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Jilly was talking like a little old lady already at age 18 months. She was born on November 5, 1902 and died on December 9, 1910 at the age of 8. She grew up on the coast of New Jersey, USA. She lost her life in a drowning accident.
By the time she was 2 years old, Jillian (Jilly) was telling her parents things that would happen, and they did. She predicted some world events as well as things that would happen to the members of her family and around their community. Her brothers would be contemplating something, and Jilly would answer the questions running through their minds. When she was five years old and her youngest brother was trying to decide if he should shoot a bird out of a tree with his slingshot and a rock, Jilly responded with, "That's not a good idea". He asked what she was talking about, and she responded, "That bird's life is valuable, too. Don't pick on things smaller than you that are unarmed". When her older brother was window shopping for a new toy car to play with and couldn't decide between a blue truck and a red sports car (amongst 10 or 12 cars in the window, Jilly said, "I think you should choose the red sports car over that ugly blue truck." When her father was thinking of ditching church services one Sunday because he didn't sleep well the night before, Jilly said to him, "You can take a nap after church. Let's go". At first, everyone looked at her in awe. After a while, they all knew they shouldn't think about things they didn't want Jillian to know about.
When she spoke of world events that she should know nothing about at the age of two, her parents knew they had a very special child.
Jillian will help you read minds when it is crucial to knowing the outcome of an event in your life. She does not believe in eavesdropping, and she will not cause issues by telling you what your lover, spouse, significant other, etc. is thinking about that hot tamale who just walked into the restaurant where you are eating! She will only help you when it is something that would help you manifest your dreams and goals or prevent you from making a big mistake. The way she helps you is by sending pictures of answers to your mind, unless you are clairaudient.
Jilly had one older brother and two younger brothers at the time of her passing. Her brother who was 3 years older than her tried to save her when the ocean took her out too far on a family beach outing. He, too, suffered severely for the effort he made attempting to save her. He lived that day, but he developed pneumonia, and died two days later. In addition, her father had a heart attack on the beach just before he dove into the water to try to save Jilly. He made the dive and had his attack in the water. He died within minutes of making that rescue attempt. Jilly's mother lost two children and her husband that horrific week.
Needless to say, Jilly is not keen on the ocean or large bodies of water. She doesn't even want to be in the bathroom if you take a bath. Please keep this in mind if you adopt Jilly.
Her favorite colors are pink and yellow. She also likes crayons, books, Legos and video games. Her favorite foods and drinks are as follows: Oranges or any orange citrus fruit, okra, anything grape flavored (especially grape juice or grape drink), chicken prepared in any way, black licorice, red licorice, and sweet potatoes or yams.