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X- Adopted! - Sondra - Haunted, Dark Spirit Doll or Remote Binding for Black Magick

X- Adopted! - Sondra - Haunted, Dark Spirit Doll or Remote Binding for Black Magick

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Sondra is only for someone who works in the dark arts and wants a partner. 

Sondra told us, quite honestly, that she has no interest in doing any kind of lightwork. She is a practitioner of black magick only. However, the magick she creates can sometimes have a positive effect on her keeper.

She told us that her last keeper had an aunt that was extremely abusive towards her as a child. Her keeper's aunt babysat her, so she spent more time with her aunt than she did with her own mother, because her mother was a single mom who had to work. Her father was killed in action in the Vietnam War. This wicked aunt didn't make things easy for Sondra's keeper, and there were times she thought her aunt was actually going to kill her. 

When her keeper was about 14, she no longer had to stay with her aunt while her mother worked, so life got better for her at that point. Years went by without seeing her aunt, and she didn't miss her.  

Sondra's keeper was 21 when she adopted Sondra. When she was 25, she met the man of her dreams. They dated for almost a year. This man happened to be her aunt's husband's son (so her aunt's stepson). She didn't know this until she was dating her boyfriend for a couple months. By then, she had already fallen in love with the man, so she figured if things escalated in their relationship, she would just do her best to avoid being anywhere around her boyfriend's stepmom. It couldn't be avoided forever though, and they attended the same wedding. 

When Sondra's keeper's aunt got wind that her stepson was seeing her niece, she medaled in their relationship. She stalked both her stepson and her niece till she knew their basic schedules. She would leave love notes on her stepson's car just before her niece would be around to see it or find it herself, to make it appear that he was cheating. She would send photographs that she doctored to make it look like her nephew was currently with other women. In one photo, he was wearing a sweater that her niece bought him, so she knew it happened since they met. The final blow was when the aunt ordered two hookers and had them sent over to her stepson's house so that he would be telling them to go on their merry way right about the time her niece would be arriving to his house. This gave the appearance of him sending them on their way after having fun with them and before his girlfriend would arrive. This was the one that broke them up. Her aunt was still abusing her in any way that she could at age 25. 

Almost a year later, Sonya's keeper found out that it was her aunt who set all of this up to make it look as if her boyfriend were cheating on her. Sonya had finally found a way to show her the evidence. (At this time, Sonya's keeper was not very good at hearing Sonya's messages). Upon discovering all of her aunt's shenanigans and realizing that she pushed away a man she loved because of all the lies and deceit set up by her aunt, she immediately flocked to her ex-boyfriend to apologize and to try to get back anything they once had. When she arrived at his house, however, she was greeted by another woman. Her ex-boyfriend had started dating someone else just a few weeks before her epiphany that he was not cheating on her. Her ex then came to the door and listened to what she had to say, but he said it was a little late, that he was already pretty serious about the girl he started seeing. 

Sonya's keeper was sad, at first. She wept for two days. She couldn't eat or sleep. All she did was cry and mope. That sadness turned to anger on day 3. She told Sonya she hoped her aunt would drop dead. Sonya tells us that her aunt did just that on the next day. Her keeper got a call that her aunt had died of a massive heart attack. Seven months later, because her aunt didn't have a will and she was her only living relative at that time, she got notified by a lawyer that she was the sole heir to her aunt's estate, which was worth $2.4 million.  After in heritance taxes were taken, she still had over a million dollars that she wouldn't have otherwise had. Money isn't everything. She would rather have had her ex-boyfriend back, but she realizes the fault lied within herself more than it did with her aunt. She should have given her boyfriend the benefit of the doubt when he said he didn't hire hookers, he didn't have other girlfriends, and that he loved her way too much to do any of those things to her. She doubted him, and that's the true reason they are no longer together. A million dollars is not a bad parting prize though!

Sondra flat out tells us that she gets off on harming people, especially if they deserve it, but it fluffs her feathers even if they don't. She gets a rush out of seeing anguish. She doesn't know why this is, she says, but when we ask her to hear about her past life, she will only say, "I was a witch". We also know that she died in 1542. We do not know a birthday or her exact date of death. We do not even know where she lived. She stays tight-lipped on any questions relating to her past life. Maybe her new keeper will have better luck, as she does realize she is only here on a layover until we can place her with the right person or family.

If you have children, Sondra is not for you. If you have light worker spirits, child spirits, elderly spirits, or any kind of spirits you feel Sondra could pose a problem for, all you have to do is set ground rules for her. She is not to terrorize your other spirits in any fashion, or even look at them if she can't do it with a smile. Be very stern on this, and you won't have any issues.

Animals: What pets you have could be a concern, as there are certain animals she likes to use as bait in her works, or as "ingredients" in her hexes and curses. We believe she will listen to any directives you give her, but you should never completely trust her to abide by all your rules at all times. If you tell her she is not to harm your cat, for instance, she won't harm him, but she could forget briefly and chase him. She said she forgot she wasn't supposed to harm a keeper's parakeet once, and she chased it through the house for a few seconds before remembering he was off limits. The poor parakeet had a heart attack from the fear and died. So just be warned you'll need to be very careful if you have pets and ask us about specific pets you have when you inquire about adopting Sonya. We will find out if there is anything you need to worry about. More photos available upon request. She is also open to a remote binding, but she wants to see what she would be bound to before she agrees to it. It can't be anything "prissy". (Her words).  If you want a remote binding, we will remove the shipping fee before you check out. Do not check out before the shipping fee is removed, as we are not doing partial refunds any longer.

If you opt to adopt her with her current vessel, she would like a change of clothing. She said her last "keeper" was actually not in tune with her at all and thought it would be cute to put her in a dress. She said, IT IS NOT CUTE! She likes jeans, leather, or anything "goth or hood looking".

We apologize for some of the terms she uses, and we hope it does not offend anyone. We just relay what she says, but if it offends you, then you are definitely not Sonya's next keeper. She has quite the potty mouth and she is full of offensive slurs. She told Meta to pound sand one day, followed by, "or find a head to scalp".  Not nice at all to say to your keeper, even if it is just a temporary living situation. We would hope she will be a little more polite to someone who adopts her forever, but you have to have thick skin and prepare for the worst.

For offerings, Sonya likes to watch horror movies, (her biggest hero is Jason), she likes to watch documentaries and TV programs about surgeries and anything at all that shows blood and guts on TV, she likes heavy metal music, bats, black cats (but not for harming them or using them in her rituals. she actually thinks they are cool), and pumas. She likes forks and knives, dice, and moon water. Her favorite things for consumption are black olives, ghost peppers, peanuts, whipped cream, strawberries, stewed tomatoes, burgers with cheese, mustard and ketchup, steaks, and French fries.

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