X- Adopted! - Amanda - Spirit to Help You with Visions of Enlightenment - Remote Bridging
Amanda was just 19 when she passed, just as she knew she would since she was 4 years old. She had a vision of her unavoidable demise on her fourth birthday and told her mother about it that evening. Her mother said she was just being silly, and of course she would live to be much older than 19. Amanda still went to sleep that night feeling very restless.
When she had the same vision at age 5, 6, 7 & so on, and always on her birthday, she decided she didn't want to celebrate her birthday any longer. She didn't want a party, and she didn't want gifts or a cake. Her mother finally agreed with her since it upset her so much, so beginning with her 9th birthday, they no longer celebrated ON her birthday. She still got gifts, sometimes had parties, and she still got a cake, but with only one candle to blow out, regardless of her age. She did not want to see the number of candles that represented how old she was on her cake, as that only reminded her of how few years she would have left if her visions came true.
When Amanda was 13 years old, she began researching all she could about the visions she was having. By this time, she was also seeing other visions of things before they actually happened. These things were not always bad things to come. Often they were visions of good things coming her way, or to people she cared about. Even though many of her visions were of good things to come, however, it just validated that the visions of her death were accurate.
The precise vision she experience repeatedly of her death involved a car accident. It was always the exact same vision. She is a passenger in a car on her 19th birthday, and another car runs a stop sign at an outrageous speed, T-boning the car she is riding in, killing her on impact. She decided she would just stay home on her 19th birthday, so this could not happen.
When her 19th birthday came, she stayed home. She still lived with her mother. She did not want a party. She just wanted to spend the day with her mother and have a nice meal and cake. After dinner and cake, they went outside and swung together on their porch swing, talking and laughing. Nothing was spoken of the visions Amanda has had since she was four, as they both just wanted to get through the day without trauma, and felt it would be best to simply not speak of it.
It started to rain, and thunder and lightning quickly followed. They had windows open in the house, so they ran inside to close them. When Amanda was closing the kitchen window, lightning struck her arm, causing severe burns and bleeding. She screamed, and her mother came running. Her mother was quick to find bandages, first aid cream, and some pain medication for Amanda. She washed her arm up the best she could, but the blood kept flowing like a river. She found a long stocking and used it as a tourniquet in an effort to stop the bleeding, but Amanda had passed out by then. Nothing her mother did was reviving Amanda. She had no choice but to rush her to the hospital. She carried Amanda out to the car and set her down in the passenger seat and headed straight for the hospital. The rest of this does not need to be mentioned except to say that Amanda's visions held true.
Amanda now wants a keeper so that she can help them open up to visions as she had, but hopefully without visions of bad things to come. If you can't take the bad with the good, Amanda is not for you, as what she will teach you and help you to do will not come with a filter.
The photo you are viewing on this listing is one that Meta found that very closely represents the apparition she sees when she communicates with Amanda. Amanda most often shows herself as she appeared when she was about 8 years old.
Oddly enough, Amanda's first choice when it comes to offerings is birthday cake with candles. She said since she was a little girl and made the decision to never have the proper number of candles on her cake, she realizes she missed out on the challenge of blowing out candles in larger quantities from year to year. She wants that experience now. She was born on February 22, 1944 and died on February 22, 1963, but she will always want February 22 to be a day of celebration with her new keeper. She is a positive thinker, and never harps on the negative.
Other offerings Amanda likes: Watching ocean waves, or even waves of large lakes and other bodies of water, anything blue or green in color, coins, ribbons and bows, Fishing and anything related to going fishing such as fishing lures, pictures of fish, etc., (including fish entrees). Macaroni & cheese or goulash, sushi, 3-Musketeers candy bars, applesauce, carrots, edamame beans, popcorn, grapefruit juice, lemonade and banana pudding are all her favorite food and drink offerings.
She is such a kind spirit. She wants to help me more with psychic vision. She will sometimes chime in about things that will happen when I'm doing tarot readings for clients. Amanda says she loves being here and she is happy to ne here.
She is such a kind spirit. She wants to help me more with psychic vision. She will sometimes chime in about things that will happen when I'm doing tarot readings for clients. Amanda says she loves being here and she is happy to ne here.
She is such a kind spirit. She wants to help me more with psychic vision. She will sometimes chime in about things that will happen when I'm doing tarot readings for clients. Amanda says she loves being here and she is happy to ne here.