Reserved for Jocelyn - Queen Ladyness
Pronounced Lad-in-ess with the accent on Lad (lad as in rhyming with rad with a short "a"), but you may call her Lady. (Or Queen Lady)
Ladyness's energy is even stronger than her husband's! (Lord Asper). She is an excellent healer, protector, and influencer, among other great attributes. She can help her keeper to stay on track with his or her goals and keep up with the things he or she is trying to accomplish.
Being a Lyran starseed, and adding to it that she was a queen of her species makes her extremely powerful. You will feel her energy as soon as she walks into the room. She will help you gain respect, admiration, courage, intuition, and manifestation capabilities. She will help you heal from a broken heart, depression, mourning, anxiety, or any other illness or disease that affects your emotions.
While she will protect you and defend you till the end of time, she is most proud of her ability to heal and to keep her keeper motivated to accomplish greatness. She likes to win, so when her keeper is not winning, she will push!
Queen Ladyness and Lord Asper do not have to be adopted by the same person or family, as they are both very much focused on their missions, and they will spend time together regardless of where they are, since spirit can be in several places at one time.
Queen Ladyness was born on April 16th, but we do not have a year, as is often the case with starseeds. They do not recognize linear time like we do on Earth, but they do recognize specific dates and the constellations.
Queen Ladyness likes the following foods and beverages: Black coffee with just a tiny bit of cream (like a drop to a cup), prunes, plums, grapes, raisins, carrots (cooked or raw) vanilla frozen yogurt (but you can mix fruit into it if that's how you like it and you are sharing, and any type of rice. Her favorite thing to gaze at is crystals, and learning about new crystals that she has never seen before, which is actually quite a few, since there are different crystals here from the Lyran constellation. Of course, there are different crystals there, as well, from what we have here on Earth. She seems to be most interested in all green and blue crystals that we have shown her, but she literally just got here a couple hours ago, so there is much we still do not know about her interests. She did tell Mya that she loves dragons, kiwi birds, and ravens. We introduced her to a few of the dragon spirits and the raven spirit we have here with us. We do not have a kiwi bird spirit. She is hanging out with Ravena as we speak. Other things she said she likes to do is go for walks, especially just before dusk, and listen to someone play a guitar.