X- Adopted! - Alice Smith - Haunted Doll - Lifts Your Spirits and Helps with Depression
Alice is one of the few spirits who has actually provided us with a last name. They usually do not, because they do not carry that name with them when they pass, but Alice chose to share hers with us. She is one of those spirits who makes you feel great no matter what comes your way! You can be having the worst day, and when you pick her up, you'll feel her warmth, followed by her smile, and then her love. You'll instantly become happy! It's better than Pr0z@k!! Who needs pills???
She is the best BFF you could ask for. Anything you tells her stays between YOU and HER. No other spirits are told. No one else in your family is told. She takes confidentiality seriously. She will simply sit and listen, if that's what you need, or she will give you advice, if you ask for advice. No matter what is happening in your life, picking up and holding Alice makes it better! And I mean LOADS better!
If you're having a great day already with no issues, and you pick her up, it's EUPHORIC, and it's amazing!
Alice grew up in a time and place where there was no hatred. No bickering over every little thing. No feelings hurt because of something being said wrong - or looked at differently - or whatever else it is that everyone is crying about these days like little babies! I mean EVERYTHING is causing EVERYONE to scream or cry these days! The world has gone mad! Instead of just focusing on OURSELVES and worrying about OUR OWN LIVES, we have to worry about everyone else and what they are doing! WHY??? Okay, rant over. I just held Alice and I feel better again! LOL (Actually the truth is I don't care about everyone crying about everything these days. Their choice, their problem, I don't care).
But because Alice lived in a time and place before everyone was at each others' throats over every little thing, she exudes nothing but JOY, LOVE and PEACE! She is the way WE SHOULD ALL BE! If we all tried harder to be these things, we would all get along much better, and the world would be a much better place in which to live.
Alice has no enemies. There is no one she does not like or will not try to be friends with, including men, women, teenagers, children, babies, dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, YOU NAME IT!
For offerings, Alice likes all things pink or yellow. She loves thunderstorms as much as she loves sunny days and snow storms. She loves the smell of pine and she likes pine cones. Her favorite foods are spaghetti, chips, and pickles. She likes to look at pictures of people with smiling faces and she likes comedy movies and the cute type of comic magazines. (Not the aggressive, violent ones like you see today).
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