Love Spell Cast by Stormy Moondance
Effective Love Spell Cast by Stormy Moondance
Meet your soul mate! This is a Love Spell to create an opportunity for you to meet the person you are meant to be with in this lifetime in a more timely fashion than if you wait for it to happen in its own time.
Some people don't meet the one they are meant to spend their life with until they are in their 40s, 50s, or even 60s or 70s, and what a waste of time that is. I can't tell you how many people tell us they wish they had met their mate sooner, and not wasted so much time with all the wrong people. This spell will hasten this up for you so that you are not wandering around aimlessly without your love.
Please understand that this spell will NOT make a particular person fall in love with you. FREE WILL CANNOT BE CHANGED! If the person you believe is "the one" does not love you, this spell, and NO SPELL, can make that person love you. It simply cannot be done. If anyone tells you it can, they are lying to you.
However, if you feel you lost your true love due to other issues that got in the way and you want to lure him back, if he is truly meant to be with you, the ALLURING LOVE SPELL, in combination with the potion, will lure him or her back to you and open their eyes to the see that they know they are supposed to be with you.
If the person you are hoping to spend your life with also happens to be the one who was meant to be your life mate, either this love spell or the Alluring Love Spell will make them take notice to you sooner than later, and your lives together will begin much sooner by having one of them spell cast for you. The Alluring Love Spell is the better option if you can be somewhere where you will be in close proximity to him or her because the potion you'll be wearing was made to mix with your DNA and pheromones to pull your intended mate closer to you when he or she smells the combination of the potion mixed with your own biological scent. If you cannot be within 20 feet of that person in any situation though, save your money and purchase the regular love spell (this one).
It has happened already that clients were in love with someone who did not even notice them when they approached Stormy to cast this spell. After the spell was cast, they noticed the client and they fell in love together. But the only reason this happened was because it was meant to happen. The person they were in love with was also in love with them, but neither of them knew that yet, until Stormy cast the spell.
What this spell will do is bring forth that certain someone you were meant to be with. It might be someone you already know. It might be the one you're hoping it to be. But it could be someone you have yet to meet. You have to trust that this is going to work out for your greater good, in the end.
This spell can also be customized to work for other things aside from finding a lover or a life mate. People have successfully felt more love for their jobs, their co-workers, themselves, their children or stepchildren, their in-laws, their bodies, their neighbors, their homes or living conditions, and the list goes on. It is not limited to finding the love of your life. Please contact us for more information before ordering if you'd like to know if this spell can be tailored to help you feel more passionate about something in your life!
After you place your order, please send the following to us my email so we can get you on Stormy's spell-casting schedule:
1. A face photo of you. A clear, unaltered, unfiltered photo. She will need a clear visual of your eyes, so no glasses please.
2. Your full name
3. Your birthday
4. Something else about you. This could be the name of the school you attended, one of your parent's names or a sibling's name, the sport you play or a hobby of yours, or anything else about you that could be unique to you in case there is another person with your exact name and birthday who also looks like you.
Once we have all of this, we can schedule a time for Stormy to cast your spell, and we will email you with that information.
There will be some follow-up work for you. You will be provided, by email, with a prayer to read to yourself, which takes only a few minutes each time you read it. It is important to read it with confidence and intent. Don't simply read the words like you're reading some boring newspaper article. FEEL IT as you read it. This will keep the spell charged.
With all spell work, the time in which something takes to come to fruition or to manifest varies greatly. It depends on MANY factors, including YOU. We can't know what's in your heart or on your mind. If you doubt the Gods and Goddesses and you don't have total faith in them and in Stormy's ability to get a job done for you, this will very much hinder your chances of getting what you're asking for.
If you don't keep a spell charged, you can't expect it to work quickly, or even work at all, in some cases. (Depending on the nature of the spell. For example, if you purchased a money manifestation spell and you win two million dollars the very next day, you won't want to keep the spell charged. The gods and goddesses frown upon greed, and if they see it fit for you to win two million dollars immediately, they will expect you to be happy with that and stop, as no one NEEDS more!) Other factors come into play as well, aside from your attitude and your participation.
We have seen people realize their wishes immediately (within days of spell casting), and we have seen people achieve their dreams and goals in a year. I would say most spells come to fruit within 3 months, but again, it depends on the nature of the spell as well as other factors. For example, a fat-loss spell for someone wishing to go from a size 26 dress to a size 6 is not going to be complete in three months because that would be physically harmful for anyone to lose that much fat in three months, but that person is going to lose a great amount of fat each month until he or she reaches their goal.
Stormy can only cast three spells per night without getting a terrible migraine headache. If she does get a migraine, her spells may not be nearly as effective, so she rarely cast more than three a night unless there is an extreme emergency or urgency for a fourth to be cast. If she casts a fourth one for you due to a last-minute urgent matter, your spell will be the fourth one that night to be cast, as she will not take away from the effectiveness of the first three spells she is casting, which were scheduled in advance.
There is very important information that must be read before adopting any spirit on our site and before making any purchase with us for any product or service on our site.
Definitely do not adopt any spirit by "purchasing" the listing without reading our TERMS OF SERVICE, as there is a process to follow. You must be pre-qualified by any spirit before you may adopt.
By completing a transaction on this website, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to our TERMS OF SERVICE
Blessed be,
All of us at Moondance Magik™
(You must be a verified customer to be able to join our private group. If you use a fake FB account for privacy reasons, you will need to let us know who you are so we can let you in)!
You will be able to discuss your results and experiences with our other customers and clients! We also post exclusive discounts for our Facebook group members in the group!
This is still working. I have yet to see full results but I know that will change soon. Women are already more talkative and friendly towards me. And this was quite soon after this spell was casted. It hasn't been too long yet to see what all will happen. I am very confident that I will have the results I wish for. Everything I have ever had done spellwise from here has worked. Moondance is one of the very few online sources I trust for spells. These ladies are the real deal and I always recommend this website to everyone.
My divorce was July 17, 2000. I decided to start dating again a year later. I did get asked out on a few dates since then, but either they didn't like me after the first date or I didn't like then. I didn't mesh well with anyone I went out with. I got this spell cast in November of last year and used the potion every time I was going somewhere. Within two weeks I met him. The one. I was on the escalator at the mall and he was behind me on the same escalator. I was going up to the food court. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he had a briefcase and he was wearing a suit but I didn't turn to look at his face. I sensed he was someone that I wanted to know but I hadn't really seen him fully yet or spoken to him. I also sensed him continuing to walk behind me when I walked to the food court. I ordered my food and sat down with it. He was there in the food court also and now I could get a better look at him because his back was to me as he was ordering his food. His line was longer so I was already sitting and eating while he was still standing at the counter. When he got his food he sat down at the table next to mine and faced me. He smiled. I smiled back. The food court was loud with screaming kids and a bunch of loud people who needed to be heard so it was annoying because he said something to me and I couldn't hear him. He knew I couldn't hear him so he stood up and walked over to me and asked me if I enjoyed eating alone or if I wanted company. I liked him immediately. He wasn't cocky or full of himself. I could tell it took him a little courage to ask. So I invited him to eat with me and yesterday we've been seeing each other ever since. Yesterday we got engaged! This spell works!
Not even 24 hours after this spell was cast I met my love and she's not just my love, she's my soulmate. I will love her for eternity and I have Stormy, Nadia and Sonny to thank for helping me find love I thought I'd never find. (Nadia and Sonny are my lady's spirits). I'm sure not everyone will find their love that quickly, but I am uber impressed with my results!
This is still working. I have yet to see full results but I know that will change soon. Women are already more talkative and friendly towards me. And this was quite soon after this spell was casted. It hasn't been too long yet to see what all will happen. I am very confident that I will have the results I wish for. Everything I have ever had done spellwise from here has worked. Moondance is one of the very few online sources I trust for spells. These ladies are the real deal and I always recommend this website to everyone.
My divorce was July 17, 2000. I decided to start dating again a year later. I did get asked out on a few dates since then, but either they didn't like me after the first date or I didn't like then. I didn't mesh well with anyone I went out with. I got this spell cast in November of last year and used the potion every time I was going somewhere. Within two weeks I met him. The one. I was on the escalator at the mall and he was behind me on the same escalator. I was going up to the food court. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he had a briefcase and he was wearing a suit but I didn't turn to look at his face. I sensed he was someone that I wanted to know but I hadn't really seen him fully yet or spoken to him. I also sensed him continuing to walk behind me when I walked to the food court. I ordered my food and sat down with it. He was there in the food court also and now I could get a better look at him because his back was to me as he was ordering his food. His line was longer so I was already sitting and eating while he was still standing at the counter. When he got his food he sat down at the table next to mine and faced me. He smiled. I smiled back. The food court was loud with screaming kids and a bunch of loud people who needed to be heard so it was annoying because he said something to me and I couldn't hear him. He knew I couldn't hear him so he stood up and walked over to me and asked me if I enjoyed eating alone or if I wanted company. I liked him immediately. He wasn't cocky or full of himself. I could tell it took him a little courage to ask. So I invited him to eat with me and yesterday we've been seeing each other ever since. Yesterday we got engaged! This spell works!
Not even 24 hours after this spell was cast I met my love and she's not just my love, she's my soulmate. I will love her for eternity and I have Stormy, Nadia and Sonny to thank for helping me find love I thought I'd never find. (Nadia and Sonny are my lady's spirits). I'm sure not everyone will find their love that quickly, but I am uber impressed with my results!
This is still working. I have yet to see full results but I know that will change soon. Women are already more talkative and friendly towards me. And this was quite soon after this spell was casted. It hasn't been too long yet to see what all will happen. I am very confident that I will have the results I wish for. Everything I have ever had done spellwise from here has worked. Moondance is one of the very few online sources I trust for spells. These ladies are the real deal and I always recommend this website to everyone.
My divorce was July 17, 2000. I decided to start dating again a year later. I did get asked out on a few dates since then, but either they didn't like me after the first date or I didn't like then. I didn't mesh well with anyone I went out with. I got this spell cast in November of last year and used the potion every time I was going somewhere. Within two weeks I met him. The one. I was on the escalator at the mall and he was behind me on the same escalator. I was going up to the food court. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he had a briefcase and he was wearing a suit but I didn't turn to look at his face. I sensed he was someone that I wanted to know but I hadn't really seen him fully yet or spoken to him. I also sensed him continuing to walk behind me when I walked to the food court. I ordered my food and sat down with it. He was there in the food court also and now I could get a better look at him because his back was to me as he was ordering his food. His line was longer so I was already sitting and eating while he was still standing at the counter. When he got his food he sat down at the table next to mine and faced me. He smiled. I smiled back. The food court was loud with screaming kids and a bunch of loud people who needed to be heard so it was annoying because he said something to me and I couldn't hear him. He knew I couldn't hear him so he stood up and walked over to me and asked me if I enjoyed eating alone or if I wanted company. I liked him immediately. He wasn't cocky or full of himself. I could tell it took him a little courage to ask. So I invited him to eat with me and yesterday we've been seeing each other ever since. Yesterday we got engaged! This spell works!
Not even 24 hours after this spell was cast I met my love and she's not just my love, she's my soulmate. I will love her for eternity and I have Stormy, Nadia and Sonny to thank for helping me find love I thought I'd never find. (Nadia and Sonny are my lady's spirits). I'm sure not everyone will find their love that quickly, but I am uber impressed with my results!