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Ambria is full of spunk, so be ready, especially if you are clairaudient or clairvoyant! She literally does cartwheels off and on throughout the day. (Her spirit, not her vessel). She says it helps her to focus on the details of what she is creating, but she also does cartwheels when she wants to put an idea into someone's head.
She wants to give her keeper unique ideas for things to create and/or invent. She says her ideas would put many ideas to shame that she sees everyone making a fuss over in the human realm, so we think she wants to give her keeper ideas for an invention that would wow the world. Maybe you'll be the next inventor of something magnificent!
Ambria is working on something always. If she's not coming up with new ideas or figuring out how to make them even better than her first thought of these creations, she's working on putting these thoughts into people's minds. When she is adopted, she will only give her keeper these thoughts and transfer pictures of these items to their minds.
We know that she was only 17 when she passed, but we do not know anything more about her most recent past life, as she changes the subject when we bring it up. The only thing she did tell us is that she misses her beau, who's name is Jasper. She said she can feel him trying to connect with her, and she has been searching for him for over 100 years, so we are guessing she was born in the late 1800s or early 1900s.
Abria's favorite offerings include celery, edamame beans, green peppers, avocados, beef prepared in any fashion, bacon and eggs, anything green in color, jigsaw puzzles and crossword puzzles. She also likes to watch it rain, especially if it's a thunder storm. She loves cloudy days, as well. She's not keen on sunshine, but she can tolerate it.