much as possible until they could no longer handle it, at which time, they left it up to Amity and her husband, Morris.
Amity and Morris had three boys. All three "helped" with the crops from the time they could walk, even if it was just pulling weeds. :)
Amity was born on April 29th and she lived to be 77 years of age. She only told us it was in the 1800s though, so we do not know the exact year she was born, and we do not know her date of death. We know that she was a hard worker though, and the harder she worked, the more she received, and if she asked for something, she usually received three or four times the magnitude of what she asked for, whether it was money for a new tractor implement, better health for someone in her family, or more energy for herself and her husband to get the work completed that needed to be done each day.
Her porcelain, vintage vessel is gorgeous! She is in a permanent seated position with her legs bent at the knees, as shown in photos.
She would love to go to someone who enjoys gardening, but she is willing to entertain the idea of someone adopting her who at least enjoys fresh vegetables from a roadside stand or a farmer's market. She hates canned vegetables or anything processed beyond picking it from the ground.
For food offerings, Amity likes fresh greens of all kinds, fresh corn, watermelon and other melons, apples, peaches, pears, fish, potatoes of all varieties, and fresh produce, in general. Organic produce makes it all the better! She loves orange juice, apple juice and cranberry juice, as well. She likes when you set her vessel on a windowsill or on a table next to a window, but she LOVES to be taken outside, rain or shine. Her favorite colors are green, blue and brown. Her favorite holidays are July 4th and Halloween.