X- Adopted! - Amelia the Love & Money Angel Moon Worker Remote Binding
You may have read about Nadia not long ago. Nadia was already adopted by another client, and she is happy with her new home and her keeper. Amelia is her sister we spoke of in Nadia's listing. She, too, is a Love Angel who works with the moon.
Amelia is a little different in the respect that she will bring to you any type of relationship(s) you are looking for, with no limits. Nadia helps you find and keep good long-term or permanent relationships. Amelia is the angel you want whether you're looking for someone to settle down with permanently or you're just looking for a new flavor of the week each week. She will also help you find and keep friends who would serve you well to have in your circle and keep things smooth between you and all your loved ones. She makes harmony one of her main goals for her keeper.
She will bring love connections to you more rapidly than going it alone. She will draw the people to you or you to them, when needed, who will be good for you in whatever capacity it is that you seek.
Amelia goes a step further and helps you shrug off the people you no longer find useful in your life for any reason. They won't stalk you or insist on being around you if you don't want them to be. She tries for amicable severance but if that doesn't work, she has other methods to ensure someone doesn't bother you any longer. Say, for instance, you are a female who makes friends with another female. A totally platonic relationship. You hit it off at first, but then she doesn't seem to know any boundaries after a while. She's in your space all the time, and she's just "too much". You tell her you'd prefer if she didn't call 17 times a day and she didn't just pop over unannounced all the time. She says she's cool with that, but it doesn't ease up. You remind her of what you told her before, but she says she thinks you just don't know what you're saying, and of course the pop-ins and the calls continue at the same pace. You now get stern with her, and you tell her you prefer she not call or come by your home any longer. She doesn't stop. This is when you tell Amelia that it has to stop. She will attempt to make her see the light first. If that doesn't work, she will scare her by showing herself to her and telling her that if she doesn't leave you alone, she will pay. This always works, Amelia tells us.
On the flip side, if things with someone you are intimate are not moving along quickly enough for you, she will lean on the other person a bit by making them see all of the lovely things about you that they may not have seen before. They will see you, not a fake replacement, so there's nothing underhanded about it. They will just see more of the best attributes you hold that they may have missed before.
In addition to love and relationship help, Amelia helps with money matters. She has helped people get out of debt, obtain the money they need for things they need to do, such as get car or home repairs taken care of, moving expenses, get caught up on utility bills, pay medical expenses that are not covered by any insurance policy, and other necessities. She is not an angel who will make you filthy rich, as she does not believe in helping people become rich beyond what is necessary to survive and be comfortable and happy. Beyond that, she feels people's personalities change and they can become greedy and bitter people, losing some of the love they need to be focusing on rather than material things that are non-necessities.
Amelia works with the moon much like Stormy, but Amelia works best during certain moon phases. Her best results are most fruitful during a full moon, but also during a new moon, which is the polar opposite! A full blood moon, Supermoon or harvest moon is also extremely helpful for her.
For offerings, Amelia likes to gaze at the moon during any phase with her keeper, anything that is star-shaped or crescent moon-shaped, bananas, apple pie, ice cream, frogs, cats, turtles, live fish and horses. Show her any of the animals on TV or photos if you don't have any of them as pets.
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